HP: 33, (43HP during Rage)
AC: 19 (10+5(Armor)+2(Shield)+2(Dex) (17 during Rage)
Fort: +9(+11 during Rage)
Ref: +3
Will: +2
BAB: +5
CMB: +9
Melee: Longsword +10, 1d8+4, 19-20 (+12, 1d8+6 during Rage)
Dagger +9, 1d4+4, 19-20 (+11, 1d4+6)
Gauntlet +9, 1d3+4 (+11, 1d3+6)
Ranged: Heavy Crossbow +7, 1d10, 19-20
Skills: (17 points, max of 5 per skill) (-6 Armor Penalty)
Intimidate +15 (5+3(Class skill)+2(Cha)+4(Str)+1(Trait)) (+17 during Rage)
Perception +9 (5+3(Class skill)+1(Wis))
Bluff +7 (5+3(Cha))
Knowledge(Local) +1
Climb* +8 (1+3(Class)+4(Strength)) (+10 during rage)
Feats: Power Attack(1st level) (-2 to attack, +4 to damage, or +6 if two-handed)
Cleave(Human bonus) (Standard action, make an attack. If it hits, make another attack against another adjacent creature. -2 to AC in round when used)
Weapon Focus(Longsword)(3rd level)
Dazzling Display(Fighter bonus) (When weilding Weapon Focus weapon, as full-round action make Intimidate check to demorilize all enemies within 30 feet.)
Intimidating Prowess(Flaw- Powerful Enemy)
Traits/Flaws: Powerful Enemy (The Family, should they realize he's in this city.)
Bully: +1 to Intimidate
Killer: On a crit, add weapon's multiplier to total damage
Equipment: 175gp
Longsword, -15gp
Dagger, -2gp
Scale Mail, -50gp
Heavy Steel Shield, -20gp
Heavy Crossbow, -50gp
20 Bolts, -2gp
Standard Adventurer's Gear, -15gp, -1sp
Backpack, -2gp
Belt Pouch, -1gp
Bedroll, -1sp
Flint and Steel, -1gp
2 Sunrods, -4gp
10 Days Trail Rations, -5gp
Waterskin, -1gp
20gp, 9sp
Old Background:
Can I ask that you include Dellish as your immediate superior? A relative heavy weight within the family, he is the Nightmaster of the Royal Quarter. That means he is responsible for collecting the family’s share of any burglary which occurs in that district as well as discipline/policing/any other issue which arises that the family considers to be important.
Your role as an enforcer has been to intimidate/beat/kill those members of the family who fail to turn over the required amount. Occasionally, you have been called upon to punish an unaffiliated burglar – the preferred revenge is to have them captured and turned over to the church of Erythnul for sacrifice, however Werdred has also been responsible for more than one death.
Ok - as well as the Nightmaster in the Noble Quarter, Dellish also handles many of the commercial operations of the family. He also uses you to police these endeavors (investigating fraud, embezzlement, intimidating competitors - than kind of thing).
You are well aware that he often skims money from these family businesses for his own purposes - his power and influence is actually far above what one would expect from his rank within the family. Nonethelss, were that ever to be discovered, the family would probably have him eliminated. As a trusted agent and ally of his (you often assist him with enforcement duties involving these unsanctioned operations. You are also often a recipient of the skimmed funds) you would be in serious trouble if his theft was ever discovered.
You are technically an agent of the family and have to comply with their edicts. Nonetheless, you are also involved in a number of secret and forbidden side-ventures which pay for the large house in the royal quarter and your privileged lifestyle.
Background, part 2:
Werdred used to have things going so well. He was the head muscle of a crime lord in Bastion, not the head of the Family, but overall things were nice and comfortable. You know, apartment in the good end of town, plenty of alcohol, plenty of women, and all he had to do was break a few kneecaps every now and then. Then, it happened. Really, the mission was supposed to be simple. Just go to a nearby Family-owned mine, find out why it's stopped and make sure no one finds out how much his boss was skimming off before sending the profits to the rest of the Family. Well, the Father was getting suspicious, wondering why they weren't getting as much money as they expected from the mine. So, he sent his daughter along to try and find out. (Not a euphimism for anything, his daughter was just a pretty good spy.)
To make a long story short, the girl managed to get ahold of the ledgers, the Family found out how much was getting skimmed, and his boss pinned the blame on Werdred. Now the Family wants him dead because they think he betrayed them, his former boss wants him dead because of the hit his reputation took, and the guard wants him dead because they're in the pocket of the first two. So Werdred did what any self-serving bastard would do; he ran. After several weeks of travel, he finds himself here. Now he just needs to get in good with some powerful people before the Family finds him...