My emphasis will always be on "role-play" over "roll-play". However, I do not reject or criticize, players who like to build optimized characters. I generally find, there are enough poorly built characters out there, to
balance things out, as it were. Besides, if the PCs die, the story is over! So I welcome players of all types of builds.
As far as atmosphere: I prefer but, am not a slave to, the High Fantasy background or style of play. I grew up with Greyhawk and Forgotten Realms, so these are thy types of backgrounds I enjoy most. However, I also loved StarFrontiers, Traveler,Top Secrete, and even the James Bond roll-playing game; so I guess, I enjoy a lot of different flavors (just got in to Starfinder and it rocks!)
With regards to the rules of Pathfinder; I don't have any issue with them, in my home game. Right inside the Core rule book it states, "should a GM not find these rules conducive to his own game, he should change them to fit the personality of his game." Where I have problems (more frequently than I should), is in Pathfinder Society Environment. In order to put everyone on a level playing field, organized play leaves itself open to persons who bend the rules to their advantage, at every possible turn. These same players, frequently ignore rules that, would put them at a disadvantage when it serves.
To say the least...I've had a few issues with players such as these. So, if you are the type of player that tends to embrace the rules of the game, in order to gain advantage...Or even just like pointing the rules out to the GM frequently, when you believe he is in error. I respectfully request, you do not ask to enter my games. Because, there will be a problem.