Nighttail the Glib

Compensates for nothing!'s page

154 posts. Alias of Mightypion.

Full Name

Compensates for nothings!


Kobold stronkest


Fighter 9 Paladin 5 Frac Min 1 Myst. Stranger 1 186/186HP AC44/32/22 Fort=23 Ref=21 Will=21 Init 8 Perc 12




Bigger then dumb evilz!


Younger then Apsu because Apsu is best


Lawful good beingz!




Redelia knows, maybe? I dont, was drunk then Apsu gave me mission!


Holy Paladin of Apsu who is bestest Dragon!

Strength 13
Dexterity 26
Constitution 16
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 12
Charisma 20

About Compensates for nothing!


Is this a practical joke Apsu? Said a dark, full voice that grated like Iron, as a white pawn was moved on what looked like a 3-4 or perhaps even 5 dimensional chess board.
The joke may well be on you, "Lord" Moloch. answered a deep resonant voice that sounded, perhaps uncharacteristically, amused.
Puny Kobolds and Goblins! Your minions will falter! Shouted the harsh voice with infernal rage.
Oh please "myLord" most of them are not even my "minions" and there are so many other ways of associating with other beings. Have you ever tried being friendly? Also, they havent done much faltering so far, in contrasts to somebody elses pieces yes? answered the deep resonant and increasingly smugly amused voice.
Are you on drugs you upjumped Wyrm with delusions of grandeur?
As a matter of fact I indeed am, this makes our confrontation a bit less unequal and ever since Lady Nocticula ascended the overall quality and affordability of mythic celestial weed greatly improved! Now, allow me to ehhm breathe some divine essence into Sir "Compensates for Nothingz". Your "minions" will soon be aquaintanced with him..

Meanwhile on Golarion.
He was flying! "Compensates for Nothingz!", the name that Lord Apsu had given him when he first saw him, was flying! Filled by the divine breath of Apsu he was a cloud, and merrily flying to another cloud, that incidently looked like a happy Kobold Lady! The cloud that was him and the cloud who looked like Kobold Lady happily intermingled, and suddenly he was, elsewhere? And not longer flying, but well, if Apsu wants him to be here then he will be just there! All he need was to find some evil beingz to smite and friends to support! And Lord Apsu always gave him both these thingzes!

Special delivery:

hihihihihihihihihihi laughed a melodic voice.
While she was ancient, Apsu having a sense of humor was news to her.
She considered herself as easily within the top 10 of entities in terms of drug related experiences, but this weed was interesting. She felt surprisingly humorous and peaceful, although not in a way that would truely reduce her capabilities.
She did not truely know why Apsu, of all possible Empyreal Lords, send a Kobold Paladin carrying a large stash of mythic weed into her city, explicitly meant as a gift for her. An opportunistic alliance against Tiamat perhaps? Diplomatic maneuvering? The 6 crusade was coming to a climax, and Apsu, as an ally of Iomedae sending her a gift hmmm...
The Kobold would have made for a pretty interesting jester, but it would have been the height of rudeness to detain him.
As she took another breath from the no longer giftwrapped mithral-pipe, she allowed her conciousness to expand somewhat, and attempted to see all of her realm.
WHAT? What is that upjumped motherf@#*ing Goat with delusions of relevance doing there? Ah, getting his goaty rear end kicked by a bunch of adventurers? Hilarious but... Timestop? Really old goat face? Well, it has been 2 centuries since she last killed a demon lord, may as well get back to it. She vanished, seconds later a demon lord died for the first time.

Uhhhm, Apsu boss? Can compensates ask question? Compensates asked what he thought was Apsu, but could have also been a very elaborate smoke ring.
As long as you dont expect an answer?
Why have you told my give holy Apsu weed and magic pipe to Nocticula,
I *had* too much weed, so I decided to share. Sharing is caring.
Makes sense Apsu boss!


