
Korren Duras's page

109 posts. Alias of Davi The Eccentric.

About Korren Duras

Agility: 1d8 (**)
Smarts: 1d4 ()
Strength: 1d10 (2+**)
Spirit: 1d6 (*)
Vigor: 1d8 (2+xp)

1 bennies left

Charisma: -1
Parry: 7 (2+5)
Toughness: 7 (2+4+1)

(6 points, -2(Vigor), -2(Quick Draw), -2(Strength))

Two-Fisted(Fight with two weapons with no penalty)
Quick Draw(Draw a weapon automatically as a free action)
Berserk(Smarts roll or go Berserk after being wounded; +2 Fighting and Strength rolls, -2 Parry, +2 Toughness; Roll of 1
on Fighting die hits random adjacent target)

Fighting(Agility) 1d10(***:)
Stealth(Agility) 1d6(**)
Intimidation(Spirit) 1d6(**)
Throwing(Agility) 1d8(***)
Notice(Smarts) 1d4(*)
Guts(Spirit) 1d4(*)
Survival(Smarts) 1d4(*)

XP: 5

Equipment: 150gp
Leather, -10gp
Battle Axe(1d8), -10gp
5 Throwing Axes(1d6), -40gp
Backpack, -2
Waterskin, -1
Rope(50ft), -1
Knife, -2
10 Day's Trail Rations, -5(2 days remain)

Background: Korren became a bandit to get money for his brother's family. Yeah, he kept some of the money, but he still sent a good deal of it back to the old family homestead. You see, their parents were pioneers, living on the edge of Brevoy. His brother inherited the farm and Korren left to seek his fortunes elsewhere, promising to send money back once he's started getting some. Of course, riches were hard to find and he turned to banditry to keep up his end of the bargain. Things went well for a few years. He had good friends, he had plenty of money, and plenty was going back to his brother. This ended when they decided to raid a farm farther into Brevoy than usual. Something was familiar about this place, but Korren only realized it was his brother's farm until he saw his old pal Jerrik running his brother through while he was obviously surrendering. Howling in rage, Korren put an axe firmly into Jerrik's head, which lead to the rest of his band attacking him. Korren left the area soon after that; he burned too many bridges to stay, and didn't really want to anyway. He had the blood of too many old friends on his hands. So, he volunteered for the expedition. He'd get away from Rostland for a while, and maybe he might earn those fortunes he left for in the first place.

Unfortunately, there's someone who's not going to let the past escape from Korren so easily. It turns out Jerrik's head wound wasn't as lethal as it looked, and now he's coming for Korren with one less eye and a lot more hate.