The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge: Explore, Report, Cooperate!

Game Master Redelia

Outpost VIII Announcement
Data Tracking Form Link

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I started GMing for PFS in the last year or so, and since I'm getting back into PbP, I decided to give running a session or three of Society on here a try.

I will be running PFS #7-21: The Sun Orchid Scheme. This scenario is tier 1-5. I will run it in standard in either subtier or both, depending on the level of interest and the levels of the interested parties. Here is a link to the discussion thread, where signups will be accepted.

I officially request the following bring their mustard...err...muster for Solstice Scar B. Campaign isn't set to start until May 07th, so you still have time finish up any current games.

(Link) Discussion Tab Here

Bravo, Gwendolyn the Strange and Hera, Alaric, Tere di Montefeltro, Kaya Leafwing, and Wraith.

Scarab Sages

So the crews to investigate the Balkros museum are selected.

High Tier Table

  • ShadowBloodmoon --- Ser Willem Targerion
  • Pete H. --- John Carlos
  • Gummy Bear --- Imperia Rex
  • Massee --- Luurg Murkdweller
  • Aerondor --- Yoshi Maeso
  • Andreww --- Septimus or Obo

Low Tier Table.

  • meloriel --- Everbloom
  • neodam --- Malek Huk
  • lucklesshero --- Eamon Valda
  • Ebon Fist --- Razka Croyle
  • eijel --- Bugel "Boomer" Forgehammer
  • Kaavek --- Mira Kaavek

PLease check in at the joint discussion thread

GM Pendrak wrote:

I started GMing for PFS in the last year or so, and since I'm getting back into PbP, I decided to give running a session or three of Society on here a try.

I will be running PFS #7-21: The Sun Orchid Scheme. This scenario is tier 1-5. I will run it in standard in either subtier or both, depending on the level of interest and the levels of the interested parties. Here is a link to the discussion thread, where signups will be accepted.

Sun Orchid is one of the most delightful scenarios I have ever had the pleasure to GM, but it is a BEAST for the GM in PBP. You may want to hold it down to a single table, as the early section is like running two complicated scenarios concurrently. It’s more work than it looks!


Paging the following Pathfinders:

Gary Pepper
I'm Hiding In Your Closet

Your table is ready.

GM Hmm wrote:

Sun Orchid is one of the most delightful scenarios I have ever had the pleasure to GM, but it is a BEAST for the GM in PBP. You may want to hold it down to a single table, as the early section is like running two complicated scenarios concurrently. It’s more work than it looks!


I will be taking your advice, and restricting the game to the first six who applied.

Our table will consist of the following:

Crowe, human bloodrager 1, played by noral
Tanto Kawaterru, kitsune swashbuckler 2, played by Greenclaw
Kiaru, elf rogue 3, played by Garmon
Huni, human warpriest 3, played by Huni
Zzorn, human barbarian 1/fighter 1, played by GM PDK
Pai, gnome kineticist 1, played by Warah

I just need character sheets for Kiaru and Tanto, and we'll be ready to go. We will be playing in the lower subtier, since the APL is exactly 2.

I'm looking for a 5th to join my 4 PC group.
Our next adventure is the sanctioned content of Iron Gods part II. (Lords of Rust)

The team is in need of a fellow adventurer from the healing department.

If, by chance of great luck, said 5th would like to continue afterwards, the list of the rest is spoilered below.
They have just hit lvl 6.0, and are going for lvl 12.
A lvl 6.0 would be ideal, of course, but a healer pregen and the actual 7.0 PC thereafter would be fine too.

Current party composition:

Dwarf Barbarian
Aasimar Oracle/Barbarian
Tengu slayer
Elf conjurer wizard.

Joke from the team, any non humans interested?

Missions after Iron Gods part II:

Level 6:
Iron Gods part II (sanctioned, worth a module)

Level 7:
51 City of Strangers, Part 1 - The Shadow Gambit
52 City of Strangers, Part 2 - The Twofold Demise

Level 8:
34 Encounter at the Drowning Stones
32 Drow of the Darkland's Pyramid
38 No Plunder, No Pay

Level 9:
31 Sniper in the Deep
50 Fortune's Blight
56 The Jester's Fraud

Level 10:
36 Echoes of the Everwar, Part 1 - Prisoner of Skull Hill
42 Echoes of the Everwar, Part 2 - Watcher of Ages
44 Echoes of the Everwar, Part 3 - Terror at Whistledown

Level 11:
53 Echoes of the Everwar, Part 4 - The Faithless Dead
20 King Xeros of Old Azlant
40 Hall of Drunken Heroes

Plan to start is Tuesday 24th, or if needed, asap thereafter.

