Background: Corrin is a distant nephew of Selarund Halfmoon. He's been staying with his uncle for the past year because of a family tradition that says that a child needs to know what life is like somewhere different than where he grew up. So, one day his parents just left him there at the shop and sailed off down the river. Of course, it was more official than that, but they had a reason to do it now instead of when Corrin was 15 as is traditional. Namely, odd things have been happening around him more and more often, and if the elders were correct things they would be happening increasingly often over the next few years, and the boat wouldn't be able to handle it. Anyway, Corrin is taking this surprisingly well, running around Fallcrest with an alley cat at his heels.
Description: Corrin looks like most halfling children do; bushy blond hair tied back in a ponytail, patched-up clothing, striped headband, mischievous grin, etc. Usually, he has a gray cat sitting on his shoulder. One unusual thing about him is that his eyes seem to be a different color each day.
Acid: A bright intense green
Cold: Bright, ice blue
Fire: A reddish-brown
Force: Silver-gray
Lightning: Golden
Necrotic: A deep brown, almost pitch black
Poison: Emerald green
Psychic: Light purple
Radiant: Light yellowish silver
Thunder: Gray, the color of a thunderstorm
1: Burglar's Gloves
2: +1 Wyrmtooth Dagger
3: Gloves of Piercing
4: Robe of Contingency +1
5: Cape of The Mountebank +1