Uzbin Parault

Otto Samir's page

121 posts. Alias of Davi The Eccentric.




Ardent 9

Strength 13
Dexterity 13
Constitution 18
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 10
Charisma 20

About Otto Samir

HP: 70(57), Bloodied at 35
Healing Surges: 11(8), 17HP
AC: 24
Fort: 22
Ref: 18
Will: 23
Attacks(non-basic): +14, 1d10+7
MBA: +10, 1d10+3
Passive Perception: 17
Passive Insight: 21
Init: +5

Class Features:
Mantle of Elation: Allies within 5 squares gain +4 damage to OAs, +2 to Diplomacy and Intimidate
Group Diplomacy: Allies within 10 squares gain +1 to Diplomacy

Acrobatics +9
Arcana +7
Athletics +8
Bluff* +14
Diplomacy* +16
Dungeoneering +7
Endurance +11
Heal +9
History +7
Insight* +11
Intimidate* +14
Nature +7
Perception +7
Religion +7
Stealth +8
Streetwise* +16
Thievery +8

Versatile Expertise
Bardic Dilettante
Bard of All Trades(+3 to untrained skills)
Heartening Surge
Armor Proficiency(Scale)

Demoralizing Strike

Target takes -2 to all defenses until EOMNT
Augment 1: Target takes -5 to Will until EOMNT
Augment 2: Close Burst 1, targets all creatures in burst, -5 to all defenses until EOMNT

Energizing Strike
One ally within 5 squares gets 9 temp HP
Augment 1: One dying ally within 5 squares heals 5HP
Augment 2: 2[W] and myself or one ally within 5 squares can spend a HS.

Forward-Thinking Cut
Can be used for a charge, adjacent allies gain +1 attack until start of my next turn.
Augment 1: Shift 1 before charging
Augment 2: Two allies within line of sight can charge with +4 damage, must charge different target than the one I'm attacking with this.

Eldritch Strike

Slide target 1 square, can be used as a melee basic attack

Ardent Surge
Close burst 5, ally can spend a HS +2d6HP and gains +2 attack until EOMNT

Ardent Outrage
Close burst 5 when first bloodied, enemies in burst grant CA until start of my next turn.

Implanted Suggestion

vs Will, 2[W] and target is dazed(save ends), Miss: Half damage, Effect: Affected by suggestion(save ends). When target attacks, one ally adjacent can make a basic attack against it as a free action after the attack is resolved.

Majestic Word
Close burst 5, target spends a HS +1d6+4HP and is slid one square

Wellspring of Vigor
Minor action, melee touch, target ally or myself gains 5 temp HP at the start of every turn they start unbloodied.

Empowered Arsenal
2[W], Effect: Create zone in close burst 1, allies in burst gain +4 damage and attacks ignore insubstantial. Sustain minor.

Mend Wounds
Minor action, melee touch, target gains HP as if he spent a healing surge.

Agony Field
1[W] and 5 Ongoing Psychic, Miss: Half, Effect: Create zone in burst 1(sustain minor), when I take damage from an attack each enemy in zone takes 5 psychic damage.

Equipment: +2 Terror Halbred(Crit: +2d8, Daily when I hit, target takes -2 to all defenses(save ends))
+2 Periapt of Cascading Health(Encounter, minor, end one save-ends)
+2 Meliorating Drakescale Armor(Increase AC by 1 for each milestone per day)
Tattoo of Arcane Blood(3 Force damage to enemy who bloodies me first each encounter)
Goggles of Aura Seeing(Encounter, minor, range 10, tell current/total HP of target, diseases/poisons affecting target, diseases/poisons it can attack with)
Acrobat Boots
Couters of Second Chances(Daily, reroll attack)
+3 Dreamstone Amulet(Doesn't take -5 Perception while asleep, Daily: Minor, remove Blinded and gain blindsight until the end of my next turn)