Equipment: sword, knife, 3 doses of stimm, charge (corpse hair), black bodyglove (Common Quality Clothing), shotgun(12 shells), compact laspistol(1 charge pack) Hardened Body Glove with hood shroud, basic stealth features and internalized Photovisor and Respirator (IH p. 125)
Matching Fulcusian dueling blades (Good quality Mono-sword and Mono-knife, DH p. 142)
Magnoculars (DH p. 150)
Short-Range Vox-Thief (IH p. 128)
Scerrido(1d5+3, Pen 3, Fast)
Insanity: 8
Corruption: 4
Build: Gangling
Skin: Bluish
Hair: Auburn
Eyes: Violet
Age: 22
Ship Tradition: Chartist Vessel
Quirk: Stooped Stance
Memento: Aquila Pendant
Career Memento: Blood-Stained Kerchief
Family: Your mother's name was Grisha. She walked the path of the Arbitrator. She is deceased. Your father's name is Red. He walks the path of the Cleric. Your sister's name was Ragaana. She walked the path of the Imperial Psyker. She is deceased.
Appearance: Tall, thin(although he usually looks shorter than he actually is), typically wears an aquila around his neck along with a brown cloak.
Iacton was born on the merchant ship Stern Hope, although his mother died only a few years after from a smuggler's bullet. His father was a priest and, although he raised Iacton and his sister Ragaana as best he could, they were both eventually taken away. His sister was brought onto the Black Fleet, and he was taken in by one of the cults on the ship. You see, the captain cultivated a death cult in the ship, using it to get rid of any rivals/mutineers. In order to prevent them from mutinying themselves, they were careful to choose only those with great faith in the Emperor.
Still, that is just simple background. The real story begins several years ago, when Iacton had finished his training/initiation into the cult, when his sister finally returned from Holy Terra, fully sanctioned. Things were good for the next months. The siblings revealed what they could about the events of the previous years, and their father was just glad to see his daughter once more. Still, even the most mentally hardy psyker can be affected by the Warp's influence. She was driven mad, gibbering about *something dramatically appropriate*. If she wasn't stopped the whole ship would most likely be destroyed. Iacton did what he had to. Afterwards, he wiped the blood off her face with a handkerchief and waited for the arbitrators to arrive.
Now, after years of faithful service, Iacton has left the ship. The captain owed a certain Inquisitor a favor, and he requested the services of one of his assassins. The captain grudgingly turned over one of the newer members, and the mission begins...
Background, pt. 2
Let's suppose that the Stern Hope was a penal transport starship that brought prisoners to the world of Oremor to work to from the claustrums of the southern archipelagos plantation continents. The death cult aboard the ship would be, like you said, a way for the captain to winnow out mutineers, but also a means by which he could exterminate those prisoners who sought to escape aboard the enormous vessel while in transit.
Now, as a new wrinkle, lets just say that a short time after your sister finally returned to you, there happened to be a very, very important prisoner, of significant psychic ability that was being transported for imprisonment on Oremor by a high ranking Arbitrator named Desius Krade. A prisoner whom he was charged to escort by a certain Inquisitor Ahmazzi. You would have been young at the time, no more than 16 or so, when the prisoner, himself a powerful psyker/sorcerer, broke your sister's mind in an attempt at escape, using her as a vessel to sow destruction and confusion on the Stern Hope. By your actions, your sacrifice, the prisoner's escape was thwarted.
Taking pity on you, impressed with your abilities, and seeing them as wasted on the penal ship, Krade offered you two things: employ as his personal bodyguard and "fixer", as well as the eventual opportunity to avenge yourself on the prisoner he was charged by Ahmazzi with keeping alive on Oremor. You see, Krade hated the prisoner with every fabric of his being as well, for his own reasons, but had made an oath to his master to do as he was bidden. Thirsting for revenge, you accepted the new life, waiting for the day of retribution to come.