Hit Points: 21 (3d8-3+3+3)
Initiative: +1
AC: 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +1 Dexterity)
Speed: 30 feet
BAB: +2
CMB: +5
CMD: 16
Attacks: masterwork scythe +6 (2d4+4/x4) or masterwork sling +4 (1d4+3) or stingchuck +3 (1d4+3 plus vermin)
Saving Throws:
Fortitude: +2
Reflex: +2
Will: +7
Other: +2 versus disease and mind-affecting; -1 versus effects that damage, drain, or reduce physical ability scores; +4 versus written magical effects (such as glyphs, runes, sigils, and symbols) and any effect of any sort caused by reading any form of writing
Skills: Climb +3, Fly +3, Heal +8, Knowledge (Arcana, Dungeoneering, Local, Nature, Planes, Religion) +6, Linguistics +9, Profession (Librarian) +11, Spellcraft +8, Survival +6, Use Magic Device +3
Other: +4 circumstance bonus on Stealth checks against creatures without Darkvision or the See In Darkness ability while Fomalhaut hides in her shadow; +2 to Research checks (and similar, subject to DM discretion), always rolls minimum of 1d8+Intelligence modifier when reducing a library's knowledge points; +2 to all Charisma-based checks made to influence Wayangs
Occult Skill Unlocks of note:
- Automatic Writing +9
- Faith Healing +8
- Phrenology +6
DC to demoralize: 17
Favored Class: Spiritualist (+3 hit points)