About Lucretia de ArtoisStatblock: Lucretia de Artois non bloodrage
Lucretia de Artois bloodrage
Ranged rage
Channel 4/4 2d6 positive -----------------------------------------
Level 1 spells: Spells per day 6/6
Level 2 Oracle spells per day 4/4
3 Wizard spells from lore spirit
Level 1 Bloodrager spells 2/2 per day
---------------------------------------------- Traits and feats:
Campaign trait: Making good on promises (+2 to fear saves)
Feats: Power attack (free)
-------------------------------------------------------- Equipment: 3K gold
Masterwork dancers garb (100) Attached drawback activates if destroyed or stolen
--------------------------------------------- Curse: Possessed
Effect You take a –2 penalty on all concentration checks, and concentrating to maintain a spell duration provokes attacks of opportunity. Whenever a foe attempts to use an effect to possess or dominate you and the effect allows a saving throw to negate, you may roll twice and take the better of the two results. At 5th level, if you become dazed or stunned, you can choose instead to become confused for twice the duration the daze or stun effect would have normally lasted At 10th level, add possession to your list of 5th-level oracle spells known At 15th level, add greater object possession to your list of 7th-level oracle spells known. -------------------------------------------- skills and hp calcs:
HP=10+3*6 +4=32 non rage HP=10+3*6+16=44 rage Background skills 6/8
Adventure skills (20+4 skill points from favored class)
Scouting Skills: 9/9
Face skills 5/5
Kn Skill 4/4
stats and traits and class features reference:
Class features
At 1st level, you grow claws while bloodraging. These claws are treated as natural weapons, allowing you to make two claw attacks as a full attack, using your full base attack bonus. These attacks deal 1d6 points of damage each (1d4 if you are Small) plus your Strength modifier. At 4th level, these claws are considered magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage resistance. At 8th level, the damage increases to 1d8 points (1d6 if you are Small). At 12th level, these claws become flaming weapons, which deal an additional 1d6 points of fire damage on a hit. Fast Movement (Ex) A bloodrager’s land speed is faster than is normal for his race by 10 feet. This benefit applies only when he is wearing no armor, light armor, or medium armor, and not carrying a heavy load. Apply this bonus before modifying the bloodrager’s speed due to any armor worn or load carried. This bonus stacks with any other bonuses to the bloodrager’s land speed.
At 2nd level, a bloodrager can react to danger before his senses would normally allow him to do so. He cannot be caught flat-footed, nor does he lose his Dexterity bonus to AC if the attacker is invisible. He still loses his Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. A bloodrager with this ability can still lose his Dexterity bonus to AC if an opponent successfully uses the feint action against him. If a bloodrager already possesses uncanny dodge from a different class, he automatically gains improved uncanny dodge (see below) instead. Oracle side side: Level 1 Revelation
Bonded Spirit (Su) At 3rd level, a spirit guide can form a temporary bond with a spirit, as the shaman’s wandering spirit class feature. She must make this selection each day when she refreshes her spells. A spirit guide cannot bond with a spirit that is incompatible with her alignment, ethos, or mystery (GM’s discretion). A spirit guide gains one hex of her choice from the list of hexes available from that spirit. She uses her oracle level as her shaman level, and she switches Wisdom for Charisma and vice versa for the purpose of determining the hex’s effects. She uses her oracle level as her shaman level and her Charisma score instead of Wisdom for the purpose of determining its effects. At 4th level, she adds the bonded spirit’s spirit magic spells to her oracle spells known for that day, but only of spell levels she can cast. At 7th level, she gains the spirit ability of her current bonded spirit. At 15th level, she gains the greater spirit ability of her current bonded spirit. This ability replaces the revelations gained at 3rd, 7th, and 15th levels. Currently chosen spirit lore, currently chosen shaman hex Arcane enlightenment -------------------------------------------------
Level 1 Feat Mad Magic
Magic is in your blood, allowing you to cast spells no matter how furious you become. Prerequisite(s): Bloodrage class feature or perfect clarity rage power. Benefit(s): You can cast spells from any class that grants you spells while in a bloodrage, and you keep your rage benefits when using moment of clarity during a rage. If you have the greater bloodrage class feature, you also gain a +1 bonus to the save DCs of spells you cast while in a bloodrage. Level 3 Feat:
When you are drunk (or worse), this penalty doubles, but you increase each morale bonus you receive by 2 instead.
Campaign Trait:Making good on promises
Trait: Irrepressible.
Trait: Coherent rage:
Drawback: Attached (to her black Silk dress)
Effect: The GM chooses the object of your attachment. Whenever the object of your attachment is either threatened, in danger, or in someone else’s possession, you take a –1 penalty on Will saves and a –2 penalty on saves against fear effects. If the person or object to which you’re attached is ever lost, killed, or destroyed, exchange this drawback for the Doubt drawback.
