Ostog the Unslain

Pär Joakimson's page

98 posts. Alias of Mightypion.

Full Name

Pär Joakimson


Human hp 89/89[/hp] [ooc]AC B/F/T 29/26/14 Fort:7 Ref:6 Will:5/10 (vs charm/compulsion Ini+3


Oracle of battle 7 Fighter 1 Active effects:Prot from evil, Div Favor Current AC29/26/15 Spell slots: L1 5/7, L2 7/7 L3 5/5







Special Abilities

Level 1 Spells 5/5 (+3 from runestones) L2 Spells 2/2






At Sheila Heidmarches office


Common, Kellid (flavor), Abyssal, Infernal



Strength 19
Dexterity 16
Constitution 14
Intelligence 13
Wisdom 8
Charisma 18

About Pär Joakimson


Schir, 8 o clock, charging you, impact in 4 seconds. Spoke the Erinye in Pärs mind
Acknowledged he thought back as he finished the Incubus in front of him, and turned into time to catch the surprised Schir on the point of his greatsword. Ending the impaled Schir with a massive kick to the head, Pärs took stock of the skirmish.
Bad: 2 Succubi where flying on top of the caravan, occassionally dropping nets, and using their abilities to take caravan guards out of combat.
Bad: Visibility was limited on account of at least 4 different Dretch-Fart-Cloads.
Bad: Draft animals were panicking.
Bad: Much of the caravan guards where trying to flee, as dumb as fleeing from teleporing flyers is.

Good: He killed 4 Demons so far, 2 of them in the last 10 seconds.
Good: At least on Succubi was targeting him with suggestions to yield and lay down arms, it barely registered.
Good: His copilot was unusually helpfull, she typically was vs. Demons.
Good: One of the Caravan guard was apperantly a Bloodrager and was going nuts, but in a good way.

Your allies are faltering mortal, I suggest evasive procedures.
Negative, Mobility disadvantadge rules that out, I assess one of the Succubi to be the enemy strike leader, do you concur?
Likely correct, Incubus you just killed was alternative leader candidate, no drop in demonic combat efficiency observed.
Freeze in place mortal! Came a mental command, far stronger then the suggestion before.
Hiding a Grin, Pär did just that.
The attempt to hold you in place failed, in part due to my influence why are you not moving oh. Said the Erinye.
A very suprised Succubus found out the hard way that Pärs was not paralyzed at all. She fled after taking a massive hit across her Torso, throwing the Demons first into confusion, and then into a rout.
Thats always the thing with outsiders, by my count I killed about 59 non dretch demons throughout my career, and they still dont take me seriously. He remarked, mentally.
You have as a matter of fact just send them back to the Abyss. Although some of them who came through the worldwound have indeed been permanently vanquished. By my assessment, the number of demons you actually permanently killed is... 7.
That is deeply unsatisfying.
I could do more for you if you would dedicate the occassional kill to my Queen Eiseth, building glorious hatred of demons in your heart
Wow Pärs, you do like fighting dont you? asked Ollysta Zadrian, whily trying to get Schir blood out of her admiddetly fabulous hair.
More important that I am good at it, pity that Succubus got away.
He answered.
As dumb as it may sound Pärs, but according to some prophetic information relied to me via pretty impressive channels, acceding to her next request will result in you murdering demons by the truckload. Truely kill, not just banish.Said his Erinye, sounding somewhat confused, which was very rare for her.
Interesting, prophecy? You are pledged to Eiseth, not Mahatallah?
The queens are on good terms with each other, and a servant of he lady of mystery just repaid a favor owed to me by yielding this information.
Thank you for being forthright
Manipulating you with lies is frankly much harder, I do appreciate your pragmatism.
Pärs, spacing out a bit? There is an apparently massively important thing going on in Varisia, probably involving outsiders and Planar travel. Would you be...The Paladin spoke, clearly hoping for yes.
Under certain conditions, yes. Conditions being payments, recognition by the society, and I reserve the right to judge for myself if I will attack outsiders. I am a Champion of Sarkoris, we are at war with Deskari and Baphomet, I need to reserve a degree of discretion lest I add more enemies to the tally. Pärs said
Looking out for my interests? Thanks. His Devil interjected mentally
I admiddetly wonder at the practicality of fighting devils while I have one in my head Pärs thought
I care exceedingly little for any devil not in service to Queen Eiseth, and while we are not as fractricidal as Demons, it certainly happens. Came the answer.
Uhhm, Pär, was that a yes Asked the Paladin
It was friend, lets deliver this caravan, sell the loot and be off, I will enjoy a change of weather I believe Answered Pär


Base stats:

STR=16, Dex=14, Con=13, Int=13, Wis=10 CHA=14
Adjustments Human +2 STR, + 2 CHA -2 WIS ABility score increase level 4 Con, Ability increase level 8 STR
STR=18, Dex=14, Con=13, Int=13, Wis=8 CHA=16
Level adjustments and equipment adjustments, +2 Dex, +2 CHA
STR=19, Dex=16, Con=14, Int=13, Wis=8 CHA=18

Level 7 Oracle Level 1 Fighter
Favored class bonus to HP
7*(8+3) = 77 hp
89HP total

Feat Tree:
Bonus Feat Human: Combat reflexes
Level 1: Shield Focus
Level 3: Power attack
Level 5: Lunge
Fighter 1 Oracle 6 Vital Strike (Bonus combat feat fighter)
Fighter 1 Oracle 6: Unhindering Shield (Shield Mastery)
Fighter 1 Oracle 7: Weapon mastery picked here
Weapon Focus Greatsword from revelations.

