Wil Save

Quinn Ardensier's page

65 posts. Alias of Davi The Eccentric.




Inquisitor 6

Special Abilities

Judgement 2/day, Detect Alignment, Track, Solo Tactics, Bane, Discern Lies


Lawful Neutral




Common, Elven, Draconic

Strength 10
Dexterity 17
Constitution 12
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 16
Charisma 8

About Quinn Ardensier

HP: 54
AC: 18
Fort: +6
Reflex: +5
Will: +8
BAB: +4
CMB: +4
CMD: 17
Melee: +1 Aldori Dueling Sword +8, 1d8+1, 19-20
Masterwork Cold Iron Dagger +8, 1d4, 19-20
Masterwork Silver Dagger +8, 1d4-1, 19-20
Ranged: +1 Heavy Repeating Crossbow +8, 1d10+1, 19-20, 120ft
Masterwork Hand Crossbow +8, 1d4, 19-20, 30ft
Init: +6

Skills: (10 per level) (+3 to Knowledge skills when identifying abilities/weaknesses of monsters, +3 Survival when tracking)
Perception +12(6 ranks)
Sense Motive +15(6 ranks)
Stealth +12(6 ranks)
Knowledge(Arcana) +11(6 ranks)
Knowledge(Dungeoneering) +11
Knowledge(Nature) +11
Knowledge(Religion) +11
Knowledge(The Planes) +11
Knowledge(Local) (4 ranks) +9
Knowledge(Nobility) (1 rank) +6
Knowledge(Engineering (1 rank) +6
Knowledge(Geography) (1 rank) +6
Intimidate (2 ranks) +7
Climb (1 rank) +4
Swim (1 rank) +4
Survival (1 rank) +7

Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Weapon Finesse
Precise Strike*
Weapon Proficiency(Aldori Dueling Sword)
Duck and Cover*

Domain: Knowledge
0: Acid Splash, Create Water, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Sift
1(5): Cure Light Wounds, Disguise Self, Divine Favor, Shield of Faith
2(3/4): Find Traps, Tongues, Detect Thoughts, Knock

Equipment: 16,000gp
+1 Chain Shirt, -1250gp
Masterwork Silver Dagger, -332gp
Masterwork Cold Iron Dagger, -304gp
Masterwork Hand Crossbow, -400gp
+1 Aldori Dueling Sword, -2320gp
+1 Heavy Repeating Crossbow. -2700
Wand of Cure Light Wounds, -750
Handy Haversack, -2000
Standard Adventurer's Kit, -15
4 Clips, -4
20 Bolts, -2
Belt of Incredible Dexterity +2, -4000(not yet included)
Cloak of Resistance +1, -1000
Silver Holy Symbol(Boccob), -25
Collapsible 10ft Pole, -20
Rubbing Kit, -5
Rubber Ball, -3
Acid, 5 vials, -50
823gp remain (as 82pp, 3 gp)

Many men can pull off the traditional garb of Boccob's field researchers(wide brimmed hat, long coat, and the armaments necessary to survive the risks inherent in the work), but Quinn is not one of them. He looks more like a child wearing his father's clothes than the skilled hunter of knowledge that he is.

Quinn always wanted to be a field researcher for the Church. Even if it wasn't a family tradition, the tales of their adventures would have set him down that path. Exploring long-forgotten temples, bringing back artifacts thought lost to time, studying the places to dangerous for anyone else to venture in. Who wouldn't want to join their ranks?

So, Quinn became a field researcher. He explored dank tombs and he liberated tomes from liches and he fought off more than a few attacks by those twice-damned Vecnites. Eventually, he was called on to investigate an abandoned temple that villagers have reported odd lights coming from. What he found within was astounding. It appeared to be a planar rift. The Empire forbid all knowledge of such things, and only the Church of Boccob was brave enough to even secretly speak of them! This was a chance to investigate something truly unknown to all. Then the rift surged forward, and everything went black.

Now, he is stuck in a city called "Sigil". He has no way of returning yet, but he doesn't mind. It just gives him more time to collect information on the lesser-known planes.