
Vladek Odradek's page

1,264 posts. Organized Play character for I'm Hiding In Your Closet.

Organized Play Characters

Dark Archive Lucija Lal Rani

CN female Gnome Summoner 12
|AC 19, T 12, FF 18|HP: 78/78|F +5, R +5, W +6 (+8 vs MA, +4 vs fear, +2 vs despair/confusion/insanity/death)|Init +1, Perc 0|CMB +9 CMD 20|11/11 Summon Monster VI, 2/2 Maker's Call, 1/1 Pride, 1/1 Mysteries, 1/1 Davian
(533 posts)
Master Basaalee Minvandu
Sovereign Court Spenser Quixote

CG male Taldan Human Cavalier 8
|AC 22, T 12, FF 20|HP: 60/60|F +7, R +5, W +1 (+6 vs fear, +2 vs other emotions/death)|Init +2, Perc -2|CMB +13 CMD 25|3/3 Challenge, 2/2 Tactician, 2/2 Sovereign Court, 3/3 Fey Enchantments
(754 posts)
Scarab Sages Vladek Odradek

CG male Elf Witch 15
|AC 18, T 18, FF 15|HP: 85/85|F+9, R+12, W+13 (+4 vs death,+2 vs gaz/poi/elc/chm/cmp,+1 vs Tran/fea/cnf/aci/cld/fir/glyph)|Init +7, Per +26|CMB +7 CMD 20 (+2 vs grp)|15/15 Fly, 1/1 Lev, 1/1 Spx, 1/1 SoR, 3/3 Blt, 1/1 Wng
(1,264 posts)
Grand Lodge Kali Altzairu

LN female Chelaxian Human Hungry Ghost Nun 9
|AC 19, T 19, FF 16|HP: 57/57|F +7, R +10, W +12 (+1 vs disease, +2 vs Ench/poison/fear)|Init +3, Perc +14|CMB +12 (+2 to trip) CMD 30 (33 vs Trip)|9/9 Punishing Kicks, 16/16 Ki, 1/1 Soul-Drinker, 2/2 GL
(422 posts)
Dark Archive Dr. Zephyrus Vitruvian

CN male Elf Alchemist 10
|AC 19, T 14, FF 15|HP: 70/70|F +10, R +12, W +3 (+4 vs poison/+2 vs fear/contact disease/+1 vs inhaled disease/poison/stench)|Init +4, Perc +17|CMB +9 CMD 23|18/18 Bombs, 1/1 Mutagen, 10/10 Healing, 1/1 Tattoo
(615 posts)
The Concordance Angrboda Fossey

CN female Ulfen Human Druid 5
|AC 17, T 9, FF 17|HP: 37/37|F +5, R 0, W +10 (+1 vs Human magic, +2 vs cold climate/slipping, +4 vs Fey/plant magic)|Init -1, Perc +11|CMB +4 CMD 13 (15 vs trip)|9/9 Geomancy, 1/1 Shape, 2/2 GL, 1/1 Inured, 1/1 Soothsayer
(329 posts)
Follower of Razmir
Liberty's Edge The Amazing Vanzetti

CG male Emberkin Aasimar Sorcerer 9
|AC 12, T 12, FF 12|HP: 47/47|F +5, R +4, W +6 (+7 vs MA, +2 vs divine magic/Fire/NE/death/ED/Necr/Evil)|Init 0, Perc -1|CMB +3, CMD 13|10/10 Sacrifice, 1/1 Pyrotechnics, 1/1 Godless, 1/1 Rally, 1/1 Rova, 1/1 Liberate
(546 posts)
Liberty's Edge Zeno Loxley

CG male Elf Mage 4/Fighter 4/Archer 2
|AC 16, T 16, FF 11|HP: 48/48|F +5, R +7, W +7 (+2 vs Enchantment/red dragon breath)|Init +5, Perc +21|CMB +11 CMD 24|11/11 Prescience, 1/1 Pearl, 1/1 Arcane Bond
(493 posts)
Scarab Sages Sihir Aneh

