Sabina Merrin

Ragnhild Demondottir's page

87 posts. Alias of Mightypion.

Full Name

Sigurdr Sigurdson




Barbarian(Rage Prophet)1/Bard 1 Gestalt AC15/14/11 HP14/14 Fort:4/Ref:3/will2 Ini:3 CMD15 CMB4










Nocticula and Gorum


Common, Abyssal

Strength 16
Dexterity 12
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 10
Charisma 16

About Ragnhild Demondottir

Allies read here for totem effects and stuff:

--Everyone within 30 feet of me gets +2 (circumstance) to weapon damage rolls
--I can expend my casting pool to nullify crits against you.
--I can expend my casting pool to have you reroll saving throws if you fail one, you must take the second result even if worse
--Elemental rage means that you take damage if you are within 5 feet of her at the start of her turn.


Hide armor AC 4 Max Dex 4 ACP -3
Pirate clothes
Boarding Axe [d6] +2 to climb

Character creation:

Race: Human

Background: Warrior
Class Skills: Athletics and Knowledge (martial)
Extra Feat: Combat advice

Gestalt classes:
Barbarian(Rage prophet)/Bard
Class kills Barb:
Acrobatics (Dex), Athletics (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Influence (Cha), Knowledge (martial), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Ride (Dex), and Survival (Wis).
Class skills Bard:
Acrobatics (Dex), Appraise (Int), Athletics (Str), Craft (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Influence (Cha), Knowledge (all) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Stealth (Dex), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Level 1 Barb Rage prophet stuff:

Level 1 Barb (Rage prophet) stuff:
The rage prophet may combine spheres and talents to create magical effects. The rage prophet is considered a Low-Caster. (Note: All casters gain 2 bonus talents and a casting tradition the first time they gain the casting class feature.)

Spell Pool
The rage prophet gains a small reservoir of energy she can call on to create truly wondrous effects, called a spell pool. This pool contains a number of spell points equal to her level + her casting ability modifier (minimum 1). This pool replenishes once per day after roughly 8 hours of rest.

Blended Training
A rage prophet gains a combat or magic talent every even level.

Chosen by the Gods (Ex):
At 1st level, a rage prophet gains an oracle curse and its associated benefits, using her class level as her effective oracle level. If she already possess an oracle’s curse (or gains one later), this instead allows her rage prophet levels to stack with the levels of the class that grants access to the oracle’s curse. This replaces berserker and the rage forms gained at 7th and 19th level.

What I get: Spell pool 4/4 +1/1 because Skald .
Oracle curse:


Your life fulfills the predictions of one or more important prophecies. You may choose to embrace, or resist, your foretold fate. Subtract your curse level from the DC of gather information or Knowledge checks to learn things about you. You suffer a -10 penalty to Will saves vs non-mind-affecting spells and spell-like abilities of the divination school. Once per day, you can take 10 on a check even if you would not normally be able to do so because of distractions or threats. At 5th level, you gain the Divination sphere as a bonus magic talent. At 10th level, you gain a bonus revelation from your chosen mystery. At 15th level, you gain an additional talent from the Divination sphere.

2 Bonus Talents
Bonus talent warsphere one:
Replenish (rally)

You may spend a spell point to rally a target, allowing them to reroll a saving throw they just failed. They must take the second result, even if it is worse.

Safety (rally)
You turn a crit into a non crit

1 Casting tradition

1 Martial tradition: Viking
You gain proficiency with the battleaxe, Bardiche, Boarding Axe, greataxe, Cutlass, hand axe, heavy pick, light hammer, light pick, pickaxe, throwing axe, and Falchion. (like Dwarfen heritage but a bit altered)
Armor training (proficient with light and medium armor)
As well as the Berserker sphere
Berserker Exterion talent chosen:

Heavy Swing (exertion)

Creature damaged by your brutal strike must succeed on a Fortitude save or be staggered for 1 round plus 1 round per 4 base attack bonus. If the target is battered, it is instead staggered for 1 round on a successful save, or dazed for 1 round then staggered as normal on a failed save. If the target failed the Fortitude save, for the duration of the staggered condition, it also counts the damage from the attack as ongoing damage for the purpose of concentration checks. Creatures immune to the dazed condition are instead staggered for the round they would have been dazed.

