Lady Evgenya Zunaida

Erith "Beerfiend" var Emrys's page

74 posts. Alias of Mightypion.

Full Name

Erith "Beerfiend" var Emrys




Echo knight 7 Cleric of war 7






135 years

Special Abilities

Vampiric Bite, Spiderclimb, Echo knight stuff


Chaotic Neutral






Common, undercommon, Abyssal


Professional mercenary

Strength 12
Dexterity 12
Constitution 20
Intelligence 8
Wisdom 19
Charisma 8

About Erith "Beerfiend" var Emrys

Race: Dhampir Background:Mercenary Class combo:Fighter/Echo knight Cleric/war
After racial adjustment (+2 Con, +1 CHA) stats:

Base stats:
STR 12 +1 DEX 12 (+1) CON 15 (+2) INT 8 (-1) WIS 15 (+2) CHA 8 (-1)

Stats after Dhampir adjustment

STR 12 +1 DEX 12 (+1) CON 17 (+3) INT 8 (-1) WIS 16 (+3) CHA 8 (-1)

Level 4 ability score improvement:
+1 Con +1 wis

Level 6 Ability score improvement:
+2 Wis

STR 12 +1 DEX 12 (+1) CON 18 (+4) INT 8 (-1) WIS 19 (+4) CHA 8 (-1)

HP 10+30+35=75 (HD: 7D10)
AC 21 (18 plate armor, 2 shield, 1 defensive fighting style)
Initiative +1
Speed: 35' Land, 35 climb
Proficiency +3
Alignment: CN


Saving Throws: wisdom, charisma, constitution, strength
Background (Mercenary veteran): Athletics, Persuasion
Class: Perception, Insight

Weapons: Martial, simple
Armor: Light, medium, heavy, shields
Tools: Vehicles (land), can I have "Bartending" instead of a gaming set?
Languages: Common, Undercommon

Spell Attack:
Spellcasting DC: 15
Spells known: 11
Spell Slots
1st Level: 4 Stone shape, Death ward, Freedom of movement
2nd Level: 3 Dispell magic, Spirit guardians, revivy
3rd Level: 3 Silence, Spiritual weapon, Hold person
4th Level: 1 Healing word, bless,
Cantrips Known (4):
Sacred flame
Toll the dead

Class & Race Abilities:

Echo knight Features:
Skills: Perception, Insight

Other features (base fighter)
Fighting style, defense (+1AC)
Second wind (1d0+7) (1/1)
Action surge (1/1)
Extra attack

Other features (Echo knight)
Manifest echo
Unleash incarnation (5/5)
Echo avatar

war cleric Features:

Spellcasting (DC 15)
Other features
Channel divinity (2/2)
Channel Divinity: Guided Strike
Channel Divinity: War God's Blessing
War Priest (4/4) (Bonus action for an extra attack)

Race Features:
Ability Score: +2 Con, +1 wis, +1
Speed: 35, climb 35
Size: Medium
Languages: Common, Undecommon
Other racial features:
Permanent spiderclimb, does not need to breathe


1 Rare, 2 uncommon items
Rare item: Belt of dwarfenkind (+2 CON)
Uncommon item: Eldritch claw tatoo (bite counts as magical and +1)
Mitrhal plate armor (arguably uncommon)

Shield, handaxes, adventuring gear
Holy Symbol (stylized erect middle finger of Gruumsh on the gauntlet of the free right hand)

Mercenary veteran
Prof: Athletics, persuasion
Tools: vehicles (land), ideally bartending instead of dice
Speciality: Competetive drinker

Feature: Mercenary contract
Have a reliable and trustworthy contact who acts as a liaison to a network of other mercenaries.

Trait: I would rather make a new friend than a new enemy.
Trait: I don’t pay attention to the risks in a situation. Never tell me the odds, or actually, do tell me the odds and bamboozle some moron to bet against me!

Ideal: There’s a spark of fun in everyone

Bond: Those who laugh at the face of great danger are worthy of being called my friends!

Flaw: I have an incredibly opportunistic attachment to reality, my lack of self preservation instincts is quite notable as well.

Backstory and Character Description:

where the effing hell did Gruumsh send me this time?
Erith wondered as the effects of Gruumsh magic teleportation juice, commonly known as "RotGutRipper" took hold, by generating a sufficiently strong hangover that enabled a rather random teleportion effect.
Huh, underground? She took hold of her surroundings
Oi, thats a battle, Drow against Drow it seems?
2 groups of drow were fighting, one led by several priestesses wielding tentacle whips, which was also the side currently winning.
Eh, Loth f$$&wits, lets help the other side She thought as she charged in
LOTH SUCKS FLACID COCK She shouted Gruumshes traditional warcry when dealing with Drow. As she charged straight into one of the priestesses, manifesting her echo behind the priestess and tearing her appart in a tide of teeth and bites.
OMNOMNOMNOMNOM Eryth now had the drows full attention, just as she wanted.

You speak undercommon warrior? The leader of the non lolth drow asked after the battle, cautiously eyeing the 2 dead drow priestesses.
Apparently I do, I used to speak Abyssal, but well, my god sends me where he wants, and mixes up what languages I speak. I am a divine mercenary tasked with smeshing the increbibly arrogant, and I believe you have some need of my services? She answered, noting with some "there she goes again" that her echo was phantomimically flirting with another drow.
Lets setup a contract then? The leading drow asked, quite appreciative of the storm of violence she could cause.

She took a time to catch her reflection in her plate armor, making sure that Gruumsh didnt also alter her appearance. The one time he made her looks like an Succubus was a hoot.
Still blond, check.
Still the same size, bit short of 2 meters, check.
Still a better rack then any drow, check.
Still wearing booze- and blood-stained mithral plate armor, check.
Holy symbol on the shield and gauntless, check.
Still a blond pony tail, check.
And my eyes are still red yeap.



[spoiler=Spell Notes]