
Viktor Hämndson's page

63 posts. Alias of Mightypion.

Full Name

Viktor Hämdson




Slayer/Spell warrior AC17/15/12 Fort 4 Ref 4 Will 1/5 CMB=5, CMD=17 Perc=3 Init=2







Special Abilities

Weapon song 6/6 Level 1 Spells 2/2




Our Lord in Iron


In Kenabres


Common, Abyssal, Kellid



Strength 18
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 8
Charisma 16

About Viktor Hämndson

Protected item: Spell component pouch.

bot me:

Swift action arcane strike, hit whatever in the face is reachable without proccing AoOs, if multiple targets are available, hit most dangerous looking, if multiple same enemies are available, hit closest


Inquisitorial assessment:
Viktor Hämdnson

Kellid Mercenary in the "Orchestra" mercenary company. No obvious Abyssal influences.
Denied worship of Demonic entities under a zone of truth, does not detect as evil by all utilized means.

Defeated junior inqusitor Aeran Arendae in a trial by combat over accusations of demon worship. Let the inquisitor live, although he would have been legally able to kill him.

Keep on watch list. Place on "Usual suspects" list in case of major demonic infiltration.

Signed, Prelate Hulrun.

Absalom Mercenary Review guild


Legal Status:

The Orchestra is a mercenary batallion operating in the north of Golarion. They have performed on the side or Irrisen against Hold of Belkzen, on the side of the Hold of Belkzen against Lastwall, on the Side of the Hold of Belkzen against forces associated with Tar-Baphon, on the side of the Hold of Belkzen against forces associated with the Worldwound and on the side of Lastwall against forces associated with Tar-Baphon.
The Hold of Belkzen reported highly satisfactory performance, the armed forces of Irrisen reported highly satisfactory performance, the military of Lastwall reported unsatisfactory performance.

The legal council of the Orchestra challenged the latter claim succesfully in Absalom court, citing violations of preagreed salvage and prisoner rights. Specifically, the Orchestras claims that Toragite Paladins executing Tar-Baphonite POWs, taken by the Orchestra represents both an infringement of Orchestra's operational freedom, and also represent theft as the Orchestra was unable to ransom or exchange this POWs, resulting in the death of Orchestra members held prisoner by Tar-Baphonite forces.

Possible employers:
The Orchestra adheres to basic restrictions of possible employers, forswearing fighting for Demon Lords currently ruled as openly invading Golarion (Deskari, Baphomet), or Qlippoths.
The Orchestra has signed on a contract with Irrisen to not fight for Koschtschie for 100 years and 100 days (remaining duration 95 years). As well as to not fight against Irrisen on territory recogniced as Irriseni 5 years ago.
The Orchestra has signed a contract with envoys of the savored Sting to not fight for Cheliax for 66 years.
The Orchestra announced its intention to not fight for Toragite interests.

Tactics and makeup:
The Orchestra has a sizeable percentage of Bards, Skalds or Spell Warriors in its ranks, which are used as considerable force multipliers.
Front line troops are often Barbarians or Bloodragers.
It is a mostly infantry forces, known for a high degree of mobility and a curious mix of ambush and shock tactics. Many Orchestra members have dark vision, and they excel at night fighting.

The Orchestra does have a light cavalry unit, but it is used exclusively for scouting and running down routing foes, not for frontline combat. They only have limited divine support.

The Orchestra has an incredibly pragmatic outlook, rumors exist of having completed clandestine tasks for Demon Lords Zurah and Nocticula, which are formally denied by all 3 parties, exists. They are commonly ruled as credible due to the fact that Irrisen is paying them to never fight for Demon Lord Koschtschie.

Overall assessment:
A highly competent mercenary company of somewhat questionable repute.

Stat Sheet:

Will=1/5 (5 vs charm and compulsion)
Sense motive=-1

Alternate racial trait: Dimdweller (replaces Skilled)

Savant (perform Comedy)
Chance Encounter

Feats=Arcane strike, Lingering performance
EITR stuff: Deadly aim, power attack

Class features:

Weapon/armor proficiencies:
--Spell warriors are proficient with martial weapons, medium armor and shields.
--Stygian Slayers are not proficient with medium armor, but Viktor is on account of spell warrior.

Slayer level 1:
--Studied Target (Ex)
--Track (Ex)

Spell warrior level 1:
--Bardic Knowledge (Ex)
--Weapon Song
--Bardic Spell casting

Feats at level 1:
--Lingering performance
--Arcane strike


Level 0:
--Detect magic
--Mage hand

Level 1:
Hideous laughter


Background skills:
Perform Comedy=3+3+2+1=9

Adventure Skills 7/7:
Disable device=3+2+1=6
Kn. Planes=3+1+1=5

equipment :

Cold Iron Bardiche 26 go
Cold Iron Battle Axe 20 gp
Cold Iron Boarding axe 12gp
Heavy Shield 7gp
2 CI throwing axes 32 gp
43 throwing axes 32 gp
1 throwing axes being used as Anevias split
Weapon money=127

Cold weather clothing (free)
Scale mail (50)
179 gold spent

121 gold remaining

Last minute shopping:
Mwk Backpack 52 / 2
Skalds kit ithout torches 37 /37,5
1 scrolls of cure light wounds 25

7 gold left

specific background:

1. What is your character’s name?

Viktor Hämndson. Hämndson being a traditional Kellid Patronym for one Orphaned by Demons, translating into "son of Vengeance".
He is actually pretty chill and not particularly vengeful.

