HP: 25
Healing Surges: 6(5)
AC: 15
Fort: 12
Ref: 16
Will: 16
Saving Throw: +1
Fire Resistance 5
Skills:Acrobatics +3
Arcana +12
Athletics +0
Bluff +2
Diplomacy +2
Dungeoneering +8
Endurance +1
Heal +3
History +12
Insight +8
Intimidate +2
Nature +8
Perception +3
Religion +5
Stealth +3
Streetwise +2
Thievery +3
Feats:Expanded Spellbook
Human Perseverance
Obtain Familiar
At-Will:Thunderwave +5 vs Fort, Blast 3, 1d6+5 Thunder, push 2 squares
Scorching Burst +5 vs Reflex, Burst 1, 10 squares, 1d6+5 Fire
Ray of Frost +5 vs Fort, 1d6+5 Cold, 10 squares Slowed till end of my next turn
Encounter: Icy Terrain +5 vs Reflex, Burst 1, 1d6+5 Cold, target knocked Prone, area difficult terrain
Daily:[]Sleep +5 vs Will, Burst 2, 10 squares, Target slowed, if fails 1st saving throw unconscious
[]Flaming Sphere +5 vs Reflex, burst 2, 2d6+5 Fire, conjures sphere in unoccupied space, any that start adjacent take 1d4+4 Fire, move 6 squares with move action, Sustain Minor; stays for encounter, another standard gives another attack
[]Acid Arrow +5 vs Reflex, 2d8+5 Acid, ongoing 5 Acid, Secondary attack vs all adjacent,, +5 vs Reflex, 1d8+5 Acid and ongoing 5 Acid Miss: Half damage and 2 ongoing Acid to primary, no secondary
Staff of Winter: Crit: +1d6 cold, Daily: When using Cold power, all enemies in 3 squares immobilized (save ends)
[]Expeditious Retreat
Rituals:Tensor's Floating Disk
Animal Messenger
Comprehend Languages
Equipment: 100g
Cloth Armor, -1 gp
Dagger, -1gp
Spellbook, -50gp
Orb +1, -15 gp
Staff of Winter +1
Standard Adventurer's Gear, -15 gp
Flint and Steel
Belt Pouch
10 days Trail Rations
Rope, 50 ft
2 Sunrods
Arcane Reagents, 10 gp
8 gp
Necrotic Clasp: This clasp is designed to allow the wearer to recharge an encounter power once per encounter or at the cost of depleting it until the wearer undergoes an extended rest to recharge one daily power used by the wearer