As such, I have a Berseker talent, and am also a level 1 barb, therefor I get another one.

Advancing Carnage

Whenever you make a melee attack using the attack action, you may choose to take a -2 penalty on all attack rolls made that round. If your attack hits, you may make an additional attack as a free action against a creature that is adjacent to the first and also within your reach. If this additional attack hits, you may make another additional attack against a new target adjacent to the struck target. You may continue attacking targets adjacent to your most recent struck target as long as you still have a valid target for this ability, but you cannot attack the same creature twice. The number of additional attacks made with this ability cannot exceed 1/2 your base attack bonus (minimum 1).

You can take this talent a second time, allowing you to take a single 5-ft. step as a free action after making an attack when using this ability. If doing so places a creature within your threatened area, that creature becomes a legal target for your additional attack(s) as long as it meets all the other prerequisites. Your movement with this talent cannot exceed your move speed. Associated Feats: Cleave, Great Cleave, Cleave Through when taken twice.

Berserker rage form:
Elemental rage

Casting tradition chosen:

Magic Type: Arcane
Casting Ability Modifier: Charisma
Drawbacks: Somatic Casting, Verbal Casting
Boon: +1 spell point, +1 per three levels in casting classes.

Level 1 Bard:
Weapon and Armor Proficiency:

A bard is proficient with all simple weapons, plus the longsword, rapier, sap, short sword, shortbow, and whip. Bards are also proficient with light armor and shields (except tower shields).

Intros, outtros and melodies chosen:

​3 Scores,
1 intro, 1 outro, 4 melodies, 1 extra intro or outro
Intros chosen:
Powerful Note

Melodies chosen:
Invigorating Melody (Su)

Composition Type: Melody

Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Cantor, Harmonicist, Maestro

Triumphant and clear, this melody is designed to spark bravery and invigorate the listener. All allies within 30 feet of the conductor gain fast healing 1. This melody can be taken multiple times.

Focused Dissonance (Su)

Composition Type: Melody

Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Harmonicist

This melody is full of disjunctions at precisely-chosen frequencies designed to vibrate in wood and metal. All weapons wielded by allies within 30 feet of the conductor deal an additional point of sonic damage per hit. This melody can be taken multiple times.

Amplification (Su)

Composition Type: Melody

Compatible Classes: Harmonicist

Sound waves that are in phase with each other amplify each other. The first time the subject deals sonic damage each round, he deals an additional 1d4 points of sonic damage. This melody can be taken multiple times.

ea Shanty (Su)

Composition Type: Melody

Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Cantor, Harmonicist, Maestro

Sea shanties are simple tunes with an even, metronomic beat and lyrics that will interest even the scurviest of dogs. All allies within 30 feet of the conductor experience a similar sensation, gaining a +2 competence bonus to Profession and Craft skill checks. This melody can be taken multiple times.

Outro chosen:
Warding Finale (Sp)

Composition Type: Outro

Compatible Classes: Cantor, Maestro

Weaving magic into the outro of his score, a composer can proactively protect his allies from various dangers, including the elements. When preparing a score with this melody, choose acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. All allies within 30 feet of the conductor receive temporary immunity from the chosen energy type. After a number of rounds equal to one quarter the conductor's composer level, rounded down, or after the outro absorbs 3 points of energy damage per composer level of the conductor, the outro is discharged. If a source of damage exceeds the remaining absorption, the source is only partially absorbed.


