Beltias Kreun

Ovid Of The Shades's page

86 posts. Alias of Davi The Eccentric.

Full Name

Ovid Of The Shades, Initiate of The Thitieth Circle




Monk 2





Special Abilities

Centered Breath




Raven Queen


Deep Speech, Elven

Strength 10
Dexterity 20
Constitution 11
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 14
Charisma 10

About Ovid Of The Shades

HP: 28, Bloodied at 14
Healing Surges: 7, 7HP
AC: 19
Fort: 14
Reflex: 17
Will: 14
Initiative: +6
Ranged Basic Attack: Shuriken, +9, 1d4+5 damage

Acrobatics +13
Athletics +6
Insight +8
Perception +8
Stealth +15

Acolyte Of The Veil
Pointed Step Style(Can use Flurry of Blows on a target up to 2 squares away when using a spear

Class Features:
Low-Light Vision
Shadow Origin(Count as shadow creature for all relevant effects)
Winterkin(+1 to Fort, +2 to death saving throws or saving throws against unconscious)
Unarmed Combatant(Unarmed strikes +3, 1d8 damage)
Centered Flurry of Blows(When I hit with an attack, one adjacent enemy takes 4 damage and is slid one to an adjacent square, or in any direction if not the target of attack.)
Full Discipline(Power gives attack and move, can use one or both parts but only one discipline per turn.)

Dancing Cobra

Attack: +7 vs Reflex, 1d10+6 damage and 2 more damage if target attempted an OA on me this turn
Move: Move 8 squares

Five Storms
Attack: +7 vs Reflex, close burst 1, 1d8+6 damage.
Move: Shift 2 squares

Open The Gate of Battle

Attack: +7 vs Reflex, 2d10+6 damage or 3d10+6 if target is at full health
Move: Move 8, don't provoke OAs from the first enemy you move away from.

Shadow Step:
Move when adjacent to a creature, teleport 3 squares, must end this movement next to an different creature

Harmonious Discipline:
Minor, gain 2 temp HP and +2 damage for the next attack after the temp HP run out

Elusive Action Ki Focus:[/spoiler]Free action when hit by OA, use Flurry of Blows even if already used in this turn.[/spoiler]

Masterful Spiral

+7 vs Reflex, close burst two, enemies only, 3d8+6 Force damage, Miss: Half damage, Effect: Enter spiral stance, until stance ends melee touch attacks are range 2.

Cloth Armor
Adventurer's Kit
Ki Focus
+1 Elusive Action Ki Focus(+2 AC vs OAs)
+1 Robe of Avoidance(Encounter: Shift 1 after being hit by a melee attack)

Appearance: A relatively average shadar-kai(short, thin, black eyes, gray skin, etc) in the traditional robes of the Monastery of The Eternal Void. He is shaved bald and has no piercings or tattoos. Normal for a monk of the shades, not so normal for a shadar-kai.

Background: Ovid was left on the Monastery of The Eternal Void's doorstep as a baby, and he's been trying to get out ever since. It might seem odd that one of the few shadar-kai in a school devoted to the Shadowfell would be so eager to leave. However, every thing about this school's teachings is opposite from their culture. The shadar-kai live life to the fullest, and the monks live like the dead.

Still, Ovid endures. He learns how to kill a man in a single punch. He learns how to fade into the darkness like just another shadow. Still, he sneaks out every chance he gets, and as soon as he finishes his coming of age ceremony for the monks, he's leaving that damn monastery behind.

Magic Armor, perhaps a Robe of Eyes or one of the other cloth-only armors.
Ki Focus(Elusive Action, or Ghost Strike if you're planning on having us fight something insubstantial)
+1 Shuriken, just to have a ranged attack that automatically comes back when I use it.