2. How old is your character?
22 years, mercenary since age 15

3. What would somebody see at first glance (i.e. height, weight, skin color, eye color, hair color, physique, race, and visible equipment)?
Viktor is an item possessing a physique that could be called Conanesque. He prefers medium armor.

4. What additional attributes would be noticed upon meeting the character (i.e. Speech, mannerisms)?
Viktor speaks carefully and in a measured tone.

5. Where was your character born? Where were you raised? By who?
Viktors birthplace is probably Raliscrad, his parents are unknown. He and his twin sisters were rescued by other Kellids from the demon occupied city. He was raised by Gorrumite clergy, which were essentially running an orphanage to mercenary pipeline, in Gundrun.

6. Who are your parents? Are they alive? What do they do for a living?
His parents, if alive, are unknown.

7. Do you have any other family or friends?
His sister disappeared in a demonic raid, no other known relatives.

8. What is your character’s marital status? Kids?
Single, no children.

9. What is your character’s alignment?
Chaotic Neutral, as is Gorum

10. What is your character’s moral code?
He follows Gorums teachings, without being a priest. He pays more attention to some of his anathema (concerning not killing prisoners) then to other (concerning fighting fair and not doing fight preventing diplomacy). His overall outlook is pragmatic. His word, if given freely, is very solid. He gives no credence, outside of tactical concerns, to laws he has not signed.

11. Does your character have goals?
Close the worldwound, kill Deskari and/or Baphomet

12. Is your character religious? what deity?
He was raised as a Gorumite, but was deemed too impatient to enter his clergy.

13. What are your character’s personal beliefs?
--You only possess what you are willing and able to fight for.
--It is better to die on your feet then to live on your knees.
--I will die standing

14. Does your character have any personality quirks (i.e. anti-social, arrogant, optimistic, paranoid)?
--He is an able trashtalker, and is great at coming up with witty rebuttals.

15. Why does your character adventure?
--So that his children at some point wont have to.

16. How does your character view his/her role as an adventurer?
--First to enter a battle, last to leave it.

17. Does your character have any distinguishing marks (birth-marks, scars, deformities)?
--Other then being a suspiciously good look walking item that looks like it jumped from a Barbarian recruitment poster? No.

18. How does your character get along with others?
--If they can pull their weight, they are fine with me.
--He dislikes preachers, he likes professionals
--He is very non judgemental of races and backgrounds.

19. Is there anything that your character hates?
--Hypocricy, powerlessness

20. Is there anything that your character fears?
--Betrayal, being burned at the stake

Beyond just this, you need to make sure you explain why your character is in Kenabres (Mendev) on Armasse (on 16th Arodus, 4712)
The Orchestra has entered a contract with Terendelev of Kenabres to provide additional manpower for a duration of 3 years. Armasse is to beging their term as additional shock troops, all members of the Orchestra are to participate in festivities.

Chance Encounter:

S%$! Vikor thought as more Demons appeared.
Look who we have heeeere! Bleated a Shir
A future toy! I will cherish it greatly! spoke the voice of an Incubus
Say "A f#%!ing agent of our Lady in Shadow, who will f**~ing murder all of you dumb f+$&ing ass wipes if you interfere with her plan", then walk over to the Schir, he is wounded and weak, and try to kill it with your Bardiche Said a melodic, almost pristine voice in his head
A f++@ing Agent of you f!*&ing know who, who will f%~$ing murder you barely murderable because you are too f%+$ing weak a!#$%+*s for interfering. Also, your speech impediment is disgusting. Viktor listened to the voice, walked over to the Schir, and cleaved his surprised face in two.
The demons left.
That worked? Thoughts Viktor
Yeap Answered the voice
I owe you one, may I enquire your name? Viktor thought
Arueshalee, but please, keep it a secret. Came the answer
If fate and steel permits, I shall repay this favor. He intoned mentally.
May Lady Luck see that this wont be needed He heard.
Thee are a Desnan? May the song of the spheres add Baphomet and Deskari to her tally Came his very polite wish
May your Lord in Iron wash his blade in Baphomets and Deskaris vile blood Came an equally polite answer, displaying a great degree of insight on Kellid traditions.

Viktor continued, he needed to deliver this message now, and this intercession was most fortunate.

TWF semi rangedversion:

Feats at level 1:
--Arcane strike
--Lingering performance
Level 2 Slayer: Two weapon fighting style two weapon fighting
Level 3: Precise shot/ Rage power world serpent totem lesser
Level 4 Slayer talent: quick draw
Level 5: Double slice
Level 6 Slayer talent: Improved two weapon fighting Rage power World Serpet weapon alignment
Level 6 mythic: Mythic Arcane strike
Level 7 Feat: Precise shot
Level 8 Slayer talent: Rapid shot
Level 9 rage power: World serpent tree complete, Distance thrower
Levl 10 Slayer talent: Force of personality

Mythic picks:
--Fleet charge
--Mythic power attack

Kisartha version:

Point buy:
Feats Galore, so do we need Slayer?
Belt of mighty hurling (lesser) to expensive by 800 gp ouch