About Nectanebo the VultureVoice of: Brent Spiner 6'5'', 149 lbs.; long, straight silver hair; tawny skin; deep lavender eyes Laurels:
#40025-13 Experience: 16 Prestige: 13 Fame: 25 Prestige Awards:
Faction Objectives:
Faction Rewards:
Perils: 1
Travails: 2
Hit Points: 27 (6d8-6)
Initiative: +2 AC: 20, touch 13, flat-footed 17 (+7 armor, +2 Dexterity, +1 dodge) Other: +1 to initiative in Cheliax Speed: 20 feet BAB: +4
Attacks: Guidingstar +7 (1d10+4/18-20) or masterwork composite longbow +7 (1d8/x3) Saving Throws:
Skills: Appraise +15, Craft (Jeweler) +17, Diplomacy +4, Disable Device +12, Disguise +4, Fly +8, Knowledge (History) +17, Knowledge (Arcana, Engineering, Planes, Religion) +14, Knowledge (Dungeoneering, Geography, Local, Nature, Nobility) +8, Linguistics +14, Perception +8, Profession (Any) +2, Profession (Gambler) +6, Sense Motive +4, Sleight of Hand +6, Spellcraft +14, Use Magic Device +18 Other: +2 to Spellcraft checks to identify magic items and Knowledge (History) checks to identify/recognize/evaluate art; +1 to Appraise checks to identify/recognize/evaluate art, Survival checks to hunt game, and Spellcraft checks involving crystals or gems; +2 to Perception checks to notice hidden objects/traps/secret doors when in the Gloomspires; +2 to Knowledge (History, Local, Nobility) checks concerning Cheliax; +4 to Knowledge (Arcana) and Spellcraft checks to identify Conjuration spells and effects; +4 to Knowledge (Religion) checks regarding the Old Cults; +2 enhancement bonus to concentration checks; +6 to Day Job Rolls† Occult Skill Unlocks of note:
DC to demoralize: 16 Favored Class: Occultist (+3 Focus)
Racial Abilities:
Low-Light Vision Keen Senses Elven Weapon Familiarity Blightborn Elven Magic Traits:
7th level: Mobility, retrain Additional Traits into Spring Attack 9th level: Ghost Whisperer 11th level: In Vino Veritas? Magic Trick (Floating Disk)? 13th level: Uncanny Activation Class Features:
GP: 2,391 the Gloaming Shroud
Spells Per Day: Knacks (DC 16) 1st - 6 (DC 17) 2nd - 5 (DC 18) "The Gloaming Shroud" (robe, Necromancy): This flowing cloth overcoat is the color of deeply tarnished silver, and ends in countless delicate tendrils that give the garment a rather wraith-like appearance, and sometimes seem to move of their own accord. Resonant Power:
Focus Powers:
"The Skull of Azrael" (skull, Necromancy): Though small enough to hold in one's hand (if just barely), this is unmistakably the intact skull of what was once a black dragon. It must have been very young when it died, but that does nothing to assuage the deep-seated dread you feel when you look at it - nor the feeling that as you gaze into its eye sockets, it gazes also into you.... Resonant Power:
Focus Powers:
"The Guidingstar" (weapon, Transmutation): This spectacular gemmed blade shimmers as it moves, even more than ambient light suggests it ought to. Simply looking at it inspires thoughts of all that could be, and how all that is might be better, and the desire to be the best you can be in all ways. Resonant Power:
Focus Powers:
"The Scepter of Perun" (rod, Evocation): This stout, baroque scepter is made from red gold and decorated liberally with gems in byzantine fractal patterns, and periodically crackles, flares, and vibrates with energy; it seems like something that belongs in the hand of a king, who might actually need to compete with it for the mien of authority - yet at the same time, something about it is suggestive of levels of reality that make such things as "temporal authority" look quite trivial. Resonant Power:
Focus Powers: