Justic Ironbriar

Variel The Mad's page

9 posts. Alias of Davi The Eccentric.




Alchemist 3





Special Abilities

Alchemy, Bomb(2d6+4, 7), Mutagen, Poison Resistance, Poison Use, Swift Alchemy, Infusion




Common, Elven, Draconic, Gnome, Celestial, Sylvan

Strength 10
Dexterity 16
Constitution 12
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 10
Charisma 10

About Variel The Mad

HP: 19
AC: 18
Fortitude: +5
Reflex: +6
Will: +1
BAB: +1
Melee: Dagger +1, 1d4, 19-20
Ranged: Masterwork Longbow +5, 1d8, x3, 100ft
Dagger +4, 1d4, 19-20, 10ft

Skills:(-1 Armor Penalty)
Craft(Alchemy) +13
Knowledge(Arcana) +10
Disable Device +9
Perception +8
Use Magic Device +6
Knowledge(Nature) +10
Heal +6
Survival +4(1 rank)
Handle Animal +2(2 ranks)

Feats: Brew Potion*
Throw Anything*
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot

Anatomist(+1 to crit confirmation)
Forlorn(+1 Fort, Legacy of Fire Player's Guide)

1: 4 (Endure Elements[][], Cure Light Wounds[], Shield[])

Ice Sled-Carriage, -100gp
2 Heavy Horses, -400gp
20 Day's Feed, -2sp
Cold Weather Outfit, -8gp
Alchemy Lab, -200gp
+1 Chain Shirt, -1250gp
Masterwork Longbow, -375
5 Daggers, -10gp
4 Potions of Cure Light Wounds, -200gp
2 Potions of Endure Elements, -100gp
2 Oils of Magic Weapon, -100gp
1 Potion of Protection From Evil, -50gp
1 Potion of Remove Fear, -50gp

Standard Adventurer's Gear:
Belt Pouch
Bed Roll
Flint and Steel
Hempen Rope, 50 ft
2 Sunrods
10 days Trail Rations
, -15gp, -1sp
Adventurer's Sash, -20gp
10 Flasks of Acid, -100gp
5 Flasks Alchemist's Fire, -100go
2 Tanglefoot Bags, -100gp
5 Tindertwigs, -5gp
2 Bloodblock, -50gp(+5 to Heal for first aid and the like)

Background Questions:
1. Angry mobs. Too many workshops have been set alight for him not to run in fear.
2. Dying alone. He'd rather not die the way he lived
3. The wilderness. He needs to go there for ingredients, but he won't go alone, and he's going to make sure not to get lost.
4. Being hated. Disliked, he could handle, but not downright hate.
5. Regular arcane magic. It seems so much more uncontrolled, compared to the exact science of alchemy.

1. Knowledge
2. His cart/lab. Home really is where the heart is.
3. His friends. He hasn't had many, so he hoards the ones he can get.
4. The scent of alchemical fumes in the morning. It smells like victory.

1. His history, and the reputation that comes with it.
2. His upbringing. He was raised in an orphanage in a distant city and watched dozens of children grow old and leave while he stayed nearly the same. He'd rather not talk about it.
3. His lack of knowledge of elven culture.

1. His work. How many alchemists of his caliber do you find out here? How many do you find anywhere?
2. His intellect. If he doesn't know something in his chosen field, he certainly won't admit it.

Dark Secret:
1. The original formula for his mutagen had some... flaws. The kind of flaws that result in the taker waking up eight hours with bloody knives. Now, no one ever found the mysterious murderer, but Variel still left for the next town as soon as possible. He's worked out the majority of the problems now, but if some enterprising detective came to toen and tried arresting him, no one will find the body.

Past History:
Variel has spent most of his long life wandering from town to town, selling his wares and inevitably fleeing when an experiment takes a turn for the worse. He's become quite skilled in fighting off angry mobs looking to kill him, actually.