[spoiler=prepared scores]
1: Powerful Note Invigorating Song Warding Finale 4/4
2: Stacato Invigorating Song Warding Finale 4/4
3: Stacato Focused Dissonance (Su) Warding Finale 4/4
4: Powerful Note Sea Shantie Warding Finale

Perform Sing (INfluence, Sense motive) as muse skill
Repoirtoire: Wanderer giving
Knowledge (geography), Profession (driver), Profession (sailor), Ride, Survival, as semi bardic knowledges, also adding knowledge planes and swim.

Masterpeace chosen:

Lamentations of Lightning:

Lamentations of Lightning
This masterpiece allows the bard to call down lightning upon his foes, as the call lightning spell with a caster level equal to his bard level. Beginning this masterpiece requires a standard action that cannot be reduced by the hasty performance ability, and he may summon one bolt each round as a standard action while he maintain the performance. The bard must be able to see where they wish to target the called bolts. The lightning bolts called by this masterpiece deal an additional 1d6 damage at 4th level, and every two levels thereafter (to a maximum of 12d6 at 20th level).

Bard stuff:

A score is a piece of music containing an intro, an outro, and a number of melodies. Intros, outros, and melodies are drawn from the bard's composition book. A bard begins play with two scores, plus additional scores equal to his Charisma modifier / 3, rounded down, minimum 0. Each score must contain a single intro, a single outro, and a single melody. At 3rd level and every five levels thereafter, a bard's mastery over music allows him to prepare scores with an additional melody, to a maximum of five melodies per score at 18th level. At 5th level and every six levels thereafter, a bard receives an additional score, for a total of five scores at 17th level. A bard's composer level is equal to his bard class level.

To prepare or use a score, a bard must have an Charisma score equal to at least 12 + the number of melodies in the score. The Difficulty Class (DC) for a saving throw against a bard's score is 10 + 1/2 the bard's class level + the bard's Charisma modifier.

A bard must get 8 hours of sleep and study his composition book for 1 hour in order to change his scores. A bard does not need to study his composition book each day to refresh his daily uses of the conduct composition class feature. Rather, in order to refresh his daily uses of the conduct composition class feature, a bard need only get 8 hours of sleep each night. In essence, a bard need not study his composition book at all if he is happy with his current score selection. Further, if separated from his composition book, a bard can continue to use the scores he has already prepared until he is reunited with it.

A bard begins play with a composition book containing 1 intro, 1 outro, and his choice of an additional intro or outro. His composition book also begins play with melodies equal to 1 + his Charisma modifier, minimum 1. At each new bard level, a bard gains one intro or outro for which he meets all of the prerequisites, as well as one melody for which he meets all of the prerequisites.

At any time, a bard may copy intros, outros, and melodies, known collectively as "compositions", found in other composition books to his own. Given the highly complex nature of what a bard works with, special inks and paper are required. The special paper is, luckily, identical to that found in wizard spellbooks, thus allowing a bard to buy a spellbook and scrawl "composition book" on the front cover. Further, any magic items designed to record wizard spells can record compositions without a problem. The ink cost to record a composition is equal to 100 gp times the effective minimum level of what is being recorded. For example, a melody that requires 4 ranks in a skill effectively requires a minimum level of 4th and costs 400 gp to record, while an intro that requires the Improved Initiative feat effectively requires a minimum level of 1st and costs 100 gp to record. Compositions take up a number of pages equal to the effective minimum level of the composition.

Conduct Composition
At 1st level, a bard has learned how to conduct his scores in such a way that he unleashes the magic inherent in the melody. Each individual score can be conducted for a number of rounds per day equal to a bard's ranks in his key Perform skill + his Charisma modifier. Starting to conduct a score is a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, but it can be maintained each round as a free action. When a bard starts to conduct a score, the intro effect chosen for that score triggers immediately, while all melody effects start immediately and persist for as long as the score is performed. A bard can end a performance in one of two ways. First, he can simply stop conducting as a free action; however, ending a performance in this manner does not trigger the score's outro effect. Secondly, he can end the performance with a proper flourish as a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. If he ends a score in this manner, the score's outro effect triggers. If a bard stops conducting a score as a free action, he cannot start conducting another score that round.