Alternate racial trait: Prehensile tail (replaces fiendish sorcery)
Alternate racial trait: beguiling liar (replaces skilled)
---------------------Background starts here-------------- first research note:
I have interviewed one Lucretia de Artois, who presented herself with a rather unusual set of circumstances. Patient can manifest claws on command and enter a heightened stance of Bloodrage, while also manifesting oracular powers, curiously enough life themed. While reporting the presence of a secondary ID, particularly during Bloodrage Episodes. Physical strength during bloodrage is far above human norms. I manage to communicate with the secondary ID. She was rather specific about nutritional needs, recommended to me a phyisical workout program to improve my physical capabilities and refered to the primary ID as... a sleepyhead? Most interesting, demons would not be as good natured... Possibility that this is a more conventional split personality, amplified by clearly existing abyssal influences, rather then actual possession or perhaps a demonic entity that... went native in a way?
second research note:
I, Professor Lorrimor am indeed gifted! I believe to have, not exactly cured but greatly ameliorated an oracles curse, normally something requiring divine intervention! The writing pauses Using a wand of contact entity, I have enabled my research subject, Lucretia de Artois, to establish a contact with her other personality! Clever use of diplomacy resulted in both sides reaching an accord, greatly increasing quality of life, and making her rage rather coherent! Furthermore, patient is, due to more consensual nature of her bloodrage transformation, expression the anticipation of triggering desired physical alterations, effectively shaping her rage! in the future! Having seen Mrs. De Artois capability for violence while Bloodraging firsthand, especially now that her secondary ID has entered an accord. I have taken her on my payroll in view of further operations. The secondary ID instantly requested to be paid double, which I of course anticipated and granted, having paid Mrs. De Artois only have of what she could have reasonably asked for in the first place! Both IDs have freely and willingly promised to protect my person and interests!
Third research note:
I, Professor Lorrimor have made a fortidious discovery! I have discovered the Demoness who the grandmother of my occassional research assistant Lucretia is! I planar inquired an Alu-Demon and she came up with a most interesting answer! The context of which... If it is true that the Lady in Shadows seeks to find Pharasmas favor by quote "regulating the undead population on Golarion", then these are most auspicious news of my own order! Lucretias grandmother is apparently a member of the Blades of midnight, a demonic organization that can perhaps be described as akin to the black talons of the midnight isles! The Alu I was using was terrified of the very thought of finding out her rank, or anything else she was quote "not supposed to know". Apparent those pledged to Midnight eternal have seeded, so to speak, areas of Golarion with the progeny with a view towards later operations?
The Alu most certainly inform relevant Nocticulan authorities that I made such inquiries, I must discover which exactly, and then inform them in turn that I very much wish to bargain/negotiate etc. The risks are considerable, but so are the potential gains! It is best if I recall Lucretia as quickly as possible!
a letter:
Dear Mrs. de Artois! It is most auspicious news I am bringing, as I have made a breakthrough in assessing the origin of your bloodline!
P.S. Did you know your grandmother is a Blade of Midnight?[/b] Signed, Professor Lorrimor Oi Sis Her rage self thought as she read the letter
a holdup:
You understand that we must... keep you quarantined for 3 weeks. Inspite of your noble deeds in defense of our expedition. The Lastwallian officer seemed... apologetic almost A good friend of mine may well be in real danger!She replied Miss, I have seen you bite a vampire spawns head off, moments after ripping a ghoul in two.
That probably saved us, but Vampirism can be spread by such actions, and we cannot allow you to skip quarantine.The guard continued. Unfortunately, it wasnt just one lastwall officer, he had several guards with him. Guards who had harsh, experienced eyes, tingled with the habitual suspicion of thieflings. If I flee, they will hunt me, if I fight, I have to kill them. If I stay, the officer whose live I probably saved will make it tolerable. And I actually like the officer, its cute how he has a crush on me I think. Ah f&@@ it. 21 days passed uneventfully, she even got a cryptstone Bec de Corbin by way of apology. On to Ravengro, lets hope I am not too late! -------------------------------------------------------
progression and significant strength increases:
Level 4: Lucy becomes large when she bloodrages (Abyssal bulk), gains her first Bloodrager spells, gains +1 charisma, her claws, due to rageshaper, gain another size increase and become 2d6 claws. Lucy gains level 2 oracle spells. Spells chosen will likely be
Level 5: Steadfast personality, arcane strike or iron will are all possible options for the feat. Alternatively, deft maneuvers for access to greater feint. Level 6:
Level 7:
Level 8:
item wishlist:
At some point she will need an amulet of mighty fists. There are various shenangians I can go for to make it not a terribly big deal if I dont ge these quickly. Possible plot beats:
Lucretia may or may have not: --Been mistaken for a Vampire, on account of being fairly attractive with fangs.
--Know Rajuna from some jobs they jointly performed for the professor
--Know Park because she "studied" at the university
--Be somewhat notorious in the Lepidstadt university for *partying* very hard.