Fates Favored

3 Oracle revelations:
surprising Charge (Ex): Once per day, you can move up to your speed as an immediate action. You can use this ability one additional time per day at 7th level and 15th level.

War Sight (Su): Whenever you roll for initiative, you can roll twice and take either result. At 7th level, you can always act in the surprise round, but if you fail to notice the ambush, you act last, regardless of your initiative result (you act in the normal order in following rounds). At 11th level, you can roll for initiative three times and take any one of the results.

Weapon Mastery (Ex): Select one weapon with which you are proficient. You gain Weapon Focus with that weapon. At 8th level, you gain Improved Critical with that weapon. At 12th level, you gain Greater Weapon Focus with that weapon. You do not need to meet the prerequisites to receive these feats.
Chosen Weapon: Greatsword.

Curse: Possessed.
Another mind shares your body, interfering with your control, and it’s more difficult for you to concentrate as a result.


You take a –2 penalty on all concentration checks, and concentrating to maintain a spell duration provokes attacks of opportunity. Whenever a foe attempts to use an effect to possess or dominate you and the effect allows a saving throw to negate, you may roll twice and take the better of the two results.

At 5th level, if you become dazed or stunned, you can choose instead to become confused for twice the duration the daze or stun effect would have normally lasted

At 10th level, add possession to your list of 5th-level oracle spells known

At 15th level, add greater object possession to your list of 7th-level oracle spells known.


40K GP
Armor: +1 Mithral Full plate 12,5K
Weapon: +1 Holy Greatsword 18,05K
Buckler: +1 darkwood Buckler 1,03K
+1 ring of prot 2K
+1 amulet of nat armor 2K
+1 Cape of resistance 1K

Wand of CLW 750
Wand of prot from evil 750
Wand of longarm 750
Wand of lead blades 750

Oracles kit 30ish gold
Javelin Quiver with 4 Cold Iron 0,04Kgp
and 4 alchemical Silver Pila 0,1K GP

About 0.26K left for minor things.


AB base= +10
AB with greatsword=+12 (+1 ench, +1 weapon focus)
Realistic AB when fighting:
6 (BAB) + 5 (enlarged STR) + 4 (divine favor with fates favored) -2 (power attack) - 1 (size) +1 (ench) +1 (weapon focus)=+14

CMB:+6(BAB)+4 (STR)=10
If enlarged: 6+5(STR)+1(Size)=12
If Enlarged and fully buffed (bull strength)=14


Fort=2(oracle 7) + 2 (fighter 1) + 2 (con) +1 (item)=7
Ref= 2(oracle 7) + 3 (Dex)=6 (when raging because size increase)
Will=5(Oracle 7) -1 (wisdom) or + 4 (cha) = 4/9 (vs charm and compulsion)

AC Base:
Base=10 (base) + 10 (+1 fullplate) + 2 (+1 buckler) +1 (shield focus) +3 Dex +1 deflection +1 nat armor= 28

AC Base under normal buffs:
Base=10 (base) + 10 (+1 fullplate) + 2 (+1 buckler) +1 (shield focus) +2 Dex +1 deflection +1 nat armor -1 (size)= 27

Ac flat footed:

AC touch

CMD Base=10+6+4+3+1=24
CMD+1 if enlarged, +2 if shield of faith, +1 if prot from evil, +2 is bulls strength


Level 0:
Create water
Enchanced Diplomacy

Level 1: Spells per day=6+1=7
Cure Light wounds because Oracle
Enlarge person from mystery

Spells chosen (5)
Divine Favor
Shield of faith
Protection from Evil
Remove Fear
Obscuring mist

Level 2: Spells per per day=6+1=7
Cure moderate wounds because Oracle
Fog Cloud from Mystery

Spells chosen (3):
Sound Burst
Restoration (lesser)
Bulls Strength

Level 3:Spells per day=4+1=5
Cure serious wounds because Oracle
Magic verstment from mystery

Spells chosen (2)
Dispell Magic
Invisibility purge


8*4+2=48 Skill points.

Acrobatics = 3 + 3 + 3=9
Kn. Arcana=1+3+1=5
Kn. Planes=7+3+1=11
Kn. Religion=1+3+1=5