
Alithera Valaris's page

11 posts. Alias of Mightypion.

Full Name

Alithera Valaris


Half Elf


Sworm of the Eldest 5









Strength 14
Dexterity 18
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 8
Charisma 16

About Alithera Valaris

character creation:

Basic Stats:
STR=14, Dex=16+2, Con=12, Int=12, wis=8, Cha=14+2
Favored class=HP

Fates Favored
Child of Oppara (non major noble)

Alternate racial traits:
Kindred raised, + 2 to Dex
Retains low light vision, but not any other half elfish traits.

Feat: Fey foundling (receives 2 additional healing per healing dice rolled, no, I will not argue that it works on fast healing :) ).

HP = 10/10




leveling to 5:

Point Blank Shot
Precise shot
Rapid shot


Detect magic

Level 1 spells: (2 spells known, 2/2 casts)
Cure light wounds
Divine Favor


Nobles outfit (free, trait)
Signet Ring of house Valaris (free trait)
Breastplate (ensigned with the sigil of house Valaris) (free trait item)
Cold Iron Scythe (24 gp)
Longbow(100 gp)

240 gold left


Adventureing: 6/6
Sense motive=1-1+3+4 =7 Feysworn adds charisma and wisdom
Bluff=1+3+4+1=8 (+ 1 morale bonus from feytounge)
Diplomacy=1+3+4+1=8 (+1 morale bonus from feytounge)
Kn. Nobility=1+3+1=5 (+1 trait from child of oppara)
Kn. Arcana=1+3=4


Appraise=1+3+1=5 (+1 trait from child of oppara)
Perform Dance=1+4=5


Feat at level 3: Force of personality
Feat at level 5: Combat reflexes

Possible Dips: Urban Bloodrager, Urban Skald, Fighter

Background Magd:

The weave weaves as it does The red haired Magd spoke
The Empire, long divided, must unite The blond haired Magd spoke
The Empire, long united, must divide The black haired one finished.

Taldor, eldest realm that still stands on Golarion Spoke Red
Taldor, realm most likely to fall Spoke blonde
Taldor, who hath forgotten more then it knows Spoke black

But what is Taldor All three sang in unison

Glory Sang Red, intoning ancient martial legacy
Shame Sang blonde, intoning the debauchery and debasement
Survival sang black, intoning what truely mattered

Honor Sang blonde, conjuring a image of a Phalanx, lead by a dashing hero, standing bravely against all foes
Deceit Sang Red, conjuring an image of a hero, stabbed in the back
Persistance Sang black, conjuring an image of a refugee, slowly becoming a soldier, and then a new hero reborn.

A thousand possible lifes, for those who dare. Red Sang, to an image of burstling market places
A thousand possible Deaths, for those who dared unprudently
Sang blonde, to images of knifes piercing through well dressed backs
A thousand possible tales, for those willing to listen
Sang black, to an image of her listening and weaving, her presence unnoticed.

By Heresies distressed Sang blonde, to an image of hooded figures conducting profane rites
Harshly burned by the sun unyielding Sang red, to an image of Quadiran armies burning Taldans finest on pyres. Many still alive.
By vainglory badly led Added black, to images of feuding nobles over petty issues.

By traditions strenghtenend Sang Red, to an image of youth reaching for his great grandparents arms
Made adaptable by pragmatism Sang blonde, to an image of coin passing hands, and Quadiran armies being ambushed by hooded figures.
A hedge of thorns, plagued yes, but one that can pierce the sun itself Sang black, to a the figure of a Taldan Spear piercing the Sun.

But what will become of it? All 3 sang.

Endless toil beneath a foreign Sun? Sang blonde, to the image or a malnourished Taldane youth, whipped into work by a white robed overseer.
Or Lion reborn, that rivals it? Sang Red, as the youth turned into a Lion and pounced his tormentor
OR, my sisters Smirked Black, as both things happened at the same time, Youth, Lion, Tormentor becoming interchangable.

Complexity to rival our own first world Sang all 3, as if investigating it.

