Braddikar Faje

Aekold Helstrom's page

9 posts. Alias of Mightypion.

Full Name

Aekold Helstrom HP=12/12 14/14 AC=25/23/12 -2 if rage Fort:11 13 Ref:6 Will 3 5 if rage +3 vs charm compulsion Init:2 Perception 3/n.a




Steelblood (Abyssal) 1







Special Abilities

Bloodrage 6/6 Arm. vigor 4/4 mutagen 1/1








Common, Abyssal, orcish


Beatstick under Marshall Croft

Strength 18
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 8
Charisma 14

About Aekold Helstrom

Stat block:
Favored class: Steelblood
HP=48/48 58/58 if raging
Fort=11/13 if raging
Will=3/6 vs charms and compulsion; +2 if raging (+2 from hedgehog bloodline familiar)
AC=25/23/12 23/21/10 if raging

Offense: Overun with bullete rampage and siege breaker

Overrun attempt +16(normal) +18(mutagen STR) or +20 (both mutagen and rage) dealing 7/9/11 damage (depending on roidrage level) on a failure or d8+18/23/28 depending on how roidraging I am.

Offense: normal hits
[dice=waveblade]d20+5+4[/dice] modified by -2 to +4 depending on power attack and roidrage level
18+ crit [dice=damage]d6+4[/dice] modified by up to +10 depending on power attack and roidrage level

Offense: ranged
Pilum +7 d8+4 modified by up to +4 depending on roidrage level.


Background 10 skill points
Linguistics=2 (Abyssal, orcish) (2 skill point)
kn engineering=4 (1 skill point)
Handle animal=6 (1 skill point)
Craft Alchemy=8 (5 skill points)
Profession mercenary=3 (1 skill point)

Adventure skills: 14 skill points ACP=-3
Climb=8-ACP (1 points)
Swim=8-ACP (1 points)
Acrobatics=8-ACP (3 points)
Spellcraft=4 (1 points)
Kn Arcana=4 (1 points)
Survival=3 (1 points)
Intimidate=8 (3 skill points)
Diplomacy =4 (2 skill points)
Perception=3 (one skill point cannot use while raging)

defensive stats longform:

Due to sash of the war champion, I count as a level 7 fighter for armor training purposes, this turn the +1 full plate into a +10 AC 3 max dex -3 ACP armor (including masterwork).


Conditional modifiers: if raging -2 to all. If using combat expertize +2 to dodge, if using mutagen +2 to naturam armor, if fighting defensively +3 to dodge.

Fortsave=3(fighter) +2 (mauler) +2 (steelblood) +1 (trait) +1 cloak of prot +2(con) =11. +2 if raging

Reflex=2(mauler) +1 (fighter) +1 cloak of prot +2 dex=6

Will =1(fighter)+2(bloodline familiar hedgehog)+1(cloak of prot) -1 (wisdom mod)=+3 +3 vs charm and compulsion (I use cha not wis in this case) +2 while raging.

CMD=5(BAB)+4(STR)+2(dex)=21 Rage does not change CMD, mutagen incresaes it by 2; conditional bonus of +2 vs powerful maneuver stuff; combat stamina can be used to increase it further short term; combat exerptize can also be used to increase it.

CMB (for overrun)=5 (BAB) +4 (STR) +2 (feat powerful maneuvers) + 4 (Bulette charge style)=15 +2 of raging, +2 if mutagen, -2 if combat exerptize


10.050 K

+1 full plate 2500
+1 heavy steel shield 1010
+1 cloak of resistance 1000
sash of the war champion 4k

cold iron waveblade
alchemical silver waveblade
cryptone cestus

5 Pila

(no stagger proof boots in that case)


Yes marshall Croft, the Orc of the Hold that have been raiding Korvosan territory have been adjusted in their attitude. I crisply salute during the debriefing

Details Aekold? the marshall asks

I have beaten their champion at drinking, because he started puking after drinking my extracts, beat their bard in an "objective contest of beauty" because I insulted an Abrikandidu they had chained up enough to go at me first, and then i won at Skeleton bowling, which is a very fun thing, you see, a necromancer they captued rises 10 skellingtons, puts them in formation, and then you try to run over as much as possible of them in a single charge! Seriously boss, thats a really funny sport! Kurgress absolutely approves! I speak with considerable enthusiasm.

