
Nectanebo the Vulture's page

734 posts. Organized Play character for I'm Hiding In Your Closet.




Occultist 6

|AC 20, T 13, FF 17|HP: 39/39*|F +6*, R +4, W +5 (+2 vs Necr/curses/TNLs, +1 vs fear/conf)|Init +2, Perc +8|CMB +6 CMD 18|Deadspeaker 3/3, Ghostly Horde 1/1, Focus: ?? Gloaming, ?? Azrael, ?? Guidingstar, ?? Perun


CG male





Special Abilities

Necromantic affinity


Chaotic Good




the Gloomspires


Elven, Common, Celestial, Sylvan, Goblin, Draconic, Necril, Gnomish, Osirian, Infernal, Jistka, Aklo, Ancient Osirian


adventurer, scholar, jeweler

Strength 14
Dexterity 14
Constitution 12
Intelligence 22
Wisdom 10
Charisma 10

About Nectanebo the Vulture

Voice of: Brent Spiner

6'5'', 149 lbs.; long, straight silver hair; tawny skin; deep lavender eyes



Experience: 16

Prestige: 13

Fame: 25

Prestige Awards:
personal jeweler's workshop

Faction Objectives:
Season 8:
Explore Ancient Site ++!
Recruit Scholar ++!
Recover Gem +!
Extraplanar Encounter +
Exorcise Haunt +!
4+ ranks in Appraise +!
Total Goals met: 5

Faction Rewards:
Planar Sage
Soul Warden

Gloomspire Explorer
You Be Goblin Chief
Ally of the Green
Archaeological Expert

Prediction of Future Peril
New Recruit
Explore, Report, Cooperate
Prized Find
Antidotes and Remedies (healing, disease, poison, nausea)
Bringing the Truth to Light
Ectoplasmic Enhancement
Nightmarish Pigments
Savior of "Old Flotsam"
Kaboom! Kablam!
Squealy Mnarrrr!
Imperium Initiate
Delvehaven Star
Fighting That Which Lies Between the Stars
Insight Into the Dark Tapestry

Perils: 1
- rent by ghouls

Travails: 2
- harassed by Hellknights
- embarrassed by encumbrance
- troubled with tardiness

Hit Points: 27 (6d8-6)
Initiative: +2
AC: 20, touch 13, flat-footed 17 (+7 armor, +2 Dexterity, +1 dodge)

Other: +1 to initiative in Cheliax

Speed: 20 feet

BAB: +4
CMB: +6
CMD: 18 (19 VS disarm/steal/sunder)

Attacks: Guidingstar +7 (1d10+4/18-20) or masterwork composite longbow +7 (1d8/x3)

Saving Throws:
Fortitude: +4
Reflex: +4
Will: +5
Other: +2 versus Necromancy, curses, removing temporary negative levels; +1 versus fear and confusion; +1 trait bonus to Constitution checks to run, all equipment's saving throws; +4 effective Constitution for determining threshold of death

Skills: Appraise +15, Craft (Jeweler) +17, Diplomacy +4, Disable Device +12, Disguise +4, Fly +8, Knowledge (History) +17, Knowledge (Arcana, Engineering, Planes, Religion) +14, Knowledge (Dungeoneering, Geography, Local, Nature, Nobility) +8, Linguistics +14, Perception +8, Profession (Any) +2, Profession (Gambler) +6, Sense Motive +4, Sleight of Hand +6, Spellcraft +14, Use Magic Device +18

Other: +2 to Spellcraft checks to identify magic items and Knowledge (History) checks to identify/recognize/evaluate art; +1 to Appraise checks to identify/recognize/evaluate art, Survival checks to hunt game, and Spellcraft checks involving crystals or gems; +2 to Perception checks to notice hidden objects/traps/secret doors when in the Gloomspires; +2 to Knowledge (History, Local, Nobility) checks concerning Cheliax; +4 to Knowledge (Arcana) and Spellcraft checks to identify Conjuration spells and effects; +4 to Knowledge (Religion) checks regarding the Old Cults; +2 enhancement bonus to concentration checks; +6 to Day Job Rolls†

Occult Skill Unlocks of note:
- Psychometry +15
- Automatic Writing +14
- Phrenology +14
- Read Aura +8
- Hypnotism +4
- Prognostication +4

DC to demoralize: 16

Favored Class: Occultist (+3 Focus)

Racial Abilities:
Low-Light Vision
Keen Senses
Elven Weapon Familiarity
Elven Magic

Magic: Pragmatic Activator
Deity: Sovyrian Pantheist
Faction: Reverent Wielder
Social: Worldly*
Combat: Careful Combatant*

Armor Proficiencies (Light, Medium)
Shield Proficiency
Weapon Proficiencies (Simple, Martial, Elven)
Breadth of Experience
Additional Traits*

7th level: Mobility, retrain Additional Traits into Spring Attack

9th level: Ghost Whisperer

11th level: In Vino Veritas? Magic Trick (Floating Disk)?

