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Bob-R-DTE's page

75 posts. Alias of Davi The Eccentric.

Full Name






About Bob-R-DTE

Service group: PLC (Production & Logistics Commisary) (Equipment Assembly Control)
Team Position: Equipment Officer

Bootlicking 4
Chutzpah 4
Con Games 4
Hygiene 4
Interrogation 4
Intimidation 4
Moxie 4
Oratory 4

Concealment 4
Disguise 4
High Alert 1
Security Systems 4
Shadowing 4
Sleight of Hand 8
Sneaking 4
Surveillance 4

Agility 8
Demolition 1
Energy Weapons 8
Field Weapons 8
Fine Manipulation 1
Hand Weapons 8
Projectile Weapons 1
Thrown Weapons 4
Unarmed Combat 4
Vehicular Combat 4


Bot Ops & Maintenance 4
Chemical Engineering 4
Electronic Engineering 4
Habitat Engineering 4
Mechanical Engineering 4
Nuclear Engineering 4
Vehicle Ops & Maintenance 4
Weapons & Armor Maintenance 4

Bot Programming 8
C-Bay 8
Data Analysis 8
Data Search 12
Financial Systems 8
Hacking 1
Operating Systems 8
Vehicle Programming 8

Biosciences 4
Bioweapons 4
Cloning 12
Medical 4
Outdoor Life 4
Pharmatherapy 4
Psychotherapy 4
Suggestion 1

For DM's Eye's Only


Mutant Power: X-Ray Vision

Secret Society: Pro-Tech (Rank 2)
Secret Skills: Experimental Equipment Repair and Maintenance, Video Games, Weapons of Mass Destruction.

Beliefs: Encouraging research and the
development of new technologies will let
humanity restore the Earth’s ruined surface
and return to the stars beyond. Better gadgets
solve all problems. In recent centuries the
bureaucracy has completely stifled research
and design. We must emerge from the Dark
Age and into the light of the Machine Age.
Bots and computers can transform the world
into a playground, giving humanity unlimited

Friends: Computer Phreaks, Corpore
Enemies: PURGE, Frankenstein Destroyers.

Description: Pro Tech has no hierarchy.
Independent groups work on their own secret
projects; part of each member’s job is the
procurement of the scarce resources needed
to carry on these secret projects. This often
involves theft of Computer equipment and the
treasonous secret use of Computer research
facilities. Certain Pro Tech groups have
managed to penetrate Computer security and
have access to programs and databanks not
even The Computer itself knows about.
Each Pro Tech member has a code name
by which he is known to other members. Along
with the Computer Phreaks, Pro Techs are
active on the Gray Subnets.

Recognition signal: All members of Pro
Tech have a small subcutaneous implant. This
device vibrates whenever it’s within 10 feet of
another Pro Tech member. The member must
switch off the vibration manually. If the member
is among enemies (say, fellow Troubleshooters)
and can’t turn off the vibration, we don’t have
to point out how distracting it can be.

Personal Goals: You have a small cell of protect friends that you have made contact with during your time working for PLC. Your current project involves building a tactical nuclear warhead. While working for PLC you have secretly been making the odd piece of potentially useful equipment disappear to suite the needs of the project. However, you are in desperate need of uranium to fuel your experiments, so keep your eyes handy for any chances to locate such materials. Your contacts have worked hard to get you on this mission because they have reason to believe it will take you to a sealed off subsector that once house weapons R&D labs. There may still be useful materials and even data hidden on any surviving mainframes. They warned you to be wary of your fellow team-mates, for they suspect that at least one of them is a member of the Frankenstein Destroyers. As a member of Pro-tech you wish to regain control over the Computer and put it to serve humans (currently it is the other way around). However, the Frankenstein Destroyers want nothing more than to destroy the computer and anything associated with it.

You have been given another implant. However, your cell associates are quite disappointed with the outcome of your last mission. Due to the destruction of the party it was canned before you had any opportunities to gain access to the R&D lab they had hoped you might locate. They have no data on your new mission. However they are still questing for uranium, and they recommend that you keep your eyes out for any fellow Pro Tech members that you might encounter along the way. The head of your group Eugene-Y-TIC has given a chip to go in your PDC that will allow for encrypted communications with your cell. The encryption makes your messages appear to be harmless computer SPAM. Once you get the details of your mission they want you to contact them to see if they have any new mission goals for you

Credits: 500

Has a third nipple and screams like a girl in the dark.

Assigned: PDC
red reflec armour,
red laser pistol body,
3 red laser barrels (six shots each),
a belt,
box of chips
software chip that scans the vendobots for treasonous code

Chip to encrypt PDC messages