Conducting a score cannot be disrupted, but it ends immediately if the bard is killed, paralyzed, stunned, knocked unconscious, or otherwise prevented from taking a free action to maintain it each round. A bard cannot have more than one score in effect at one time.

All scores that a bard conducts rely on audible components unless otherwise noted.


A bard’s bardic performances are inspired by a creative longing that fuels the magical effects he produces. Although each bard’s muse manifests in the form of a specific talent, different bards channel different interests and pursuits for this purpose. At 1st level, the bard chooses one muse upon taking his first level of bard — once made, this choice cannot be changed. The bard’s muse grants him a free skill rank in his muse’s key Perform skill at each bard level and is used to determine the performance components he can add to his bardic performance as well as the effects of other bard class features. The available muses are:

Acting (A or V): Key Skill: Perform (act); Associated Skills: Disguise, Influence

Comedy (A); Key Skill: Perform (comedy); Associated Skills: Influence, Sense Motive

Dance (V); Key Skill: Perform (dance); Associated Skills: Acrobatics, Influence

Juggling (V); Key Skill: Perform (juggle); Associated Skills: Disable Device, Influence

Keyboard (A); Key Skill: Perform (keyboard); Associated Skills: Influence, Spellcraft

Legerdemain (A); Key Skill: Perform (legerdemain); Associated Skills: Influence, Sleight of Hand

Oratory (A); Key Skill: Perform (oratory); Associated Skills: Influence, Linguistics

Percussion (A); Key Skill: Perform (percussion), Associated Skills: Handle Animal, Influence

Singing (A); Key Skill: Perform (sing); Associated Skills: Influence, Sense Motive

Stage Magic (A or V): Key Skill: Perform (stage magic); Associated Skills: Escape Artist, Influence

Strings (A); Key Skill: Perform (strings); Associated Skills: Heal, Influence

Wind (A); Key Skill: Perform (wind); Associated Skills: Influence, Survival

Repertoire (Ex)
Bards pick up a surprising repertoire of knowledge throughout their travels. At 1st level, the bard chooses one of the following repertoires of bardic knowledge and gains a bonus on skill checks associated with that repertoire equal to 1/2 the bard’s level (minimum +1). If any of the repertoire’s skills are trained-only, the bard can make skill checks with those skills untrained. Once chosen, the bard’s repertoire cannot be changed. The following list several of the more common repertoires available to bards. At the GM’s determination, additional repertoires might be available.

Athlete: Acrobatics, Climb, Escape Artist, Fly, Swim.

Cosmopolitan: Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge (history), Knowledge (nobility), Sense Motive.

Free Spirit: Any four skills of the bard’s choice.

Magician: Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (planes), Spellcraft, Use Magic Device.

Scholar: Knowledge (all).

Sham: Bluff, Disable Device, Sleight of Hand, Stealth.

Wanderer: Knowledge (geography), Profession (driver), Profession (sailor), Ride, Survival, any two skills of the bard’s choice.

Bardic Performance (Su)

A bard can use the key Perform skill of his muse to create magical performances that bolster allies or hamper foes. He can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + his Charisma modifier. At each level after 1st a bard can use bardic performance for 2 additional rounds per day. Each round, the bard can produce any one of the types of bardic masterpiece that he has mastered.

Starting a bardic performance is a standard action, but it can be maintained each round as a free action. Changing a bardic performance from one effect to another requires the bard to stop the previous performance and start a new one as a standard action. A bardic performance cannot be disrupted, but it ends immediately if the bard is killed, paralyzed, stunned, knocked unconscious, or otherwise prevented from taking a free action to maintain it each round. A bard cannot have more than one bardic performance in effect at one time.

