Race |
Gungan |
Classes/Levels |
Scout 2/Scoundral 1 |
Languages |
Basic, Gungan, Huttese |
Strength |
10 |
Dexterity |
16 |
Constitution |
13 |
Intelligence |
12 |
Wisdom |
12 |
Charisma |
8 |
About Tobler Ceel
HP: 33
Fort: +5 (+1+1(Class)+3)
Reflex: +10 (+3+2(Race)+2(Class)+3)
Will: +5 (+1+1(Class)+3)
BAB: +1
Melee: Atlatl +1, 2d4
Blaster Carbine +5, 3d8(2d8 Stun), S, A, Rifle
Blaster Pistol +4, 3d6(2d6 Stun), S, Pistol
Skills: Endurance +7
Initiative +9
Perception +7
Stealth +9
Survival +7
Swim +6
Expert Swimmer(Racial)(Can reroll any Swim check, take 10 on any swim check)
Hold Breath(Racial)(Can hold breath for 25xCon rounds before making Endurance checks)
Evasion(Scout)(When hit by an area attack, take half damage)
Dastardly Strike(Scoundrel)(When you hit a target denied it's Dex bonus to Reflex, move target down one in the condition chart)
Feats: Weapon Proficiency(Pistols, Rifles, Basic Weapons)
Shake It Off
Point Blank Shot (Scoundrel)
Weapon Focus(Rifle)
Precise Shot (Scout Bonus)
Equipment: 8000 credits
Atlatl, -50c
Blaster Carbine, -900c
License, -90c
Blaster Pistol, -500c
License, -50c
Commlink, short range, -25c
2 Concealed Holsters, -100c
Electrobinoculars, -1000c
Field Kit, -1000c
Knife, -25c
3 Power Packs, -75c
2 Binder Cuffs, -100c
2 Hip Holsters, -50c
Ion Pistol, -250c
License, -13c
Bandoleer, -100c
2 Stun Grenages, -500c
License, -25c
Credit chip, -100c
Targeting Scope, -100c
Synthrope(45m), -20c
Background: Tobler always was a bit hot-headed, and that's really the reason he's off Naboo in the first place. He got in an argument with another Gungan, that lead to a fist-fight, and that lead to them both being exiled from Gungan society. Tobler, having no reason to stay, turned to the stars. He's done a lot of things since then, some of them of questionably legality, but he's managed to claw his way up to working as a troubleshooter for the New Republic.
Appearance: A Gungan with a laser carbine on his back, an atlatl at his hip, and several scars.
In other words, this.