
Aeric "Screamer" Thorleifson's page

99 posts. Alias of Mightypion.

Full Name

Aeric "Screamer" Thorleifson


Aeric AC:17(FF:15/T:12)/ if raging CMD:17 if rage HP:8/11 Saves-FO:+3 RE:+2 WI:-1


Skald 2 (fated champion)







Special Abilities

Rage 5/5




Gorrum, I think


in a sleepy village


Common, Skald, Abyssal, Infernal, Celestial


Mercenary (semi retired)

Strength 20
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 13
Wisdom 12
Charisma 16

About Aeric "Screamer" Thorleifson

Quick stats:
Fort=5 Ref=2 Will=4

When raging songing:
AC-1; hp+4; Will +1

Bardiche +6 d10+7/ +5 d10+10
raging song: Bariche +7 d10+9/ +6 d10+12
Ranged= throwing axe +3 d6+5
ragning song throwing axe +3 d6+6

stats and things:

Rolled stats:

Elephant in the room is on

Level 1 feats (human) Combat reflexes
Level 1 feat (normal) lingering performance
Level 1 feat (from class) scribe scroll

Alternative class feautre:
Watcher of the Weave (Ex)

At 2nd level, a fated champion learns to see the tapestry of events moments before it is woven. He gains an insight bonus on initiative checks equal to 1/2 his skald level.

This ability replaces well-versed.

Normal class feature:
Versatile performance
Performance chosen: Perform string (bluff; diplomacy), using some strings attached to his bardiche as his instrument.

Hedge magician (magical):
Whenever you craft a magic item, you reduce the required gp cost to make the item by 5%.

Craft All - You've always been a crafter. You have a deep passion for your profession. Supplies in your shard may be scarce, but you've had nothing but time to practice your trade. You have managed to learn new tricks and take no penalty for using improvised tools. You get an additional +1 trait bonus on craft and profession checks. When you make craft checks to create an item you make progress at half again the normal speed. When earning capital with craft or profession you add 1 to the capital earned.

Alternate racial trait:
Heart of the fields
Heart of the Fields: Humans born in rural areas are used to hard labor. They gain a racial bonus equal to half their character level to any one Craft or Profession skill, and once per day they may ignore an effect that would cause them to become fatigued or exhausted. This racial trait replaces skilled.
Selected skill craft weapons


Background 4/4
Craft weapons 1+1+1+3+2=8
Craft armor 1+1+3+2=7
Perform String (diplomacy, bluff)=2+3+3=8

Crafting related 2/2

Sense motive=1+1+3=5
3 kn skills=1+1+1+3=6


180 gold
Bardiche 13 gp
hide armor 15 gp
masterwork weaponsmith tools 52 gp
heavy shield 10 gold
battleaxe 10 gold
=100 gold
5 throwing axes 40 gp
40 gp left


Cantrips known 7/7 (favored class bonus human +2)
Dancing lights
Detect fiendish presence
Detect magic
Mage hand
Ghost sound

Level 1 spells known
Tears to wine
Hideous laughter


Peace, maybe? He thought as his axe impacted the tree.
Unsurprisingly, being a former axe wielding mercenary meant he was kind of good at the lumberjack business. And at the forge as well.
Oh, a rather nice lack of Demons here as well! Although he was certain the abyssal goatf%+@ers were to blame somehow for this ole shard mess.
Given the state his muscle memory was in, even a Dretch or Schir would be able to kill him.

Knowing my luck, maybe I get punked by a bunch of Fae instead He thought.
This whole exile thing is going suspiciously nicely

Help me He heard a voice in his mind, one he new well
Olga? where are you, how can I help?
What happened to you? Get stronger or you wont be able to do anything, do not discard yourself, experience things, taste victory again! Damnit the chucklef@~*s are coming!

Герои Голариона,

Эти демонические у******и снова здесь, я бы с удовольствием вырвал позвоночник у этих к*****х п******в и проткнул их, но их позвоночник можно использовать только для кнута, настолько он гибкий, а им бы это понравилось! Так что, давайте просто убьем их нахуй, на войну, кровь для Горрума, месть для Каллистрии!

: Translated:
Heroes of Golarion,

here these Demonic f%&%s come again, I would love to rip those ratf&%$ing c!!%'s spines of and impale them with it, but their spines can only be used for whips, flexible as they are, and they would enjoy this! So, lets just f#~%ing kill them, to war, Blood for Gorrum, Vengeance for Callistria!

Aeric heard about half of her profanity laden warspeech, in Irriseni accented Abyssal because it was as much to demoralize the demons as it was to boost her own warbands morale. From som other shard perhaps?