Trinia Sabor

Alexandra Edgaria Poeschkina's page

584 posts. Alias of Mightypion.

Full Name

Alexandra Edgaria Poeschkina


Temp HP 0/0 hp=12/43 AC=15 Spell slots 2/2 curse 0/1 SLA invis 1/1 SLA Silent image 0/1 passive perc=9 Advantadge 0/1 Madness 1


Hexblade 5 Resources hexblade curse 1/1 spellslots 2/2 Exhaustion: 0








CG tending CN


Nocticula (Redeemer Queen)


Escaped the stupid Drow!


Common, Irriseni (flavor), Abyssal, Elven, Undercommon (acquired)


Singer and Explorer

Strength 8
Dexterity 14
Constitution 16
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 8
Charisma 19

About Alexandra Edgaria Poeschkina


The opulence of the manor was quite astounding, she knew the Vladimirovichis were rich, but not that rich, still... Alexandra thought as she looked around. it is unusal, I am not in the top 10 of attractiveness here she thought as the Lady of the house Ekaterina-Victoria-Vladimirovich approached her.
The capable Alexandra Edgaria, I hope you enjoy our little Soiree? I have been quite pleased with your newest play, the Wrath of the Righteous, you definitly succeeded in bringing Alyushinyrra to live in act 4, and who would not possibly fall for a Succubus on the thorny road to redemption? Follow please, I have a private suprise for you.
As Ekaterina touched her she actually blushed like a schoolgirl, she followed, into her bed chamber when the Lady suddenly...
Grew Wings? And a incredibly sinous tail.
You are actually a Succbus? Oh my, I have so many question!
Like, there is a surprising amount of literature how getting drained by a Succubus feels but what does the Succubus feel? Also, did I get the politics of Alyushinnyrra mostly right? I was like, assuming decadent mortal nobles but more insane and chaotic, and actually goodlooking unlike actual decadent mortal nobles and, how do you fly when your wingspan should not be enough for this? Manipulation of air streams via your bodily heat?
What is this, I stand in front of a Succubus and ask her about thermodynamics? she thought as her mouth kept babbling on.

So many questions? I shall answer them, it is a benefit of my patronage afterall. Assuming you agree to receive it? Note, neither I nor my cohorts will do you any harm should you disagree, I will simply remove your memory of my nature in this case. The Lady answered, in her ears and her head at the same time.
Uhmmm, yes?
Be embraced by midnight then As the Demoness enfolded her in her wings.

TlDR She, with some assistance from her future Succubus Patron, rewrote Wrath of the righteous, which happened on Golarion, as a highly effective Nocticulan Propaganda piece taking place on a fictional world called Golarion for a Faerun audience. In Faerun, Grazzt rather then Nocticula, who is rarely known, is known to rule the Succubi, so his agents will not like her antic at all as it represents an invasion. The play also features a scene in which Nocticula kills Baphomet (who exists in both "universes"), once, and rather drastically mocks him as she does so. Any follower of Baphomet will take a dim view of her as well.


Art hating fools! Damn!
Cursed Alexandra as she fled Irrisen, he path lightly illuminated by the large fires made from her recent theatric production of "Koschtchies phantom balls", a rather sarcastic performance making vicious fun of the Demon Lord Koschtschie, arch foe of Baba Yaga, and his balls, or lack thereoff.
Unfortunatly for Alexandra, Censors within the Yadwiga aristocracy decided that making such fun of Baba Yagas arch enemy is insulting to Baba Yaga, and now there was a verdict on her head!
Maybe, she could use this cave system to escape!

Saving throws:

Str -1
Dex +2
Con +3
Int +0
Wis +1
CHa +5


Con=15 +1
Cha=15 +1 +1 +2

Variant Human Bonus Feat:
Shadow touched (+1 CHA)
Invisbilitiy once per long rest
Silent Image once per long rest

Background: Courtier (Insight=2, Persuasion=5)
Languages: Fey, Abyssal
Class:Warlock (Deception=5, Arcana=2)
Race: Human: (Acrobatics=4)
New spells:
Eldritch blast
Minor illusion
Mage hand

(6 spells known)
Level 3
Dispell magic
Vampiric touch

Level 2
Misty step

Eldritch invocations:
Agonizing Blast

Source: Player's Handbook
Prerequisite: eldritch blast cantrip

When you cast eldritch blast, add your Charisma modifier to the damage it deals on a hit.

Devil's Sight

Source: Player's Handbook

You can see normally in darkness, both magical and nonmagical, to a distance of 120 feet.

Thirsting blade
Thirsting Blade

Source: Player's Handbook
Prerequisite: 5th level, Pact of the Blade feature

You can attack with your pact weapon twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Personality traits::

--I will rarely back down from a challenge!

