
"Honest" Fineal's page

83 posts. Alias of Davi The Eccentric.




Warlock 1





Special Abilities

Eldritch Blast 1d6, Warlock's Curse


Chaotic Neutral


Kol Korran/The Traveller


Common, Halfling, Elven


Purveyor of Quality Goods/ Semi-Intentional Sailor

Homepage URL


Strength 10
Dexterity 14
Constitution 12
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 8
Charisma 20

About "Honest" Fineal

HP: 9
AC: 15
Fort: +1
Ref: +2
Will: +2
BAB: +0
CMB: +0
Melee: Heavy Mace +0, 1d8
Ranged: Eldritch Blast, +2, 1d6
Speed: 30ft
Warlocks Curse: Spend X hex points, enemy takes -2 luck penalty to attacks, ability checks, skill checks, damage, saving throws, AC. (DC 15 vs Will to resist), 5 points

Bluff +15
Diplomacy +12
Sense Motive +3
Spellcraft +6
Use Magic Device +9
Appraise +6
Knowledge(Arcana) +6
Intimidate +11(0 ranks)

Feats:Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot

Invocations: Beguiling Influence(+6 on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate)
Eldritch Spear*(Blast range 250ft)

Equipment: 120gp
Studded Leather Armor, -25gp
Heavy Mace, -12gp
Dagger, -2gp
Hemp Rope(50ft), -1gp
Waterskin, -1gp
Hooded Lantern, -7gp
Belt Pouch, -1gp
2 Pints of Oil, -2sp
Signal Whistle, -8sp
Small Steel Mirror, -10gp
Backpack, -2gp
Folding Table Case, -5gp
10 Vials(filled with colored water), -10gp
53gp, 8sp

Background: He was a simple "merchant of reputable goods", made a deal with something evil, joined an airship's guard after a band of adventurers discovered the difference between healing tinctures and Potions of Cure Light Wounds.
Longer version of the middle bit:

Finial wasn't having a good week. He had no sales all week, which meant no money, which meant no food. Eventually he cried to the heavens that he would give anything to just be able to make a sale. "You would give anything?", replied a man behind him. This previously-unseen personage was apparently a man in his mid thirties, dressed like your average man of wealth and taste. He said if Fin just signed this convenient contract, his sales would increase tenfold. Fin signed, he looked away for a second, and the man had disappeared. Still, the person was right, he was twice the salesman he was before. Of course, there were some odd side effects, such as increased night vision and the ability to produce blasts of arcane force, but overall it seemed like a good deal, even if he isn't actually that sure about what he traded to get it.

Description: Tall and thin with a thick mop of blond hair, Fineal seems constantly frantic, and always has something to sell. He wears a green overcoat constantly no matter the weather, and at times a faint tinkling can be heard from it.

Personality: You know those overexcited infomercial salesmen? He's like that.