CG male Wayang Illusionist 8/Veiled 2
|AC 17, T 17, FF 14|HP: 50/50|F +3, R +6, W +5 (+2 vs shadow/death)|Init +3, Perc 0|CMB +3 CMD 16|11/11 Blinding Rays, 8/8 Invisibility Field, 10/10 Veil, 1/1 Arcane Bond, 1/1 Jewel
(662 posts)
Dark Archive Xukong

CN unknown Ru-Shi Dhampir Kensei 5
|AC 14, T 14, FF 11|HP: 42/42|F +5, R 0, W +4 (-1 vs sonic, +1 vs earth/acid, +2 vs MA/poison/curse, +4 vs disease)|Init -1 Perc +2|CMB +7 CMD 16|5/5 Arcane, 2/2 Shard, 3/3 erase, 1/1 六, 1/1 Scholar, 1/1 Archivist, 1/1 Time
(697 posts)
The Exchange Nemesis Melek

NN female Aasimar Theologian 7
|AC 20, T 10, FF 20|HP: 35/35|F +4, R +2, W +9 (+1 vs fear)*|Init 0, Perc +4|CMB +6* CMD 15|Sulunai 1/1, Radiance 2/2, Fire Bolt 4/7, Channel 7/7, Bone* 40, #7
(748 posts)
Silver Crusade Xasay Xyu

CG male Wayang Dark Puppeteer 8
|AC 20, T 13, FF 18|HP: 45/45|F +2, R +8, W +4 (+1 vs water/cold, +2 vs shadow, +3 vs poison, +4 vs fear/drain/death/Necr)|Init +2, Perc +4|CMB +6 CMD 18|23/23 Perform, 3/3 Speaker, 3/3 Phantasm, 1/1 comic relief
(663 posts)
Scarab Sages Nectanebo the Vulture

CG male Elf Occultist 6
|AC 20, T 13, FF 17|HP: 39/39*|F +6*, R +4, W +5 (+2 vs Necr/curses/TNLs, +1 vs fear/conf)|Init +2, Perc +8|CMB +6 CMD 18|Deadspeaker 3/3, Ghostly Horde 1/1, Focus: ?? Gloaming, ?? Azrael, ?? Guidingstar, ?? Perun
(734 posts)
Dark Archive Xanac Candledark

CN male Wayang Psychic 6
|AC 17, T 13, FF 15|HP: 44*/32|F +2, R +4, W +4 (+2 vs shadow; +1 vs LD/sonic)|Init +2, Perc +8|CMB 0 CMD 12|Phrenic 7/7, Blurred 5/5, Gaseous 5/5, Shadow Speaker 3/4, Light\Dark 1/1, Detect Thoughts 1/1
(535 posts)
Mage Sniper
Grand Lodge Ekanta Hanoi

NN male Tiefling Soul Seer Fighter 5
|AC 20, T 14|HP: 35/35|F +4, R +5, W +4 (+2 vs negative energy, +1 vs sonic/figment/glamer/pattern/gaze/scent/poison/disease)|Init +4, Perc +9|CMB +9 (+2 to trip) CMD 23 (25 vs trip)|1/1 Explorer
(456 posts)
Sovereign Court Mercutio Menschjaeger

CN male Svetocher Dhampir Dark Lord 4
|AC 19, T 10|HP: 27/27|F +4, R +1, W +3 (+2 vs disease/MA/-1 versus positive/+1 vs fear/+4 vs Performance/sonic/language)|Init +7, Perc +3|CMB +6 CMD 16|10/15 Blood Magic, 1/1 command, 1/1 charm|Stipend: 100
(569 posts)
Sunlord Thalachos
The Concordance Heraclitus Ourobouros

male Ifrit Arcano 1
|AC 9, T 8, FF 9|HP: 9/9|F +2, R -2, W 0|Init -2, Perc -2|CMB +2 CMD 10|burning sands 1/1
(76 posts)
Sovereign Court Mikhail Ximenez

LN male Dwarf Inquisitor 3
|AC 18, T 12, FF 16|HP: 24/24|F +5, R +3 W +6 (+2 vs magic items), SR 8|Init +5 (+1 in surprise rounds), Perc +3 (+2 vs pickpockets)|CMB +4 CMD 16 (20 vs disarm/steal)|1/1 Judgment
(204 posts)
Irabeth Tirabade
The Exchange Khāṇa Tsogtsos

