
Aletha Verkossian's page

131 posts. Alias of Mightypion.

Full Name

Aletha Verkosian


Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion


Falcata swashbuckler 1







Special Abilities

Alter Self 1/1 Panache 3/3








Common, Necril, Abyssal, Celestial, Infernal

Strength 17
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 8
Charisma 16

About Aletha Verkossian


Fort=2 reflex=4 Will=-1/+3 vs charm and compulsion
Speed=30 feet; CMD=16; CMB=4

Offense: Falcata +4/+3 d8+3/+5 19+ X3

Background skills 2+1
Perform dance= 3+3+1=7
Linguistics (bonus skill point from trat)=1+2=3, Thassilonian from trait, abyssal and infernal because I get 2 languages
Kn nobility=4

Adventure skills (4/4)
Kn planes=3+3+1+1=8

Irrepressible (cha instea of wis vs charm and compulsion)
Planar savant (kn planes is a charisma skill)
Scholar of the great beyond (kn planes is a class skill, +1 to it)

Drawback: Attached

Alternate racial traits:
Truespeaker (+2 to linguistics and sense motive, gain 2 languages per skill rank)

Feat: Combat reflexes (normal feat); Deft maneuvers if Swashbucklers finesse, which everyone gets for free in elephant in the room, can be traded for a combat feat.


175 starting gold

3 Pilum
Swashbucklers kit
Cold weather clothing


Oh, hello there a sultry voice speaks in my dreams. Again!
No, I am not interested in... whatever you are offering! I answer, one of these nights it seems.
But you are such an adorable little tiefling, I am soo glad I shacked up with an angel! You will be a great infiltrator!
I am an Aasimar! You twat! Heavens, not whatever demonic bullshit you represent!
Yes, clearly, there is nothing demonic in you. You are just... really hot, innately capable of changing your shape, with a super gift for languages and you intuitively know things about outsiders, in spite of never raving received any training whatsorever my darling. Arent you adorable? The voice mocks me
And when shit hits the fan, you will rage, brutally and viciously, and then you will know
Eh, bugger off, I am totally safe where I am! Clearly, I am an aasimar!
Safe? Oh little fool, noone is safe when they return!
musical laughte comes from the voice
Who returns? I ask
Try figuring out why you speak Necril and Infernal child the voice almost... giggles?
Inferna-what?, I do? F+@+, yes I actually do what in the 9 hells
Oh yes the nine hells indeed! And keep guessing what else! the voice fades.

plot hooks:

Aletha will jump at the following plot hooks in particular
--why does she know several rare languages, since birth more or less
--what exactly is her bloodline
--And why Necril?
As a Desnan/Mielikian (I guess?), she is pretty big on protecting truely innocents and freeing others.
--She responds normally to financial offers

random background things:

--Aletha grew up in Arquette, as a deposited Orphan, by some passing through adventurers. Luckily for her, Aasimar girls are very popular.

--She does not know either her father or her mother.

--She had some odd jobs as tavern server, before becoming a bit more respectable as a occassional theatre performer.

--Being surprisingly good at violence, she was partly on stuntman/stuntwoman actually duty

--Aletha had to become a full time fixer, after the the famed theatrical performer Justine de Breau was injured by her during rehersals. She maintains it was his fault, which by the way is true.

--She played some side roles in the theatre, putting her reasonable perform dance to use, but was annoyed that her scripts featuring demonic infiltrators everywhere got rejected for being overly complicated conspiracy theories. Due to a certain performers influence, her actually reasonably well written novel "wrath of the righteous", which details the misadventures of an unlikely group of heroes battling a demonic invasion is banned on prolus as pro demon propaganda.


Aletha is... looking a bit like she jumped out of a Desnan army, if there was such a thing, recruitment poster. Long raven black silky hair, which seemingly combs itself, black eyes with a tinge of red, and she smells like lavender for some reason.
However, she often looks somewhat distracted, as if talking to someone who is not really there, as isnt the most intellictually active or graceful or wise party member.

Actual looks

GM special background things, no idea if they work for the AP or are even real:

--Hekatys, also known as the Lady in the Dark, the final embrace of midnight, midnight eternal, the lure of shadows etc. has build an obersavatory portal that allows her to watch, but not influence, different realities, such as the one Golarion was in. She indeed cannot influence events there, but she can absolutely steal stratagies from alternative reality demonlords.
--Verkossia, her mother is a Hekatean Succubus. Who was involved in making this observatory. For some reason, Golarions events have a degree of psychic resonance in Verkossias progeny.
--Verkossia did certain things to have Aletha be an Aasimar, but one she can influence and communicate with, to have her as an unwilling agent so to speak.
--She dumped the newborn child in the way of an adventuring party

rp sample:

So Aletha Ameiko Kaijitsu asks
How does your experiment with wielding a Falcata while bartending go so far? the proprietorness continues

Hmmm, my tips received are up by 17%, but the odds of not that physically attractive adventurers hitting on me have literally trippled. I am not sure if thats a great tradeoff! I answer, after checking a ledger

Interesting, some things never change it seems! Ameiko answers
I did the same experiment wearing a Katana while bartending, and the outcome was pretty similar Ameiko chuckles

But I have a Falcata! Its clear connection to Varisian culture should improve things! Hometown pride! I protest

Look Aletha, you are either a pretty girl, or a pretty girl with a sword. I mean, if you bartend while wearing a weapon for a month or so, you will run into that guy who holds you an unwanted 2.5 hours talk about the specific history of your specific weapon, coupled with an indepth explanation of how only his specific views on various katana, falcata, whatever style are solely valid Ameiko launches in a fair bit of exposition.
I listen, I mean, if the totally not empress of Tian Min, because I am certain her Minkaian background is just a red herring, shares more of her life supposed history, then I have more information! And can see the pattern behind things!

progression paths:

There are several options for her, which I would adjust according to party needs:

1: Falcata Swashbuckler 1 Exciter/Fractured mind spiritualist rest.
This is basically dipping into a cha based mostly divine spontaneous caster, with a semi bloodrage and some spookieness.
Can heal, is a frontliner, a bit less accurate then other options, very good willsaves when not raging.

2: Falcaa Swasbuckler 1 Spirit guide Oracle rest
Spirit guides have partial access to the mage spell list, and offer a lot of flexibility while being full casters. Level 2 spells will only be available at char level 5, but oracle spell list is pretty good.

3: Swasbuckler Arcane duelist bard
A more fighter bard who has arcane strike for free, still fairly flexibile otherwise, although not as great a face or lore monkey

4: Swashbuckler Fated champion Skald
Funnily enough a better face, depening on how many people can make use of rage, straight upgrade over the arcane duelist bard in most situations.

5: Swashbuckler into Urban Bloodrager
Strongest frontline fighter, hits like a brick, defends well as long as panache is available.