HP:10 + 97 (rolls) +10 (rolls) + 9 (favored class) + 46 (con) = 186

Fort= 10 (base) + 2 (con) + 3(resistance) + 4 (divine grace)+2(fractured mind) +2 mysterious stranger=23
Reflex=4(base) + 6(dex) +3 (resistance) +4 (grace)+2 mysterious stranger=19
Will=7 base +1 (wis) +3 (resistance) +4 (grace)+2 (fractured mind) +2 (iron will while phantom inside)=19
Will vs fear (immune because paladin)
Will vs charm and compulsion=22 (irrepressible)
Will vs mind affecting +4

AC= 42 =10 (base) + 9 (armor) + 3 (armor enchancement) + 2(advanced armor training option) + 2 (shield bonus from weapon training)
+3 (extra shield bonus from weapon training because of my 2 weapons, I think) +3 (deflection) + 2 natural armor(amulet) +1 natural armor(kobold) +1 size (kobold) +6 dex
AC flat footed= 31
AC touch=23


Base AB calculation:
15 BAB +6 Dex +4 weapons training +3 enchantment +1 size
While power attacking: 25
While two weapon fighting: 23

[dice=full attack with power attack]

[dice=full attack]


STR: 13-2=11
Dex 16+4=20 +2(stat increase)+4 enc=26
Con: 13-2=11 +1 (stat increase)+4=16
CHa=13+1(stat increase)=14


Fighter 1: Weapon Finesse ; Two Weapon fighting
Fighter 2: Weapon Focus Earth Breaker
Fighter 3: Weapon Focus Klar
Fighter 4: Thunder and Fang
Fighter 5: Weapon versatility
Fighter 6: Deadly Agility
Fighter 7: Power attack
Fighter 8: Improved two weapon fighting
Fighter 9: Greater two weapon fighting
Paladin 1:
Paladin 2: Critical Focus
Paladin 3:
Paladin 4: Improved Critical Earthbreaker
Paladin 5:
Mysterious stranger 1: Deadly Aim
Fractured mind 1: (Skill focus Diplomacy and sense motive, as well as Iron will while phantom is inside)


2 spells per day
Heroes defiance
unbreakable heart


Sash of the war champion (+4 to fighter level for bravery and armor training)
Celestial Full plate tial-plate-armor/

Weapon right hand:
Apsus long jab
+3 Earthbreaker
Conductive, Holy
=+5 weapon==50K
Apsus Cunning plan
+2 Earthbreaker
=+5 weapon==50K

100K for now
83K for big 6 items
Belt of physical perfection +4
64K (69/135)
Headband of alluring charisma +6
36K (20/135)
Cloak of resistance +3
Ring of prot +3
Ring of evasion
25K 129/135K
Amulet of natural armor +3
16K (102/135K)
Gloves of Dueling
Braces of the glib entertainer 9K (78/135)
Stagger proof boots (2K), 80/135K
+1 Reliable Dragoon musket (12K, 92/135 K)
Eyes of the eagle (2K) 94/135 K

New wands:
CLW 750
Shield 750
bless weapon 750
Prot from evil 750

Stuff from 9/13 levels of fighter:

Weapon training X2
Bravery X3 (effective level 13)
Armor training X3

Weapon training X1: Hammers
Weapon training X2: Defensive Weapon Training (Ex) The fighter gains a +1 shield bonus to his Armor Class. The fighter adds half his weapon’s enhancement bonus (if any) to this shield bonus. When his weapon training bonus for weapons from the associated fighter weapon group reaches +4, this shield bonus increases to +2. This shield bonus is lost if the fighter is immobilized or helpless.

Armor training X1: Normal
Armor training X2: Normal
Armor training X3: Armor specialiazation full plate

Stuff from Paladin level 5:

Aura of good
Smite evil 2/2
Lay on Hands 6/6
Divine grace
Aura of courage
Divine health
Divine Weapon Bond

Fractured mind 1 char level 14:

6 hp
+2 fort
+2 will
+4 will vs mind affecting
Spell chosen: Burst of insight, shield Spells known 2/2

Mysterious stranger 1 char level 15:

4 hp
+2 fort
+2 Ref
+1 BAB
4/4 Grit



Alternate racial traits:

Wyrmcrowned (+2 to diplomacy)
Day Raider (lightvision instead of dark vision)


Total Bonus Skill points Other boni
Acrobatics 10 6 3
Appraise 0
Bluff 0
Climb 1 1 0
Craft 3 0 0
Diplomacy 28 4 10 2 3
Disable Device 6 6
Disguise 4 4
Escape Artist 7 6 1
Fly 9 6 3
Handle Animal 8 4 1
Heal 5 1 1
Intimidate 8 4 1
Linguistics 4 0 1
Perception 9 17
Perform 10 4 1
Profession 5 1 1
Ride 10 6 1
Sense Motive 13 1 3 3
Sleight of Hand 6 6
Spellcraft 4 0 1
Stealth 14 6 8
Survival 4 1 0
Swim 5 1 1
UMD 5 4 1