About GM Gustavef
Cronicle archive: aeh-chrons
Looking for More Information about Play by Post?
Painlord’s Guide to Playing PbP
Painlord’s Guide to PbP GMing
PbP GM Kit Cribbed from GM Hmm (Players might find some stuff for them here, too.)
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General Rules for ease PbP Play
For all my games the following are standing rules on how I will run things in order to keep things moving.
US East Coast Hours
I am in the Eastern US and will be keeping an eye on the boards off and on though out the day. For the most part between 8am Eastern to 8pm Eastern during the week. Please be able to make at least one post during this time. Over the weekends will be much looser.
The First 3 Rule
Once three players agree on a course of action that is what the party will do.
Loose initiative and botting
When called out, feel free to post your actions, I will attempt to resolve everything in imitative order. I will make minor adjustments as needed if your stated action won't work. I order for me to post during my main posting hours (see above) I may skip ahead to the next NPC/Creature. Your action will still resolve in order. I will not bot your actions until it is holding up the next pause.
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Special rules for Starfinder Space Combat
Please consult: Gustavef's Guide to PbP Ship Combat for the current working rules on how Starship Combat will be handled.