Roy Flaxbeater

reevos's page

Venture-Lieutenant, Georgia—Atlanta 46 posts (50 including aliases). 8 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 27 Organized Play characters.


Vigilant Seal **** Venture-Lieutenant, Georgia—Atlanta

demiurge108 wrote:
When come officialy the playtest for nécromancer and runesmith in Paizo blog playtest ?

Monday the 9th is what was stated in the stream.

Vigilant Seal **** Venture-Lieutenant, Georgia—Atlanta

Alex Speidel wrote:
reevos wrote:

Can we include Increasing DCs or adding ad-hoc negative circumstance modifiers to this?

While the FAQ seems to cover this, it would be helpful to get that part clarified in this portion.

GMs must not:
- Change player-facing armor, feats, items, skills, spells, statistics, traits, or weapons, or any other mechanics of player character options

Can you give me an example of what you're referring to here?

Sure, I've heard of recently, that some gms would say oh that's a bad role play to aid so it's still dc15, but now you get a -2 circumstances bonus to your roll. Also, I've heard of skill checks being run where they add a negative circumstance modifier because the gm thought the skill didn't make as much sense because a feat was being used such as impressive performance instead of diplomacy.

Vigilant Seal **** Venture-Lieutenant, Georgia—Atlanta

Can we include Increasing DCs or adding ad-hoc negative circumstance modifiers to this?
While the FAQ seems to cover this, it would be helpful to get that part clarified in this portion.

GMs must not:
- Change player-facing armor, feats, items, skills, spells, statistics, traits, or weapons, or any other mechanics of player character options

Vigilant Seal

I have both the old GM screen and the new one, and I think the content on this one is significantly more appropriate for GM use so that I might actually not leave it buried in my closet.

Vigilant Seal

Tarondor, Really appreciate these guides. Wish there was a way to support you in building these.

Vigilant Seal

Cover is actually clearly called out for them here:, but there is no term for "hard corners" as there was in 1E and how that affects movement.

Vigilant Seal

Ravingdork wrote:

Ooh, what an interesting looking thread!

*Clicks Link*



Its funny because when I found your thread I thought it would have an answer in it lol

Vigilant Seal

Sure, They are removed, but most GMs don't run it that way in my experience. I believe there's an assumption they still exist on many levels. The problem with diagonals giving extra space is your first diagonal counts as 5 feet, and therefore can't be extra space. Seems there is room for clarity if the intent is otherwise.

Vigilant Seal

Wanted to bump this back up to see if we could get some clarity. Moving diagonally seems to be a constant debate and something the remaster hasn’t addressed. Also, I’m not able to find anywhere that calls out “hard corners” in pf2, but it seems many gms use them. Rules as written seem to apply you can move diagonal through two enemies stacked diagonally and just as easily move with an enemy and a wall in a diagonal.

Vigilant Seal

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Has there been any clarity on what this means?

"Critical Success The creature is unaffected and immune for 24 hours. The land is healed 1d6 points by the primal magic."

Vigilant Seal **** Venture-Lieutenant, Georgia—Atlanta

14 people marked this as a favorite.

I would love to see a background attached to this in some way. I think my war priest will become a fighter, but he will still follow gorum despite losing power. It’d be nice if the thematic background was “Lost religion”
Your god has died and you have lost your way. You spend your time trying to find answers to your questions. You are convinced your god is still there for you, and you gain deceptive worship as a feat and are trained in occultism. Choose between intelligence and wisdom for your ability score.

Vigilant Seal

Elfteiroh wrote:
Is it only me or the "PaizoCon Online 2024 Sunday Schedule" picture is broken?

looks fine to me

Vigilant Seal **** Venture-Lieutenant, Georgia—Atlanta

Congrats Joel!

Vigilant Seal

Just FYI, you have the shielded tripod listed as a level 1 item at 10gp, but its a level 3 item at 50gp. I can't seem to find anything similar with your price points and level.

Vigilant Seal

This sounds promising!

Vigilant Seal

It kind of works with Speechify, but it reads the watermarks when I tried last.

Vigilant Seal

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Excited for this one!

Vigilant Seal

Well it came up more looking at a wizard that may not have much else to use their reactions on in between turns anyhow so it seemed like it should be allowed. I agree that I’ve definitely ruled you could use it that way. I’m more curious about why they chose to write the rule as though you can’t do that.

Vigilant Seal

Blave wrote:

You automatically recognize any spell you have prepared or in your spell repertoire. No check or action of any kind required. That's why Recognize Spell only triggers on spells you don't have prepared or in your repertoire.


I think you’re missing my point. You don’t get the chance to crit success and get the +1 bonus against the attack.

Vigilant Seal

In discussing the feat recognize spell, it came up that you can’t use recognize spell if you have it prepared. This doesn’t seem like it would be the intent, and I’m curious if this is the feats actual intent or was it meant to allow the use on prepared spells to potentially get the +1 bonus?

> Trigger A creature within line of sight casts a spell **that you don’t have prepared or in your spell repertoire,** or a trap or similar object casts such a spell. You must be aware of the casting.

Vigilant Seal

Laclale♪ wrote:
Perpdepog wrote:
Have we got rules for building homes somewhere?
Isn't enough what was written in Kingmaker?

I would guess most don’t own the AP. So not putting the rules in an accessible book with a reason to buy is probably why people don’t know any added rules in kingmaker.

Vigilant Seal **** Venture-Lieutenant, Georgia—Atlanta

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Congrats Half The Sky!!!

Vigilant Seal **** Venture-Lieutenant, Georgia—Atlanta

Alex Speidel wrote:
KingTreyIII wrote:
Alex Speidel wrote:
Beginning on November 15, 2023, no new characters may be created using the class chassis printed in the Core Rulebook if the class has been reprinted in the Player Core.
What about the Advanced Player’s Guide? Is that likewise being phased out in a similar way?

