About Alexandr Sergejevich KerenskyBackground:
F$*@ing Lastwall.Alexandr thought as he took stock of the destruction. His Bandit base lay burned out, and several of his orcish auxillaries had been captured or killed. If he showed his face to Belkzen without sufficient weregild, he would get one tusk down his mouth and another one up his arse. Good thing was that they thought his cats paw was the leader, which enabled him to get the hell away. Also good thing was that he could pass for human. Apparently his mother named him after an Irriseni war hero who impressed the Orcs with his defiance. Greetings Said his embedded phantom. Our Lady in shadows services inform you that Tar-Baphon has job opening. Likely the usual combination of infiltration, assassination and asset retrieval. Thank you for subscribing to "Leashed-In", the Abyssal information network. She continued. That something for you Alex? Yeppers, so, does old boneyface know that Lady Nocticula knows? He all but asked for brokerage services, standard conditions apply to you of course. Has there ever been anyone I have not been willing to betray at Lady Nocticulas behest my dear? And would I possibly stupid enough to not follow her orders when she has blessed me with such an incredibly helpfull mental aide? Alexandr answered. Technically he probably was "possessed", if she, whom he called Shadie manifested, it was as a feminine and not unattractive shadow. He had little doubt that, should he ever turn against the interests of midnight incarnate, retribution would be swift and humorous, but as it stood his "assistant" was incredibly helpfull. So, who is the contact? I kind of doubt that walking up to a random Zombie and asking would work all that well. Accessing information, please stand by. You direct recruitment agent is one "Thiadora" Partial match of records with an Asmodean "sentient resource" agent, but match is only partial. Contact with "Leashed-In" established, she already replied, that was quick. Sending you coordinates in meatspace. What would I do without you dear Shadie Alexandr smiles contendedly. GM info:
Phantom: His phantom is partly of his split up sub conciousness, ironically enough his dedication, and not a demon, let alone an echo of Nocticula. This is why it is so helpfully and cooperative. He made a deal with a Lilitu, resulting in getting a level in fractured mind, in exchange for doing a degree of recruitment for her and leading an adventuring group into Captivity. The Lilitu was true to her word and made him highly resistant to mind affecting magic. The Lilitu thinks she is a genius, because she outsourced the boring part of possessing low level mortals to the mortals themself, and is currently touring the Abyss with her revolutionary new outsourcing trick. Plot Hooks: --Is primarily loyal to Nocticula, not Tar Baphon, which could get pretty interesting. --Dislikes anti orc prejudice --Will try to rescue his former squad mates from lastwall prisons, even if its mostly to look good. --Pick a Lastwall hero who smashed his banditry operation, will carry a massive grudge. Offense:
No rage, PA Bardiche: AB=4 (Bab)+4(STR)+1(ench)-0(furious focus)=9 Damage=1d10 + 6 (str) +6 (power attack) +1 (ench)= +13 No rage Falchion AB=+8 Damage =2d4+12 No rage Pila AB=+6 Damage=1d8+4 Claws: AB+8/+6 Damage=1d6+4+4 Rage: +3 AB from STR, -1 AB from size
Ideal offense: Rage, PA, Lead blades:
Base stats: STR 15, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 8 Cha 14
HP=10+30 (rolled) + 5 +4
Abyssal Bloodline Feats and traits:
Alternate racial traits:
From dedication phantom:
Level 1 Feat: Combat reflexes
Background skills: 1 in each: Kn. History=5 Kn. Geo=5 Kn. Nobility=5 Kn. Eng=5 Linguistics=5 Profession: Mercenary 7 30 skill points
Spiritualist level 0: Read Magic Guidance Open/Close Mending Spiritualist level 1:
Bloodrager spells level 1:
+1 Agile Breastplate 1400 gold
5 Cold Iron Pila 50 gp
GM Fiat:
Notes from GM:
Oh, one more thing your grudge target is KELLEN SHAYLEE. Female human with dark skin and white hair. She is a ranking captain in the Last Wall military who use a massive greatsword with strange powers. The blade is not magic but rather a highly advanced piece of technology acquired from Numeria. The blade seems able to cut through steel like butter and it can absorb spells directed at the caster. Your former companions are held in a prison inside the Keep at Vigil.
wand charges:
Lead blades 48 Shield 48 Long arm 48 Inf. healing 46 new purchases:
Eyes fo the eagle 2,5K |