
Jack A. Nape's page

12 posts. Alias of Davi The Eccentric.



Apostle of Gygax wrote:
Well in that case... coup de grace's Jack A. Nape with a pitch black scimitar.

Images of Jack's life flashe before his eyes.

*A small farmstead in Nebraska. His loving wife. Two children, Mike and Lucy. Emergency claxons blaring. A blinding flash. A bombed-out wasteland. Nothing*

"bUt, tHAt waSn'T my *cough* lIfE..."

*An alias falls, but shall not be forgotten.*

Jake A. Nape lies at the bottem of the arena, limbs twisted into horrid angles.


*Wanders in holding a quarterstaff.*

HelLo GUyS. nICe DaY foR a fIghT. WaIt, yoU mEan i aM figHtiNg tHaT! oHHh nOooOoo

Jackin' Ape wrote:
Goes reluctantly with Reggie, hooting loudly at Panama as he goes, his mighty knuckles dragging on the floor.

hEy! He cOPiEd mY NAmE!

Walks off sadly

i mIsS sPEaKiNG liKe ThiS

AwwWw. i wAntEd tO MicRowAVe sOmeThING.

LumberJack wrote:
Frat Jack wrote:
*steping on fallen Jack's hand*

*Shards of previously broken faceplate rise up, reforming.*

yEs iT Is veRy fUnNy EhEhEh

Jack's Right Hand Man wrote:
Jack A. Nape wrote:

wHo Is tHIS "dAvI' yOu SpeAk oF? i Am jaCk a NApe.

*Sound of a hairline fracture forming.*

*Jack's Right Hand Man throws Jackanape outside.*

Who are you really Jackanape?

*Reappears behind Right Hand Man*

wHo Am i? I aM thE hERo, ThE vIllIaN, tHE fOoL, thE wIse MaN. I Am aLl, i aM nOne. i Am, he he hE hE hE hE hE hE Oh never mind YOU HAVE ALREADY FIGURED IT OUT! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

*A face plate falls to the ground.*


Jack's Right Hand Man wrote:
Panama Jack wrote: seems there is no coming to terms with those masked commies.
No there isn't. We must assimilate them.

YeS. aLl mUsT Be aSSimIlaTEd.

*Sound of a small crack forming*

wHo Is tHIS "dAvI' yOu SpeAk oF? i Am jaCk a NApe.

*Sound of a hairline fracture forming.*

heLLO fElLoW JaCks! I aM heRE To heLP yOu.