Cressida croft chuckles as she facepalms.

See, making your own testotesterone drugs beats being hooked on Shiver? she says

Glad you sorted me out Marshall! I reply with genuine gratitude. Joining the "mostly mobile infantry" has absolutely given my live a positive spin.

I have a new job for you, some people working for me need a beatstick. She continues

I am all ears Marshall I answer


Armored vigor=4/4
Bloodrage=6/6 turns
Mutagen=1/1 (lasts 10 minutes)

combined class skills:

Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Perception (Wis), Ride (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str)

Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (engineering) (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).

Mutagenic Mauler]
Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), [b]Escape Artist (Dex)
, Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), and Swim (Str).

Combined skill list
Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (engineering) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis)[, Spellcraft (Int) and Swim (Str).

combat routine:

Overrun attempt at
5(BAB)+1(steelblood)+2(improved overrun)+4(heavy armor bullette style)
+4 (str)=+16
If Rage=+18
If Rage and Mutagen = +20

Damage (from siegebreaker) 4(str bonus) +2 (improved overrun) +1 (enchancement bonus from the armor)=7/9/11

Damage if overrun is succesfull: 1d8 (medium sized) + 5 (half armor bonus) + 6/9/12 depending on current STR.

Total damage on succesfull overrun from feats and class features is:

build details:


Mutagenic Mauler 1
Siege breaker 3
Steelblood 1


Feats (Elephant in the room is on)
Power attack (free because EITR)
Combat Stamina (free because fighter)
Powerfull maneuvers (level 1) (is improved overrun and improved bullrush)
Bullette charge style (level 1 human bonus feat)
Bullette Leap (level 3 feat)
Bullette Rampage (level 5 feat)

Human ability bonus: STR 15->17

ASI level 4: STR 17->18


Build choices: Replace Level 1 Abyssal Bloodline power (claws) with a hedgehog bloodline familiar.

tldr of the archetypes used:

Steelblood (Bloodrager archetype, main class):

TLDR: No fast movement but quicker movement in heavy armor, can cast bloodrager spells while wearing heavy amor, gains some boni to CMB, loses uncanny dodge and later damage reduction.

Mutagenic mauler (brawler archetype)
TLDR: Gains mutagen in exchange for martial flexibility
Does not ever get the brawler AC

Siegebreaker (fighter archetype)
Trades out bonus feats and bravery for dealing str-mod +2 as damage whenever he is overrunning or bullrushing, a swift action 2 hp gain for a minute (is actually sometimes a lifesaver in terms of barbarian sudden death syndrome), and the ability to overrun if I bullrush someone.

hedgehog bloodline companion:

A bloodrager my trade his level 1 bloodline power for a bloodline familiar

Familiar chosen: hedgehog. Familiar archetype: Valet
Lives in a tailor made part of Aekolds armor, will never enter combat.

Is very very very cute

very cute indeed

slice of life:

One f~%~ing day, I will manage to dance the descent of the Valkyries in full plate armor. Now, technically that needs a flight spell but.
I say to myself in my room in the baracks, as I begin my little dance training, after making sure the door is locked and nobody is watching.

I can jump pretty high! Blessed be this unusual application of the Bullette style leap combined with a strength mutagen! OUCH On second thought, good f+*%ing thing I am wearing a helmet

I say to myself as I, fueled by my mutagen, jump a bit higher then expected, my head massively impacting with the ceiling above me.

I think rather little of my fauxpax, until Marshall Cresida croft kicks in the door sword drawn and... mirrored?

Antigravity spell? She says as she sees the helmet shaped dent on the ceiling
Is there a Glabrezu? Where? Quick!

Glab-what? Is this a specialist term for "burly dude in plate armor and on a strength mutagen trying to dance the descent of the Valkyries and hitting the ceiling by accident since he jumped a bit higher then expected?" I answer, knowing better then to lie to her.

No, its a jerk of a demon with claws, extra hands coming out from the nipples and a hankering for antigravity spells and She answers in rapid fire words, and then blinks

What did you just say? She starts laughing