Ask me about Player Core 2 in nine months.

I’ll setup a reminder. Let me contact the right people.

Vigilant Seal **** Venture-Lieutenant, Georgia—Atlanta

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Kittyburger wrote:
Since the Free Rebuild will not be offered once PC2 is released, will there be some form of compensation for characters with classes that won't be updated until PC2?

you can free rebuild until December 2024. That’s for all PC books. Just not a new one

Vigilant Seal **** Venture-Lieutenant, Georgia—Atlanta

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Blakeg wrote:

Was there a reason Pathfinder characters get a free rebuild while those of us that also play starfinder had to spend 50 ACP to rebuild with the enhanced rules and didn't get a free rebuild?

I understand that the remaster might be more in-depth than the SF enhanced was but that makes it almost worse that we were told to just rebuild the character if we wanted to use the new SF enhanced rules..

I understand it is what it is but it put me 50 ACP away from playing Novians and that's like, the worst.

As recompense feel free to make the Novians free! >.<

Probably because you can make new non-enhanced characters and enhanced is only an option

Vigilant Seal

Glad to see you are still updating these. Love your guides!

Vigilant Seal

I like bounty 1 as well. I’d suggest looking for anything that is before Bounty 15. There are a few fun ones in there too.

Bounty #5 and Bounty #9 bring in some fun things that might be a little easier to jump on and run/play. Also, there’s no need for you to get these perfect, if they want to learn, these have great concepts for it.

Vigilant Seal **** Venture-Lieutenant, Georgia—Atlanta

So it’s interesting that in most scenarios it seems the Venture Captains are very hands on with the occasional Venture Officers being mentioned as entrants or new recruits. Can we get some mention of the Venture Lieutenants and what they might be doing in some scenarios? Seems it would be more plausible for one of them to be out instead of a captain.

Vigilant Seal **** Venture-Lieutenant, Georgia—Atlanta

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Joel hype thread! Get the GOATs in here! Congratulations!

Vigilant Seal **** Venture-Lieutenant, Georgia—Atlanta

19 people marked this as a favorite.

A boon that gives Nonlethal metamagic for any spell casters. Boon could be attached to an intro scenario or a specific school. Plenty of scenarios call out the need for non lethal engagement and don’t provide casters much of a way to do nonlethal damage

Vigilant Seal **** Venture-Lieutenant, Georgia—Atlanta

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Alex, Thanks for all the hard work on the Retail Incentive Program! I’m excited to use it going forward and much appreciate this!

Vigilant Seal

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I’m honestly a bit disappointed in the character options after looking forward to this book since it was announced. That being said I don’t play sword and board which is the only archetype in the book. I went to character options before lore so I can’t comment on the full book as I haven’t read all the lore section

Vigilant Seal **** Venture-Lieutenant, Georgia—Atlanta

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I love the character art. I really need to find an artist that can make characters I enjoy like this.

Vigilant Seal

I’m really curious what the rules are that come with this. Some of the ones on the paizo produced one are not rules I care to have or want while things like weapon traits or other options would be more beneficial IMO.

Vigilant Seal

Would love to see more themed dice for these!

Vigilant Seal **** Venture-Lieutenant, Georgia—Atlanta

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Congratulations Tim, Fi, and Milan! Also, glad we have Alex back writing these, and I love the FAQ changes.

Vigilant Seal

If you are still updating this, you have false life listed as a level 1 wand, but false life is a level 2 spell.

Vigilant Seal

Thanks for fixing!

Vigilant Seal **** Venture-Lieutenant, Georgia—Atlanta

This seems like a very good option. I’m excited for it as it should be fun to try the change.

Vigilant Seal **** Venture-Lieutenant, Georgia—Atlanta

9 people marked this as a favorite.

Up you go as down we throw.
Queen of Hags will end up in bags.
As all our puns will make your children run.
Your end will be just as soon as they are free.
Where are your rhymes? This seems like a crime.
For it isn't a time to be so sublime.

Vigilant Seal **** Venture-Lieutenant, Georgia—Atlanta

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I assume "Always Available" means no more boon and its a "Common" option. Correct?

Vigilant Seal

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Doug Hahn wrote:
SilvanOrion wrote:

I do like that it has the higher DC options, which is a great help. I'm curious why getting continual recovery is so hard for an Herbalist. As it is, you'd be doing Nature for treat wounds, but then would need to get Medicine up to make it any good, at which point you may as well have not done Natural Medicine since you're now just as high on Medic but spent a feat to use a different skill that is likely at the same modifier. At least that's how it feels to me.

Suppose it is just me wanting more, but a man can dream.

SERIOUSLY. I'm building a druid for an AP and no one wants to heal except me. All of this character's skill feats and increases are taken up by Medicine to level 8. They feel less like an outdoorsey druid and more like a medical school grad student.

Allowing another path to qualify for these feats (or adding an equivalent within a path, such as a Natural medicine feat chain) would help mitigate this bad feeling.

This feels like a party problem, and not a system problem. A single skill feat unlocking a whole path doesn't make a lot of sense, and there really isn't a good way to build a druid as only a healer. The alchemist subclass of Chirurgeon is taking a class feature to build this out. Short of them adding another subclass under druid, I'm not sure how this would make sense.

Vigilant Seal

I know we got the first few bounties on foundry officially, but will we be getting the scenarios anytime soon?

Vigilant Seal

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Out of curiosity, why is this a purplish red in the image instead of the Green the other APs are?

Vigilant Seal

Will this be sanctioned?

Vigilant Seal

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Funky Badger wrote:
Dude already admitted to it, didn't he?

no. It was alleged by a third party.

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