Trinia Sabor

Varvara Ulyanova Vladimirovna's page

329 posts. Alias of Mightypion.

Full Name

Varvara Ulyanova Vladimirovna


Human 8/8level1spells 5/5level 2 effect: CLW: 28/50


Oracle 5 40/40hp Fort3/Ref4/Will4or8 AC 22/13/19 CMD:21Init:+7 Perc:7 Sn.M.:4










Smeshing evil Gnolls in face


Common, Abyssal, Infernal



Strength 16
Dexterity 16
Constitution 14
Intelligence 11
Wisdom 10
Charisma 18

About Varvara Ulyanova Vladimirovna


Certain Abyssal traits, perhaps from an association with Koschtchie in the distant past, have been frequent in the Irreseni blood line of Vladimir. Exiled by Baba Yaga, some Vladimiroviches became notable mercenaries, with a relatively high willingness of working for interplanar employers including devils. The illegitimate and highly rebellious daughter of a well regarded (ironically by both Demons and Devils) mercenary captain, Varvaras "inheritance" from her father was a set of weaponry, a panoply of armor she mostly couldnt use and an Erinye permanently attached in her brain. She set out on her own, to be as far away from her family as possible.
Seeking to annoy her "guest" as much as possible she joined a group that was to infiltrate and annihilate the leadership of the house of the beast. Which is where all went wrong...

Oracle things:

Mystery: Shadows BATTLE
Curse: Possessed

Level 1 Revelation:
Weapon Mastery (Ex): Select one weapon with which you are proficient. You gain Weapon Focus with that weapon. At 8th level, you gain Improved Critical with that weapon. At 12th level, you gain Greater Weapon Focus with that weapon. You do not need to meet the prerequisites to receive these feats.

Level 3 Revelation:

War Sight (Su): Whenever you roll for initiative, you can roll twice and take either result. At 7th level, you can always act in the surprise round, but if you fail to notice the ambush, you act last, regardless of your initiative result (you act in the normal order in following rounds). At 11th level, you can roll for initiative three times and take any one of the results.

From extra revelation:
Surprising charge

Possessed By what?:

By a stupid demonic b!@&$ very sage and wise dispenser of wholesome dating, relationship and life advice, also, I am an Erinye, Cant you bugger off, I am way more Abyss then Hellbound anyway? No my dear, as I have told you exactly 834 times, your Shadow related shenangians and your fondness for a certain Succubus with delusions of grandeur is exactly why your dearest daddy made appropriate sacrifices to ensure I them there to catch you when you fall. On account of your Captivity by a bunch of Gnolls, how good of an idea was taking a contract with Nocticulans now?
Less b!@@$ing more smeshing please!

Stat crunch
Stats were rolled
Str base 16
Dex 15 +1 ability increase
Con 14
Int 11
Wis 10
CHA 16 +2 (human)

Our dear Varvara is indeed widely reknown for the excellency of her life choices Shut up Mrs. future Pillow! Insulting my beatifull black feathered wings? I wonder if you will even survive to grow wings, oh wait, abyssal bloodlines dont, how sad for you
Insult my Sister some more and I will rip your wings off and give them to her.
You are the best Sis[i].

CHA 16 + 2 ability score increase =18


Ranged (+2 Composite MWK Longbow)


[dice=Power attack with vicious greatsord]
1d20 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 1 -1[/dice]
BAB(3)+ STR(3) + Divine favor (3) + enchantment (1) + weapon focus (1) - power attack (1)=+9
[dice=Damage]2d6 + 4 + 3 + 1 [/dice]
Base + STR(2handed) + Power attack + enchantment

Spell DC=15


HP=8+10(rolled)+6 (con) +3 (favored class)=27
AC (Assuming full gear and fighting actively)
=10 (base) + 2 (dex) +6 (Breastplate)=18
FF= 16

AC current=10+9 (armor) +3 dex=22

AC assuming fighting defensively with shield and gauntlet
=10 +3 +6 +2 +1 +3 =23

Init +7 roll twice
Will=4/8 vs charm/compulsion



[i] or dear Varavara is indeed resistant to instruction haha you bet I am!

You have taken badly to me constant instructions! F%#& you!

Missionary: Gains Intimidate as a class skill
I could make a joke about this but I wont.

Fates favored
Ah yes, my most benign influences makes itself felt.[i] [b]I doubt my luck has anything to do with you!

Attached, presumably to her looks.

Level 1 Human: Martial weapon proficiency
Level 1 Oracle: Combat reflexes
Level 3 Oracle: Extra revelaion
Level 5 Oralce: Furious Focus

Free Feats:
Combat exerptize
Weapon Finesse
Power Attack
Deadly Aim



5*5=15 Skillpoints.
+2*5 background skillpoints
Acrobatics:; 1+3+2-2=4
Sense Motive=1+3=4
K. Dungeon 1+3= 4
K. Planes 1+3=4
Linguistics 1+0=1 (picking up Abyssal)
Spellcraft 1+3=4
Use Magic device 1+4=5
Profession mercenary=3+3=6

[spoiler= Oracle]
Level 0:
Create Water
Purify food and Drink
Detect Magic

Level 1 (6/6):
Enlarge person (Battle)
Cure light wounds (Oracle)
Hedging Sword (level 1 chosen)
Protection from evil (level 1 chosen)
Divine Favor (level 1 chosen)
Command (chosed at level 5)
Barbed chain (favored class bonus level 5)

Level 2 (4/4)
CMW (oracle)
Obsuring mists (Battle)
Burst of radiance (chosen)
Lesser restoration (chosen level 5)


MwK Longspear 310 not found
MwK Breatplate 250 Found, equipped.
MwK Composite Longbow keyed to +2 STR 500
MwK Spiked Gauntlet 310 not found
MwK Heavy shield 170 not found
Wand of CLW (750)
Vicious Adamantine Greatsword +1.
+1 Studded leather
Mithral CHainmail +3
+1 Greataxe of life stealing
Periapt of wisdom +4

Her former evil party:

Ragnar af Gundrun. Kellid Chaotic Evil Abyssal Bloodrager 4. Worshipped Nocticula and Gorum, as "the Lord and the Lady". Also known as the guy who worships Nocticula because of her large........
Demon Lord killcount.
Least amorous Nocticula worshipper ever.
Coup de Graced after failing a will save vs Hold Person in a surprise round.

Lady Evilyn. Oracle of Battle1/Antipaladin of Achachekek 3.
While surprisingly stealthy for someone in platearmor, she got repositioned into a pit and the got shot and javelined to death, as she couldnt possibly pass he climb check due to her heavy plate armor.

Legalistic Devil Summoner. Shot in the face by 4 Gnoll Javelins. His imp familar *Chuckles* may still be around

Belial and Ardad Lili worshipping LE level 4Bard. Escaped the undead anacondas hug on account of grease, only to get bitten to death by it.

Vexus: Daemon Worshipping Gun Fanatic. Has been given a dragoon musket by his Daemonic patron, to spread firearms and thus spread death amongst mortals. Committed suicide after this gun got sundered to tiny bits.

New offense if change gets approved:

[dice=Power attack with vicious greatsord]
1d20 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 1 -1[/dice]
BAB(3)+ STR(3) + Divine favor (3) + enchantment (1) + weapon focus (1) - power attack (1)=+9
[dice=Damage]2d6 + 4 + 3 + 1 [/dice]
Base + STR(2handed) + Power attack + enchantment