13th level: Uncanny Activation

Class Features:
4 Implements
16 Mental Focus
Focus Powers (DC 19)
Necromantic Bond
Magic Item Skill +3
Deadspeaker 3/day
Shift Focus
Ghostly Horde 3d6 (DC 19) 1/day


GP: 2,391

the Gloaming Shroud
the Skull of Azrael
the Guidingstar (+1 Elven Curve Blade)
the Scepter of Perun
courtier's finery
Handy Haversack
masterwork jeweler's tools
masterwork thieves' tools
Wayfinder marked with the Delvehaven Star
"Vulture's Shadow" (+1 Mental Focus Breastplate)
masterwork composite longbow
18 arrows
14 days of Elven trail rations
flint and steel
mess kit
grooming kit
scrivener's kit
1-oz. vial of ink
2 sheets of parchment
100 ft. of twine
8 candles
copper candlestick
tennis gear
fine deck of waxed lamprey-vellum cards
novelty clockwork teeth
book of puzzles (7 left)
scroll box:
scroll of remove fear (CL 4th)
scroll of remove fear (CL 8th)
wand of crafter's fortune† (48 charges)
wand of cure light wounds (39 charges)
wand of lucky number (39 charges)
wand of identify (22 charges)
wand of lesser restoration (8 charges)
wand of ghostbane dirge (6 charges)
hex nail
3 gourd leshy seeds
3 doses of oil of taggit
"From Rivers to Mountains" (at home)
"History of Isger" (at home)
"The Nine Secrets" (at home)
copy of "The Pnakotic Manuscripts"
Headband of Vast Intelligence +2 (keyed to Fly)
Feather Token ("Old Flotsam")
Ring of Arcane Signets


Spells Per Day:
Knacks (DC 16)
1st - 6 (DC 17)
2nd - 5 (DC 18)

"The Gloaming Shroud" (robe, Necromancy): This flowing cloth overcoat is the color of deeply tarnished silver, and ends in countless delicate tendrils that give the garment a rather wraith-like appearance, and sometimes seem to move of their own accord.

Resonant Power:
Necromantic Focus

Focus Powers:
Mind Fear
Necromantic Servant (13 hp, BAB +4, +3 damage)

Knacks - touch of fatigue
1st - bed of iron, decompose corpse
2nd - false life, ghoul touch, lipstitch

"The Skull of Azrael" (skull, Necromancy): Though small enough to hold in one's hand (if just barely), this is unmistakably the intact skull of what was once a black dragon. It must have been very young when it died, but that does nothing to assuage the deep-seated dread you feel when you look at it - nor the feeling that as you gaze into its eye sockets, it gazes also into you....

Resonant Power:
Necromantic Focus

Focus Powers:
Mind Fear
Necromantic Servant (13 hp, BAB +4, +3 damage)

Knacks - grave words, disrupt undead
1st - inflict light wounds, grasping corpse
2nd - purge spirit, command undead

"The Guidingstar" (weapon, Transmutation): This spectacular gemmed blade shimmers as it moves, even more than ambient light suggests it ought to. Simply looking at it inspires thoughts of all that could be, and how all that is might be better, and the desire to be the best you can be in all ways.

Resonant Power:
Physical Enhancement (≤+4)

Focus Powers:
Legacy Weapon +2
Philosopher's Touch (≤2 weapons)

Knacks - open/close
1st - lead blades
2nd - knock

"The Scepter of Perun" (rod, Evocation): This stout, baroque scepter is made from red gold and decorated liberally with gems in byzantine fractal patterns, and periodically crackles, flares, and vibrates with energy; it seems like something that belongs in the hand of a king, who might actually need to compete with it for the mien of authority - yet at the same time, something about it is suggestive of levels of reality that make such things as "temporal authority" look quite trivial.

Resonant Power:
Intense Focus (≤+4)

Focus Powers:
Energy Ray 3d6

Knacks - flare
1st - shocking grasp
2nd - sound burst