NN female Half-Orc Investigator 4
|AC 16, T 11, FF 15|HP: 27/27|F +4, R +7, W +9 (+2 vs death/negative energy)|Init +1, Perc +10|CMB +5 CMD 16|5/5 Inspiration, 7/7 Necroforensics, 1/1 Luck, 1/1 Showman
(497 posts)
Dark Archive Lydia Stillbourne

NN female Ancient-Born Dhampir Spiritualist 3
|AC 15, T 11, FF 14|HP: 21/21|F +2, R +2, W +7 (+2 vs disease/MA, -1 vs attribute loss, +4 vs reading/writing)|Init +1, Perc +4|CMB +5 CMD 16|3/3 dooms 1/1 Guiding Spirit, 3/3 Sense Bond, 6/6 Manifestation, 1/1 ES
(385 posts)
Sovereign Court Zahira Nefritovvy

female Vishkanya Exemplar 2
|AC 18, T 12, FF 16 (+1 dodge vs crit)|HP: 21/21|F +5, R +5, W -2 (+2 vs poison)|Init +2, Perc +4|CMB +4 CMD 16|4/4 Flexibility, 2/2 Venom, 1/1 Scion
(138 posts)
Scarab Sages Alexis "The Odd" Trismegistis

NG female Gnome True Silvered Throne 4
|AC 18, T 10, FF 18 (+4 vs SA/AoO)|HP: 41*/31|F +3, R 0, W +8 (+2 vs Illusion/disease/drugs/poison*)|Init +3, Perc +6|CMB +1 CMD 10|Wagon 1/1, Mystery 1/1, Stardust 5/5, Tongues 4/4, Guiding Star 1/1, #3*, pz*
(415 posts)
Dark Archive Black Sun

CN female Wayang Chaokineticist 5
|AC 20, T 15, FF 16|HP: 48/48 (10 nl)|F +8, R +8, W -1 (+2 vs shadow/MA/emotion, +1 vs reptilian EX abilities)|Init +4, Perc +8|CMB 0 CMD 14|Burn 2/7, Light and Dark 1/1, Voices Say 1/1, Shadow Speaker 2/4
(356 posts)
Dark Archive Saturn. S. A. B. K. F. Maitreya

CN male Samsaran Witch 2/Cleric 1
|AC 10, T 10, FF 10|HP: 17/17|F +1, R 0, W +9 (+2 vs death/negative energy)|Init 0, Perc +4|CMB 0 CMD 10|4/4 Channel, 7/7 Madness, 7/7 Chaos, 0/3 HD Undead
(51 posts)
Liberty's Edge Jezebel Gemblade

CN female Half-Elf Bloodrager 1
|AC 16, T 10, FF 16|HP: 13/13|F +5, R 0, W 0 (+3 vs MA)|Init 0, Perc -1|CMB +3 CMD 14|11/11 Bloodrage, 1/1 Rousing Oratory
(56 posts)
The Exchange Sirius Sa'luk

CN male Sylph Thief 4
|AC 18, T 15, FF 13 (+2 vs missile)|HP: 25/25|F +1, R +9, W 0 (+2 vs Air/Divi/Ench/Electricity)|Init +5, Perc +4, +1 vs surprise|CMB +8 (+2 to dirty trick/steal) CMD 18 (20 vs dirty trick/steal)|1/1 Breeze
(346 posts)
The Concordance Ecco the Brave

female Undine Ranger 1 (0 posts)
The Exchange Dandelion Wine

male Halfling Ninja 1 (0 posts)
Silver Crusade Ao Shoku

LG male Shackleborn Tiefling Paladin 3
|AC 19, T 10, FF 19|HP: 28/28|F +9, R +5, W +5|Init 0, Perc -2|CMB +5 CMD 15|5/5 Lay on Hands, 1/1 Smite Evil, 1/1 web, 1/1 Omen
(145 posts)
Sovereign Court Jericho Checkmate

Oread Bolt Knight 1 (0 posts)
Liberty's Edge Autumn Thunder

male Kitsune Samurai 1 (0 posts)
Dark Archive Ms. Frost

female ? Human Oracle 1 (1 post)