--I do not lie, I just have an opportunistic attachment to reality!

--Its not boasting if its true!

--A sense of humor is an incredibly desireable quality

--Secretly, I know I will be the bestest!

--The world is in need of bold ideas and bold actions!

--The Court I served is utterly without humor! I will make them the laughing stock of the world!

--Sometims discretion is the better part of valor!

--Heroic Sacrifices are for other people!

--Dont bully Kids, jerkfaces!

--I am totally certain that, because of my innate and obvious intelligence, making deals with Demon Lords, Eldritch Abominations, the tax collection service or my prospective mother in law will work out great for me!

--Oh, a mysterious Ancient artefact? YOINK!

--Wait, you are a Succubus? I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS! Like, can you describe your funniest seduction? I got some pretty stupid stories to share as well! Do you agree that Bed Mimics should all burn in a fire?
Is it OK if I take notes?

--I will murder Ilvara the drow priestess, with slapstick.

--After beating her at everything she holds dear, especially NPC manipulation.

Update 27/06/2022
--Topsy and Turvy in particular are absoluely adorable, and I will go through great lengths to protect them


Chain shirt
Hat of swapping
Short Spear

Patron, Lady Yzalina:

Greetings, your Grace, I trust thee have been well since we parted. the Succubus bid.
Why am I talking to a Succubus rather then smiting her? And since we parted? Thought Queen Galfrey, first of her name, Crusader Queen of Mendev.
Are we acquainted? The crusader queen asked.
You were unaware of my nature in that situation. the Succubus spoke as she shapeshifted, into a completely average looking Mendevian military intelligence operative
Operative Jürgen? I promoted him for saving his squad from a Glabrezu. The Queen was surprised, she had not expected a rank and file crusader, still, she knew the name of everyone she ever promoted.
A feat that was a great bit easier when you are a Succubus indeed. Dear Jürgen did ask me to save his squad with his dying breath, and I did. The fiend answered
Did you kill him? The queen asked, each word coming out harshly.
His assessment of his impending depending demise was, premature. He is currently a servant on my Alyushinyrran estate. Considering the prisoner exchange, you may well negotiate for his release, although he is a servant, not a slave, and very much has a voice in the matter.
Why did you do this, fiend The queens words came out harshly
Because he is quite capable and loyal? Because the Abyss shortchanges Demonkind? Because I am done with corrupting genuinely impressive mortals and turning them into mere Larvae? Oh, he has a pretty good singing voice and is fairly educated to boot. The fiend answered, every word carefully calibrated
Wait, this demon, is willing to not be evil because villainy is inefficient? the Queens thoughts raced.
This almost makes sense, and is believable... Is this demon toying with me, what game is Nocticula playing? The Crusader queen thoughts continued to race...


In the Maelstrom
I assume you have questions Asked the Redeemer Queen.
Less then you may think, or probably not. I am mostly assuming that you just win all the time honestly Answered Yzalina, simultaneously glad and slightly terrified about being alone with her Liege.
Then ask the ones you do have. The Redeemer Queen bid her to talk.
What is she going at Thought Yzalina, is she checking my loyalty? But can I actually bluff her? Is she truely no longer associated with assassination? her thought racing.
Wait, lets us do something random, and actually be truthfull.
How long? Yzalina asked
How long have you been planning to ascend into the Maelstrom? With hindsight, some signs are obvious. Killing other Demon Lords, with each midnight isle rising higher then the previous one? Not killing your dear Brother although you could have done so 3 different times, at least in my estimation? The considerable mercy and kindness you have repeatedly shown to various different mortal adventurers?
Wait,first oppurtinty to kill your brother, Empty Night, that was 6.666 years ago?

You ask question, yet you answer them by asking.
Was the utterly noncommital reply she got from her queen.
I am really happy I only thought about plotting against you, but never actually did. Yzalina admitted.
I will not punish you for thoughts, only for hostile actions. Her queen answered.
What have you actually called me for, the summons were polite, but even in your redeemed aspect, it is unlike you to "explain yourself". Yzalina asked, having an intuition about the value of simply asking.
There is a material plane called Faerun, a plane in which my own augury depicted a possibility of something akin to the worldwound forming. I wish to burnish my credentials by preventing this. I wish to task you with spreading my faih on this plane, so that I have assets and possibly heroes there to influence things.
Faerun? She heard of that plane before, formidable dwarfs, less mythic places then the Golarion she was more familar with, a different cast of Demon Lords that were attempting to influence it, although overlap existed... Yes, it could be a quite interesting and rewarding mission, if she could pull it off.