But here, see Black spoke
the weave of a prophecy not of our own Red added
it is careful, it avoids us Blonde cautioned
It my be wise to do so Black spoke, with approval
It is of importance stated red
No sister, but it will be blonde spoke

we must observe All three spoke
But not directly Red cautioned
then we must plant a seed Spoke blonde
that shall mature Red proposed
and observe on our behalf Blonde finished her thoughts
But what price to give to our gardners Asked Black

3 seeds of her own, for taking care of ours Red proposed
3 seeds of his own, for given it back to us Blonde added
Done, and Done, and Done. They all spoke
The seed is planted As a newborn was placed in the way of Lord Valaris hunting trip
And the fate altered As Lord Valaris accepted the newborn, seeing the 3 Magds for but a split second, and hearing the bargain
So be it, and so it was, and so it shall be All three inthoned once more

personal and house background:

Intelligence report of house Stavian, on house Valaris, by agent Carrox.

House Valaris, while in decent diplomatic and economic shape for a house of its size, had fallen into a degree of disorder following the death of its heir Bryseris Valaris to a Quadiran spear. Lord Tyrion Valaris was unable to father any additional children with Lady Eurythnia Valaris, and various houses were burnishing their claims on various estates, as Lord Tyrion found a female fledgling, and adopted it.
Under no circumstances would such an adopted fledglings claim be honored, but a possible marriage arrangement could have plausibly resulted in the house continuance.
Alas, 2 years after the fledgling was found, 3 healthy female triplet children were born of Lady Eurythnia, who then repeated this feat another 2 years later, this time with males, revitalizing the house in the process.

The eldest fledgeling as, in an intereting move, pledged herself to Magd, Fae eldest of triplets. She received an education befitting a noble, but is no longer a possible successor. It is quite unusual for a Fae eldest to interfere in such a way in Taldane affairs, and this requires further investigation...

Signed, Agent Carrox, house intelligence of Lord Stavian

Carrox, I dont give a crap about that, send me a pictures of the hot Valaris Fae-triplets, and also the also hot elder sister or else
Signed, Aurelius Stavian, Assistant to the head of house intelligence for minor matters.

As you wish sire, the Eldest, Alitheria is now in her early 20s, a half Elf, possessing a quite charming and rather powerful physique. She sports heterochromatic blue and green eyes, chestnut brown hair and prefers to dress in white and green. Her measurements are 98/72/89.
I have managed to obtain her fitness records, and she is easily lift 230 lbs over her head, and bench press twice that...

Eehh, freak! Better tell me about the triplets!


The prophecy child Spoke Magd
My Ladies Magd, how can I assist?

Find the prophecy Spoke blonde Magd
Assess it Spoke red Magd
And have it pass Spoke black Magd
OR DESTROY IT Spoke all 3.

This one A picture of Martella Lotheed appeared
Can become your ally Spoke red
And we have predisposed her, go to her Manse on the 8th of Callistril, and bring her this message. Blonde continued
May your association be fruitfull finished black as the vision vanished.

Alithera woke with a message in her hand.

possible extra Magd stuff as well as plot hook policies:

--Assess a situation from all sides before acting
--Gain knowledge through risk
--Trick hostiles by their own words, turning their prophecy against them
--Rely on luck or faith in your decision making.

--Immidiatly resort to brute deadly force as the one initiating hostilities, against foes that have complexity (ambushing mindless undead is totally fine, slaying intelligent sentient beings from ambush is not)
--Leave a mystery uninvestigated
--Disrespect a capable foe, particularly in his/her dying moments.
--Refrain from or refuse a challenge of wits

Plothook policy:
--Edict based, she will jump at any mysteries
--She is on good terms with all of her 6 younger siblings, and will go through great lengths to protect or, should it come to that, avenge them.
--She will strive to protect her adoptive parents.
--She will always be in favor of accepting a call to a parley, and frequently offer terms to a foe. After all, death reduces complexity.

Bot me:

You are allowed to liberally use spells to buff or heal allies.
I reserve the right to use judgements, as they are the most impactfull thing I have. Alithera will fight in the frontlines if above half hp, or if she is higher hp then the frontliners of the party.