6'1'', 135 lbs.; black hair; fuchsia eyes; brassy-tinged skin is usually kept almost entirely covered; joined the Andoran cause after fleeing life in the service of Razmir; spent a bit of time with a Goblin tribe in the process of escaping from Razmiran; uses his status as a celebrity actor as cover for his activities as an Andoran agent, like a light so bright it blinds those who try to look directly at it; skeptical, sardonic, and disquietingly knowledgeable about religion in general; has acquired a sort of admiration for geniekind; never seen without his exquisitely adulterated Razmiran mask, only a handful of people have seen his true face and know it - even fewer are still alive
Prestige Awards:
personal theatre
Liberty's Edge protégé: Rova the (Lovely) Assistant
Faction Objectives: Season 6:
Free Slaves/Captives/Hostages + + +!
Adventure in +the River Kingdoms +Numeria !
Mentor named freed slave NPC +!
Defeat a Known Slaver +!
Break Free of Mind Control +!
Speech Against Slavery +!
Total Goals met: 6! Season 10:
Free Slaves/Captives/Hostages + +
Defeat a Known Slaver +!
Mischief +
Total Goals met: 1
Attacks:+1 Silver Heavy Flail +4 (1d10/19-20) or +1 Darkwood Light Crossbow +5 (1d8+1/19-20)
Other: +1 to attack and weapon damage vs known slavers
Saving Throws:
Fortitude: +5
Reflex: +4
Will: +6
Other: +2 on Constitution checks to stabilize, and to saving throws versus divine spells and spell-like abilities, fire, negative energy, death, energy drain, Necromancy, and Evil effects; +Charisma modifier versus mind-affecting
Other: +1/2 level to Use Magic Device checks to use spell-trigger/spell-completion items that cast divine spells, +2 to Day Job rolls; +2 to Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive against Goblins; +2 to all Charisma-based skill checks against Razmir-worshippers; +1 to Charisma-based skill and ability checks to influence Mendevian Crusaders
jeweled mask (100 gp)
aristocratic garb and jewelry
Handy Haversack
4 days of trail rations
+1 Silver Heavy Flail +1 Darkwood Light Crossbow
17 bolts
scroll case
scroll of tongues (CL 10th)
wand of magic missile (42 charges)
wand of cure light wounds (33 charges)
wand of lucky number (40 charges)
wand of bless (19 charges)
wand of disguise self (5 charges)
wand of magic missile CL 3rd (17 charges)
wand of resist energy CL 3rd (12 charges)
wand of command undead (11 charges)
wand of glitterdust (7 charges)
wand of blur (6 charges)
wand of cure moderate wounds (15 charges)
wand of invisibility purge (12 charges)
wand of cure critical wounds (9 charges)
3 flasks of holy water
mess kit
grooming kit
scrivener's kit
1-oz vial of ink
3 sheets of parchment
pyrography kit
entertainer's kit
juggler's kit (at home)
book of war prayers Ring of Protection +2 Headband of Alluring Charisma +4 Sihedron Medallion
skillslot (Implant Value 1)
custom mark III skillchip (Sense Motive)