Mynafee Gorse

Unfettered Silhoutte's page

60 posts. Alias of Davi The Eccentric.

Full Name

Unfettered Silhoutte aka The Unrepentant Knife




Riverspeak(Native), Flamespeak



About Unfettered Silhoutte

Followers stats here: exaltedLegacyOfFireFiresOfCreationDiscussionThread&page=2#88

Heroic Mortal Version:

Strength: 2
Dexterity: 4
Stamina: 3
Charisma: 3
Manipulation: 2
Appearance: 2
Perception: 3
Intelligence: 2
Wits: 2

Favored: Stealth *** (Speciality: Hiding From Pursuers)
Larceny *** (Speciality: Picking Locks)
Dodge ***

Athletics ***
Melee **
Awareness ***
Linguistics *
Presence **
Resistance **
War *
Perception **
Integrity **
Resistance **
Socialize **

Followers **
Wealth **
Contacts **
Influence *

Compassion 3
Conviction 2
Temperance 1
Valor 3
Willpower: 6

Essence: 1
-0: [x]
-1: [x][x][]
-2: [][][][]
-4: []
Incapacitated: []
Dodge DV: 3 (4+3+1-1/2)
Parry DV: 3(4+2+1/2)
Social Dodge: 4 (6+2+1/2)
Social Parry: 2 (3+2/2)
XP: 2

His gang (+)
Uncaring Nobles (-)
The Common People (+)

Bonus Points: 21
Two Specialties in Favored Skills, -1
Two ranks in Resistance, -4
One rank in Awareness, -2
One dot in Perception, -4
One dot in Dexterity, -4
Two ranks in Socialize, -4
One ranks in Athletics, -2

Equipment: Straight Sword (Speed: 4, Accuracy: +1, Damage: +3L, Defense: +1, Rate: 2)
Knife (Speed: 5, Accuracy: +1, Damage: +2L, Defense: +0, Rate: 3)
Staff (Speed: 6, Accuracy: +2, Damage: +7B, Defense: +2, Rate: 2)
Buff Jacket (Soak: +3L/4B, Mobility: -1, Fatigue: 2)

Exalted Version:
Caste: Night (When spending preripheral essense, can spend extra motes (1, or double normal cost for Obvious) to not add to anima banner. Can spend 10 motes to obscure self (+1/2 Essense to difficulty to notice/track user, once 11-15 motes have been spent others can see me but can't tell who user is.)

Motivation: Make his gang, the Silent Wind, the most powerful in the Confederation of Rivers.

Attributes Primary: Physical
Strength: 3
Dexterity: 5
Stamina: 4
Secondary: Social
Charisma: 4
Manipulation: 4
Appearence: 2
Third: Mental
Perception: 3
Intelligence: 2
Wits: 2

Abilities: 28 Points
Caste Abilities:
Athletics: ***
Awareness: ***
Dodge: ****
Larceny: **** (Specialty: Picking Locks)
Stealth: ****
Favored Abilities:
Melee: ***
Resistance: **
Integrity: **
Presence: ** (Specialty: Intimidation)
Socialize: **

Linguistics: *

Advantages: (7 points)
Contacts **
Followers **
Resources **
Influence *

First Melee Excellency
Shadow Over Water
Seven Shadows Evasion (Conviction)
Easily Overlooked Presence Method
Lock-Opening Touch
Graceful Crane Stance
First Larceny Excellency
First Stealth Excellency
Reflex Sidestep Technique
First Dodge Excellency

Compassion: 4
Conviction: 3
Temperance: 1
Valor: 3
Limit Break: Red Rage of Compassion
Willpower: 7

The Silent Wind gang (Respect? Love? What is the appropriate feeling for this?)
Uncaring nobles (Hatred)
Common folk (Love?)

Essence: 2 (Personal: 13, Peripheral: 39)
Health Levels:
Dodge DV: 6 (4+5+2/2)
Parry DV: 5 (3+5+1/2)
Social DDV: 6 (7+2+2/2)
Social PDV: 3 or 4(5) (4+Ability+Specialty+2/2)

Bonus Points:15
(-3, +1 Compassion)
(-1, +1 Dodge)
(-1, +1 Larceny)
(-4, +1 Dexterity)
(-1, Two Specialities in Favored/Caste skills)
(-4, +1 Manipulation)
(-1, +1 Stealth)

Equipment: Straight Sword (Speed: 4, Accuracy: +1, Damage: +3L, Defense: +1, Rate: 2)
Knife (Speed: 5, Accuracy: +1, Damage: +2L, Defense: +0, Rate: 3)
Staff (Speed: 6, Accuracy: +2, Damage: +7B, Defense: +2, Rate: 2)
Buff Jacket (Soak: +3L/4B, Mobility: -1, Fatigue: 2)

Appearance]A young man that appears vaguely South-Eastern. He commonly wears a battered straw hat low over his eyes.

Anima Banner: A shadowy figure wreathed in a bright, white light. (In other words, a silhoutte of someone standing in front of a bright light. Creative, huh?)

Let me tell you the story of a young thief. He lead a small band of his fellows, and one night they attempted a daring theft, too daring for them to complete. The guards were called, and they nearly found hiding spot of his companions. He could of done nothing; after all, after they captured his fellows they would stop their search, and his hiding place was much better than theirs.

Still, he knew he could not live with himself if he left his companions to the guards when this was all his idea in the first place. He called out to the guards and fled, and the guards gave chase. He led them across the rooftops and down the alleys of Nexus, and they followed. Finally, after several hours he was cornered. He could run no farther, and there was no safehouse he would dare risk leading the guard to. The guards would surely punish him severely for tonight's chase, and he would be forced to name his fellows. So, he decided to fight.

The guards had swords while he had only a dagger. Still, he fought.
The guards had plates of bronze while he had only a buff jacket. Still, he fought.
The Unconquered Sun's light shown that night, and the guards were defeated.

Advantage Info:
Contacts: Harmonious Snake, Reputable member of the Guild and fence. Now, the Guild doesn't exactly condone buying stolen goods. Harmonious just doesn't check the goods' backgrounds very well, if you get my meaning.

Iron Panther, Corrupt Caravan Guard. Panther helps guard most of the merchants who travel through this area. Give him a bit of money, and he'll tell you the routes, where the best ambush points are along the route, what they're carrying, the whole thing. Only provision: make sure he stays alive. After all, this job isn't worth dying over.

Followers: The Silent Wind Gang, or at least the main group of it. Usually Silhouette has only one or two of them with him at any one time, letting the others just do whatever.

Resources: Theft from the rich, mainly.

Influence: He's become somewhat well-known in the area as a kind and generous gang leader. Is it fame from the common folk or infamy from the people he's stealing from? Well, little from column A, little from column B.