About Askold SörensonStatline
Offense Rage:
Ranged: Pilum +3 D8+3/ +3 d8+6 Traits: Extremely fashionable (bluff as class skill), irrepressible (cha not will for some willsaves) Alternate racial trait Fae Magic (chosen terrain forest, diplomacy and UMD as class skills) Feats: Power attack (free elephant in the room)
Skills: Bluff=7; Intimidate=7; Diplomacy=7 Acrobatics=6-ACP; Perception=3;
20 questions:
These questions are just meant to help me and you flesh out your character. You can answer any or all of them, but the more you have the better it is for me. 1. What is your character’s name? Askold Sörenson 2. How old is your character? 26 3. What would somebody see at first glance (i.e. height, weight, skin color, eye color, hair color, physique, race, and visible equipment)? Looks like hes jumped off a "JOIN THE CULT OF GORRUM" recruitment poster 4. What additional attributes would be noticed upon meeting the character (i.e. Speech, mannerisms)?
5. Where was your character born? Where were you raised? By who?
6. Who are your parents? Are they alive? What do they do for a living?
7. Do you have any other family or friends?
8. What is your character’s marital status? Kids?
9. What is your character’s alignment?
10. What is your character’s moral code?
11. Does your character have goals?
12. Is your character religious?
13. What are your character’s personal beliefs?
14. Does your character have any personality quirks (i.e. anti-social, arrogant, optimistic, paranoid)?
15. Why does your character adventure? Why did your character accept the job?
16. How does your character view his/her role as an adventurer?
17. Does your character have any distinguishing marks (birth-marks, scars, deformities)?
18. How does your character get along with others?
19. Is there anything that your character hates?
20. Is there anything that your character fears?
You there mortal! A voice called, commanding, condescending but in a way desireable Yes, you dearest, open you eyes! Another voice, lifelier, funnier and also... more dangerous? I have drunk way to much, wtf is a naughty Nocticula anyway? Askold thinks, his recent night out apparently had interesting consequences. As he opened his eyes, he instantly realized that he was in deep s*+&. Other man would have been happy to be tied to a bed, with 2 exceedingly attractive women standing on either side of it. Askold however did remember his "Evil outsiders and you" lessons in mercenary bootcamp. To his right, almost angelic if you disregard the pitch black wings. Yeap an Erinye. To his left, decisively not angelic, soft looking batwings and a cheeky tail, backed up by somehow graceful horns extending from her brow. Succubus. He has seen enough pinups, heck, his locker had some. F##~ He said out loud Again? The Succubus spoke If we did f&%# why am I alive? Askold asked as he was nursing the 2nd biggest hangover of his existence. And perhaps the last one as well. Because I, Lady Ashara of Avernus, have graciously given you the benefit of a death ward spell for the thankfully short duration of your intercourse with that... The Erinye answered Which is presumably going to cost me my soul? The mercenary continued, testing his bonds. Naturally that is indeed the most likely outcome. THe Erinyes spoke But you may get around it if you, free and willingly, state that I am far more attractive that this abyssal t+@& there! She continued Doesnt an infernal contract only has validity if I am sound of mind? He asks It totally does! And since you were under a massive amount of Demon Drugs which someone spiked your "naughty Nocticula" THe Succubus began Demon Drugs? Are these drugs that affects Demons or drugs which are made from Demons? He thought as the Succubus spoke Yes Both women said at the same moment, showing they were both reading his mind. MAKE YOUR CHOICE MORTAL! THe Erinyes stomped. Which, on account of her weapon tier high heels and the structural integrity, or lack thereof, of the bed resulted in Lady Gravity proving once more to be the harshest mistress of all.
Focusing his willpower to resist the telepathy of the Erinye, Askold rose and
progression plan and power spikes:
Now, Askold doesnt really need much more then combat reflexes and power attack to hit things in the face. And due to Elephant in the room, he already got that. His main class will thus always be Bloodrager, however, I would like to consider the following dips, if they narratively make sense: --1 level in Fractured mind/exciter, following a situation in which he fails a willsave vs possession/domination/paralysis etc. this will greatly increase his will saves, and make him a bit spooky. In addition, he will know things he has no business of knowing, which can be really cool in some campaigns. --1 Level in mutagenic mauler brawler. Following exposure to drugs or chemical enchancement. Gives better reflexes and mutagens, if he is distraught over a defeat, and has someone to recommend him steroid he will probably do it. --Dragon discplie, the Ulfen way.
--Sentinel of Gorrum
--A dip in Falcata swashbuckler
General power levels:
--Level 4 spike: He gets a) Bloodrager spellcasting (2 spells per day, likely shield and longarm) and b) becomes large when he rages. This is a pretty potent increase to his damage per turn, and bumps his raging strength to 24. --Levels 4-6: With shield, his ac is "average" rather then garbage, but he hits really hard. --Level 7-9: Level 7 gets him mirror image, which is great and will be his most potent defensive tool. His survivability will greatly increase --Level 10: Here, polymorph spells, specifically fae form for Rusalka and monstrous phyisque for deathsnatchers kick in. Suddenly he has a lot of Natural attacks, secondary, but still very potent.