
Shane Kiszewa's page

1 post. Alias of Davi The Eccentric.

About Shane Kiszewa

Virtue: Self-Confident
Vice: Vengeful

Agility: 8
Intellect: 5
Perception: 7
Presence: 5
Strength: 5
Tenacity: 8

Skills: (22 Points +3 from Drawbacks)
*Language: English (Expert)
*Literacy (Novice)
*Regional Knowledge (Novice)
Armed Fighting (Novice)
Athletics (Novice)
Fighting (Adept)
Dodge (Adept, Engel Focus)
Hobby (Student)
Marksmen (Adept, Engel Focus)
Observation (Novice)
Pilot (Novice)
Support Weapons (Novice)
Survival (Student)
Trivia (Student)
Feat(Tenacity) (Novice)

Assets: Authority (3)
Fast (2)

Drawbacks: Duty (3)
Engel Synthesis System (1)
Vengeful (1) (Challenging Feat(Tenacity) check, or attack target of revenge on sight)
Short Fuse (2) (Challenging Feat(Tenacity) check, or become enraged when frustrated/mad)
Repellent (1)

Secondary Attributes:
Actions: 2
Movement: 13 mph (32/8 ypt)
Orgone: 11
Reflex: 10
Vitality: 11
Drama Points: 10

Cheats: 6 (+1 to Tenacity, +1 to Agility)