Each bardic performance has audible components, visual components, or both. If a bardic performance has audible components, the targets must be able to hear the bard for the performance to have any effect, and such performances are language dependent. A deaf bard has a 20% chance to fail when attempting to use a bardic performance with an audible component. If he fails this check, the attempt still counts against his daily limit. Deaf creatures are immune to bardic performances with audible components. If a bardic performance has a visual component, the targets must have line of sight to the bard for the performance to have any effect. A blind bard has a 50% chance to fail when attempting to use a bardic performance with a visual component. If he fails this check, the attempt still counts against his daily limit. Blind creatures are immune to bardic performances with visual components. All of the bard’s performances end immediately if he becomes asleep, dead, dying, helpless, paralyzed, stunned, or unconscious.

Bardic Masterpiece (Su)

As he gains experience, the bard learns complex songs, stories, routines, and more that he can perform using his bardic performance class feature to create magical effects called bardic masterpieces. The bard learns his first bardic masterpiece at 1st level, and he learns an additional masterpiece at 2nd level and every two levels thereafter. If a bardic masterpiece allows a saving throw to resist its effects, the DC is equal to 10 + half the bard’s ranks in his muse’s key Perform skill + his Charisma modifier. If it requires an opponent to attempt a skill check, the DC is equal to 10 + 1-1/2 × the bard’s ranks in his muse’s key Perform skill + his Charisma modifier. A bard cannot learn the same bardic masterpiece more than once unless it specifically says otherwise.

Once the bard has started a bardic masterpiece, he can maintain his masterpiece’s effects for multiple rounds by maintaining the performance as a free action. The bard can maintain any bardic performance that can be started as a standard action, a move action, or a swift action unless the performance says otherwise in its action entry. Maintaining a masterpiece extends the performance’s duration by 1 round. The bard must decide whether or not to maintain his bardic performance at the start of his turn, and he cannot maintain any masterpiece more often than once per round.

All of the available bardic masterpieces can be found HERE.

Performance Flourish

At 1st level and every 2 levels thereafter, the bard learns a performance flourish, which modifies how he uses his bardic performance or bardic masterpiece class features.

All of the available performance flourishes can be found HERE.

Trait: Charming
Charming: Blessed with good looks, you’ve come to depend on the fact that others find you attractive. You gain a +1 trait bonus when you use Influence on a character that is (or could be) sexually attracted to you, and a +1 trait bonus to the save DC of any language-dependent spell you cast on such characters or creatures.

Basic Stats:

HP=10 (Rage prophet has D10 not D12)+2 (con)=12/12
Delayed damage pool=3/3


Skill points 7/7
Perform Sing=7=3+3+1 (influence and sense motive) Repoirtoire
Swim=3+1+1=5 Perception=3+1+1=5 Repoirtoire
Profession Sailor=3+1+1=5
Kn. Martial=3+1+1+1=6


Totem of war stuff:
Totem Of War

You and your allies gain a +2 circumstance bonus to all weapon damage rolls. This bonus increases by 1 for every 5 caster levels.


The Verdict is Banishment. No Demonkin shall live amongst Kellids. The elder proclaimed.
We demand Death! Ulfrik Ragnarson bellowed, probably because she didnt bed him.
Death! Death! Death! the mob shouted
You are free to challenge me to trial by combat, Ulfrik "immune to Succubi on account of massive erective disfunction" Ragnarson Ragnhild said, seeking to turn a "get murdered by a mob" into a deal she would have a 50/50 chance of winning.
TRIAL BY COMBAT, TRIAL BY COMBAT, TRIAL BY COMBAT The mob bellowed, always being fond of violence.

5 minutes later:
Is it in yet? Ragnhild asked her opponent as he missed her again with his oversized greatsword, before viciously impaling her foe on her own Bardiche.
Blrrrgghhhh Was Ulriks final utterance.
Trial by combat is over, Ragnhild Demondottir was victorious

She left 15 minutes after that, hoping to make good time before her village got the idea to alert the inquisition of Mendev.