Sovereign Court

GM Chyro wrote:

I'm looking for a 5th to join my 4 PC group.

Our next adventure is the sanctioned content of Iron Gods part II. (Lords of Rust)

I have a fighter 1/investigator 5, who, while he isn't a straight-up healer, can use a wand of CLW. I'd be down to join. He is lvl 6.0.

Out of curiosity, how much of the further missions have you played?

Sovereign Court

GM Chyro wrote:
Out of curiosity, how much of the further missions have you played?

I don't believe I've played any of them. And I'd be open to continuing after the Lords of Rust sanctioned material.

Edit: I can confirm that I haven't played any of those scenarios.

Scarab Sages

I have a 5th level healing dhampir Paladin (who is really more like a bard) and a 7th Level halfling bat-riding cleric.

I would be unavailable for a large number of your ongoing adventures though.

Where's the spreadsheet for the Solstice Scar B signup?

Grand Lodge

Got 4 players, so that's enough for the table to fire, yet still enough for a couple more! Chaudius, I'm Hiding in your Closet, PDK, Blazej, and up to 2 more adventurous folk please check in here!

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
miteke wrote:
Where's the spreadsheet for the Solstice Scar B signup?



Drexel, you're more than welcome to the team. ;)


The Exchange

GM Chyro wrote:

I'm looking for a 5th to join my 4 PC group.

I have a level 6 unchained rogue.

The only one I've done is drowning stones, but my level 6 urogue is 6.2 I believe, so I'd be same level as the rest.

Our slayer doubles for a rogue, actually.
He's got ridiculous skills with traps and perception.

As Drexel's joined, my table's complete. :D

Grand Lodge

Preston Short, Donovon Dildine, GM Red, Magabeus, Massee, and dien:

Please “ninja-dot” into the Gameplay thread to join GM Lorenzo’s #9-16 Fallen Family, Broken Name.

When you're ready, please make an in-character introduction in the Discussion thread.

Liberty's Edge

I would like to get my Oracle Barbarian in to a game (PFS scenario) soon, he is at level 5. Is there anyone planning something?

I would be more than happy to return the favour in running a scenario for you at a later date.

Silver Crusade

wanting to try out a fresh fighter, level 1

Liberty's Edge

And I, the baddest Meux Feux, would like to support your endeavor!

Will the following report for The Golemworks incident Standard. Noral, Otha, Aerondor, Its Just Ace, Aldizog and Jerry Wayne.
Game Link Here

Will the following report for The Golemworks Incident Core. Gerald, Luke Perry, Andreww and llmakis
Game Link Here

We still have room for two more core players. If your are interested please follow this Link

Sovereign Court


One of the other lodges had to drop their table, and we have added another Paizo game to replace it. So there are now three seats available at GM Bret's 1-2 classic table.

As a reminder: the game will start May 7, and is open to everybody--even if you happen to be playing core campaign at the same time.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

*pounces on the spot*

Looking for at least 2 for Forge of the Giant God

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I want to do 2 tables. I want to get four more for my Rise of the Runelords book 1 PFS. Each table will have exactly two fights run before the PFS portion of the book, one from part A and one from part B, and any resources spent or deaths don't count if it is before the PFS portion. They games won't have the same two pre-pfs encounters.
Rise book 1
Sign up in Recruitment, then immediately pick a table. This six who already posted in thread get a spot in one of the tables, the next four is first come first serve.
Edit: Oh right, levels 3 to 5, make sure you have someone in that range.

Grand Lodge

Wait DoubleGold, there isn't a recruitment page tied to the link provided where are we supposed to sign up? On that note though if you've got a spot i'll sign up.

We're still about two weeks out from official start but will the following please go ahead and report in >>HERE<< for my CORE Tier 5-6 table for Solstice Scar B, Session #2:


Thanks and I'm looking forward to playing with everyone! :)

My fault, here we go Rise book 1, the correct link It was originally private, but now open to the public, taking two more. Once you respond in the recruitment, post in the gameplay, table 1 or table 2, levels 3 to 5.
Standard, not core.

Lantern Lodge

I have a couple of seats open in a CORE "Salvation of the Sages" (09-07) table (tier 7-11 but likely low tier). This is the close-out scenario for the Scarab Sages faction.

sign up sheet

Can the following players / characters report in for The Solstice Scar B starting May 7th?

Bill Dunn with Odo the Bold
qstor with Chantoku
JamesMartin with El Garrapata
Xathos of Varisia with Xathos
Thereus, Silver Crusader with Keriassa
Valjoen_KC with Valjoen

If you signed up for my Solstice Scar B, session 2, please CLICK HERE so I know you're still available to start on May 7.

