Fineal was born in the city of Nectar, Luna, the son of a poor corp worker. He hated it. Sure, his parents made a living, but it just wasn't any
fun. Besides, he wasn't that good at designing products. What he was good at was knowing what people want and how to make them think you have it. So, he decided to make some credit his own way, following his own rules. By the age of sixteen, he was conning tourists out of their valuables.
After a few close calls with security and a closer inspection of how much money he was taking in, he was beginning to doubt he made a good career choice. After the Fall, he was sure of it. The major influx of people and subsequent spreading of resources to support them left less to trickle down to him. One little mistake, and his life would come collapsing down. So, he decided to go into the one legal career his skills applied to: advertising. After finding out that Comet Express was planning a new ad campaign, he walked into their headquarters and presented his idea. Sure, the other offers were more skilled, but Fineal presented his plan so skillfully (and cheaply) that they went with his. After that, things were just rosy. He got a nice job with Experia, he got a new morph, and he was living the high life. Still, the thrill lately just isn't there anymore. He's started a decent drug habit recently, getting in good relations with several scum ships when they come to the station he currently lives at, both to keep an eye on this most hostile of markets and because they have the best stuff. His employers may not enjoy the company he keeps at times, but he's still good enough to keep paying, and as long as they keep paying Fineal doesn't really care that much about their opinion.
"Honest" Fineal currently lives in a corp-owned station in Mars orbit.