
Sigrid Leifdottir's page

248 posts. Alias of Mightypion.

Full Name

Sigrif Leifdottir




Divine Favor None Resources Bit of Luck 7/7, Agile Feet 7/7, Channel 2d6 4/4


Fighter 1/Cleric(Devout Pilgrim) of Ran 4 HP:57/57 AC: S 19/N 16 FF 15/ T 12 Saves Fort:9/11Ref:3 Will8/10 Init8 CMB 7 CMD 19 Perc: 13 Sens. M. 9












Norse, Atlantean, Celtic, Greek

Strength 16
Dexterity 15
Constitution 16
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 19
Charisma 12

About Sigrid Leifdottir

Female Active conditions None Resources Bit of Luck 7/7, Agile Feet 7/7, Channel positive 4/4, level 1 spells 4/4 Level 2 spells 3/3

Spells prepped:
Level 0
M Stabilize
M Detect Magic
M Light
M Guidance

Level 1
M Command
M 2x Divine Favor 1 used
M 1x prot from evil
D/M Longstrider

Level 2
M Burst of radiance 2
M Protection from evil communal

D/M Aid


Born with a birthmark of Ran in the form of her holy symbol (laughing female mouth), Sigrid was slated for a clerical career in her service, her outgoing, inquisitive and cheeky nature seemingly being a natural fit for her deity.
Her tribes fiercely egalitarian traditions still put her in her tribes military training, as such she has learned to stand in the frontlines, supporting her shieldwall.
She did capture a feuding tribesmen, and organized his adoption to her tribe, this being the alternative and more benign way to "graduate".
Her diplomatic nature made her a good choice to accompany a trading expedition to Atlantis, which however got thrown heavily of course and ship wrecked.

The fighting style of Rügenite tribesmen is focused on self preservation. A hail of thrown weapons awaits foes, who also have to advances in a verifiable thicket of pole arms. "Give nothing for free to the foe" is a common saying, while ground is often yielded, this is never free, and Rügenite warriors are noted to make extensive use of impromptue fortification, traps, snares and terrain manipulations to defeat more vicious tribes.

It should be noted that Rügen treats captured enemies, as long as they abstain from deeds which Rügenites consider warcrimes (using poison, disease, murdering children or using a parley for an ambush), relatively well and is quick to offer terms.
"Do not inflict every injury you can upon a foe, for the tides of fate can change, and he may become your friend in another context."


Domains: Travel, Luck, Trickery, Mischief
Favored Weapon: Throwing axe
While overshadowed in some ways by Loki, who has similar domains, Ran, famed for guile, trickery, being lucky and rather fond of pranks, has no known association with Ragnarrok, the Jotun, or treachery.

She had defeated the Jottun Grimnir, in a duel in which she only had axes as weapon, but was not allowed to strike with them, by throwing the axes instead, and since then has the throwing axe as her weapon.

Religious tenets:
--Killif you must, but never murder.
--Do not rob, steal, or impair your kin, or your comrades
--Explore, behold the secrets of the unknown
--Share thy foes secrets, protect thy own
--Flytings are great
--Do not destroy works of art, refrain from hurting artists, although you may steal from them if they are foes.


Human bonus to wisdom
Domains: Luck, Travel

Will=4+4=8/10(vs charm compulsion)

Rügen Sailor (Swim as class skill)

Rügen is long been a center of worship and trade, its relatively cosmopolitan nature drawing in traders and tounges from many places. Ran is of course worshipped, both for exploration, but also for her skill at misdirecting more martial and violent tribes from trying to take from Rügen by force, for what they should have bought in exchange and trade.

Sigrif was born with a mark of Ran on her left shoulder, a most auspicious omen that clearly meant a clerical career for her. She did not mind, the clergy of Ran tells quite interesting stories, and is fun to be around.
+2 vs charm and compulsion, body counts as holy symbol.

At 1st level, by leading a group prayer for 1 minute, a devout pilgrim can select a number of traveling companions equal to her cleric level + her Wisdom bonus. She may use her domain-granted powers on any of these traveling companions as if they were her. She can use these abilities on her traveling companions at a range of up to 30 feet, even if the ability normally requires her touch.

This ability replaces the cleric’s proficiency with medium armor and shields—she retains proficiency with light armor only

Weapon Finesse (free)
Power attack (bonus combat feat)
Quick Draw Retrained into weapon proficiency firearms
Combat reflexes (Bonus feat human)
Selective channel
Improved Init


Mwk Backpack 50 2
88 weight (medium load)
Cold weather clothing (free) 7
Kit, rangers, -10 torches 9 GP 19
MWK Lacquered horn armor 5AC 3Dex 3ACP
MWK Cutlass 320 4
MWK quill pistol 370 1
Spring loaded wrist sheat 15 1
MWK Bardiche 312 14
MWK heavy shield 160 10
Sleeves of many garments 200 1
Gloves of personal purity 1000 1
2 scrolls of remove disease 750
MWK Healers kit 100 4
MWK Antidote kit 150 4
3 vials of anti plauge 150
153 gold left after selling loot.
Medical stuff was free, other then remove disease scrolls,
553 gold remaining.
199 GP spent 114
Loads: Light <66, Medium <133, heavy <200
Will typically only wear one armor, wood armor on ship, scale mail on land.

Extremely good Mithral Breastplate
AC7 ACP-1 +4 con +2 str +2 dex +2 init +4 perception deathless +1 resistance brawling +5 cold/fire resistance darkvision 60 feet


Favored class bonus (Cleric) +1 Skill point
6(Cleric) +2 (Fighter) +4 (Skilled) +3 (Favored class Cleric)=15 Skill points
Sense Motive=1+5+3=9
Kn. Religion=1+3=4
Swim 1+2+3=6 -X depending on current ACP


Create water
Detect Magic

Level 1:
1/1 Bless
1/1 Longstrider (domain)
1/1 Command
3/3 Divine Favor


Bit of Luck 7/7 per day
Agile Feet 7/7 per day
Channel positive ernergy 4/4 DC 12, D6