Great Green God (Humbert Ardentask)
Diharhan (Benji)
RxGus (Paemil)
Agent Eclipse (Malvic)
The Voice of Mag (Desbolkrir)

Grand Lodge

DoubleGold wrote:

My fault, here we go Rise book 1, the correct link It was originally private, but now open to the public, taking two more. Once you respond in the recruitment, post in the gameplay, table 1 or table 2, levels 3 to 5.

Standard, not core.

Looking for 1 more to join us on Table 1!!!!!

We have a rogue, two-hand ranger, sorcerer, and wizard.

The Exchange

Elado Zoros wrote:
DoubleGold wrote:

My fault, here we go Rise book 1, the correct link It was originally private, but now open to the public, taking two more. Once you respond in the recruitment, post in the gameplay, table 1 or table 2, levels 3 to 5.

Standard, not core.

Looking for 1 more to join us on Table 1!!!!!

We have a rogue, two-hand ranger, sorcerer, and wizard.

I have a level 3 Alchemist that would be happy to play if you still need one more.

Attention Venture agents...GM Batpony will be taking my tier 5-6 slot in the up-coming special part 2. I signed up twice without realizing it..So I've given my higher tier spot to him. Just letting you know in case there's a problem. He will replace my 6th lv. Shaman PFS#184087-3 in GM Pirate's game

Liberty's Edge

lucklesshero wrote:

Attention Venture agents...GM Batpony will be taking my tier 5-6 slot in the up-coming special part 2. I signed up twice without realizing it..So I've given my higher tier spot to him. Just letting you know in case there's a problem. He will replace my 6th lv. Shaman PFS#184087-3 in GM Pirate's game


Along the way I've noticed GMG also has an open spot, and that there is a waiting list. So to be fair, please reach out to the waitlisted players and if a spot is still open for 5-6, I'll be happy to fill it.

Getting my muster underway for Solstice Scar Session 2 (10-11)

Chaine (GM PDK)
Bronze (PaperDrake)
Professor (Grandlounge)
Mantis (Curaigh)
Skipper (Dien)
Adsal (Helikon)

Go ahead and report in here!

GM Batpony wrote:
lucklesshero wrote:

Attention Venture agents...GM Batpony will be taking my tier 5-6 slot in the up-coming special part 2. I signed up twice without realizing it..So I've given my higher tier spot to him. Just letting you know in case there's a problem. He will replace my 6th lv. Shaman PFS#184087-3 in GM Pirate's game

Along the way I've noticed GMG also has an open spot, and that there is a waiting list. So to be fair, please reach out to the waitlisted players and if a spot is still open for 5-6, I'll be happy to fill it.

Please don’t fill that spot yet. We have some lvl 5s at a tier 3-4 table and might want to transfer one. I have reached out to their GM

GMG wrote:
Please don’t fill that spot yet. We have some lvl 5s at a tier 3-4 table and might want to transfer one. I have reached out to their GM

And I have a Level 3 at a tier 1-2 table. So maybe we bump two players up and have another 1-2 slot open?

;-) I would love to take the 1-2 slot! I have no character in higher tiers. :-(

Liberty's Edge

I think that this character signed up for one of the low tiers.

Silver Crusade

I am on the Wait list for a 3-4 spot if one becomes available.

Dark Archive

Time for another (standard) Confirmation table to keep our fresh PbP agents playing! Confirmation is a level 1-2 evergreen that can be replayed multiple times with different level 1 characters and one character at level 2.

Recruitment thread is here!

Start date is Monday the 30th or as soon as I have 6 players.

Dark Archive

I now have 6 players so recruitment is closed!

Sovereign Court

bummer! i totally need confirmation for one of my characters.

Liberty's Edge


Sorry Caps Lock

1 person marked this as a favorite.
GM Zer0darkfire wrote:

Time for another (standard) Confirmation table to keep our fresh PbP agents playing! Confirmation is a level 1-2 evergreen that can be replayed multiple times with different level 1 characters and one character at level 2.

Recruitment thread is here!

Start date is Monday the 30th or as soon as I have 6 players.

Are you planning to do this regularly?

If so, I advise anyone who can to get in on them.

I'm still amazed that we got through the whole thing (including chronicle sheets) in 9 days.

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.

My plan is to do a continuous cycle of Confirmations to the best of my abilities. The idea was suggested before in the thread and I liked it. Gets a lot of new characters and PbP players into a game that just about anyone can play.

Great idea Zero. Really helps to get new characters an easy jumping on point.

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