S#@% I am hunted
Ragnhild thought as the hunters drew closer, she couldnt quite see them but she knew they were there.
The demon spawn should be close, the Ragnarson Clan has given us a good description Prelate Hulrun She heard someone say.
Prelate? Empty night that one is a mass murderer She thought as she heard who was stalking her.
Hold your position, extraction incoming
A voice spoke in her head, melodic yet firm.
engaging in distraction She hear another voice also female, as some type of projectile slammed into one of the inquisitors.
Firearms? The Ragnarson clan spoke true, Midnights witches seek to interfere with our quarry! To battle, send the fiends to hell.
A clawed hand, clad in black leather, grabbed her, she felt weird as everything shifted.
Target secured, assemble at my position
She heard as she was face to face with a Succubus, clad in black leather armor and wearing some type of short spear on her back. Within seconds, 5 more Succubi appeared.
Their leader looked at her, her green eyes pearing deep into Ragnhilds mind.
Then the Demoness burst out laughing.
Qlippoths beneath bugger my lovelife, you dont actually worship our Lady in Shadows? That is f$!&ing hilarious. The Demoness blurted out laughing.
Well, not yet? Ragnhild spoke, quite concious that any of the Demonesses could easily kill her.
Why the flying f#!% does that f#%$ing prelate do a major manhunt on you, when you are not even a Demon worshipper, did you like, answered "maybe" when he asked if you would date him? Another Demon asked
I was accused of worshipping Demons, killed an idiot in a trial by combat, and his Clan spilled the beans on everything to the inquisition. If I have to hazard a guess, Hulrun seeks to increase Inquisitorial control over the remaining Kellid tribes by making himself useful? Ragnhild answered
Killing idiots, I approve of that Yet another demoness chuckled.
The mortal is having weird readings, she seems to be foretold, yet her current capabilities are pretty weak. A 4th demoness spoke, looking at Ragnhild through some type of Varisian looking glasses.

Well, my dear little destined Mortal, due to you I had an excellent reason to shoot Hulrun in the face, as such I shall make you a most excellent offer. I will teleport you to the shackles, exceedingly far from Mendevian inquisitors. In return, you owe my a favor, and you shall pledge to never knowingly oppose our Lady in Shadows interests until the favor is repayed. The most talkative of the Demons offered.

I accept? Ragnhild said.
To be honest, I expected worse terms... Ragnhild added.
Eh, this way, there is a sizeable chance that you will, at some point, follow our Lady willingly, If I would force you to abandon Gorum right now, you would get filled with resentment, and the Valkyrie I am dating would get rather grumpy. The talkative demoness spoke, Ragnhild having no idea if any of that was true.
You date a Valkyrie? Ragnhil asked, incredulous
Yeap, and me telling her that I shot Hulrun in the face and saved a Gorrumite from getting burned at the stake should get my party privileges in Gorrums halls reinstated! Finally I shall taste good booze again! The Succubus merrily spoke as she teleported her.
My name is Raskova, Lady of Luralune, give me a sending should you actually wish to convert based on your free will. Have this convenient scroll of sending for this eventuality! Now cya, I am off to get drunk Valhalla!


OK, this sending scroll better work
Ragnhild fidgeted with the scroll.
Beep Bop, this is the sending reply machine of Raskova, Lady of Luralune. I am currently not on the same plane as you are, but you can leave a message detailing your plane and your name after the next beep.
What? S*$# I have 25 words... Uhhhm, Ragnhil Demondottir on Golarion, does Nocticula enforce monotheism or can I worship both her and Gorrum?
Unused to Sendings, Ragnhild fidgeted around a fair bit.
S#&#, did this actually work? I dont really
Suddenly 2 Valkyries appeared in the shack she was renting

Uhm, Hello?She offered
You actually are real and not just a fiendish ploy of her to get access to Gorums booze supply? Said the other one.