
Ao Shoku's page

145 posts. Organized Play character for I'm Hiding In Your Closet.


Shackleborn Tiefling


Paladin 3

|AC 19, T 10, FF 19|HP: 28/28|F +9, R +5, W +5|Init 0, Perc -2|CMB +5 CMD 15|5/5 Lay on Hands, 1/1 Smite Evil, 1/1 web, 1/1 Omen


LG male





Special Abilities

infernal powers, Tsukiyo's favor, Oath of Vengeance


Lawful Good




near Kassen, Nirmathas


Tien, Infernal, Common, Draconic

Strength 14
Dexterity 10
Constitution 14
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 6
Charisma 18

About Ao Shoku

6', 180 lbs.

Voice of:

If he were an ice cream, he would be...

If he were a pie, he would be a...

If he were a soup, he would be...

If he were an historical building, he would be...



Experience: 6

Prestige: 6

Fame: 8

Prestige Awards:

Faction Objectives:
Season 10:
Defeat Evil Monster +
Show Mercy ++!
Total Goals met: 1

Faction Rewards:


Confirmed Field Agent
Explore, Report, Cooperate
Friend of Janira Gavix
Masterful Performance
Clockwork Spy

Hit Points: 28 (3d10+6)
Initiative: 0
AC: 19, touch 10, flat-footed 19 (+5 armor, +2 shield, +2 natural)

Speed: 20 feet

BAB: +3
CMB: +5
CMD: 15

Attacks: masterwork gandasa +6 (2d4+2/x3), masterwork naginata +6 (1d8+3/x4), masterwork cestus +6 (1d4+2/19-20), or chakram +3 (1d8+2)

Saving Throws:
Fortitude: +9
Reflex: +5
Will: +5

Other: immune to fear and disease

Skills: Diplomacy +8, Escape Artist +3, Handle Animal +8, Heal +2, Intimidate +11, Knowledge (Nobility) +6, Knowledge (Religion) +8, Perform (Winds) +9, Ride 0, Sense Motive +2

Other: +2 circumstance bonus to Perform (Winds) checks with his flute

Favored Class: Paladin (+3 healing when Laying on Hands upon self)

Racial Abilities:
Darkvision 60 feet
Cold/Electricity/Fire Resistance 5
Shackleborn Skills
Prehensile Chain
web (DC 16) 1/day

Social: Talented (Winds)
Region: Vagabond Child (Escape Artist)
Magic: Magical Knack (Paladin)
Faith: Omen

Armor Proficiencies (Light, Medium, Heavy)
Shield Proficiency
Weapon Proficiencies (Simple, Martial)
Armor of the Pit
Additional Traits

5th-7th level: Unsanctioned Knowledge, Unsanctioned Detection?

Class Features:
Aura of Good (faint)
Detect Evil
Smite Evil +4/+3 1/day
Divine Grace
Lay on Hands 1d6 5/day
Aura of Courage
Divine Health
- Sickened


GP: 1,272.5

silver holy symbol of Tsukiyo
explorer's outfit
backpack (purchase Handy Haversack when affordable [2,000 gold])
scale mail
heavy darkwood shield
masterwork gandasa
masterwork naginata
masterwork cestus
7 chakra
exquisite set of Tsukiyoite holy scrolls (25 gp)
mess kit
grooming kit
flint and steel
3 days of trail rations
3 flasks of acid
2 flasks of alchemist's fire
masterwork flute
nice ebony dominoes set (1 gp)
wand of cure light wounds (10 charges)

Code of Tsukiyo:
I am the voice for those who go unheard, be they spirits who cannot speak or those whom society has judged as broken or insane. I shall open the doors for others to listen to the voiceless when I can, and when I cannot, I will speak in the words of the voiceless, not my own.

I am the eyes for those who cannot understand the truths of others who are not like them. I shall teach others how to accept, support, and celebrate those who think and speak differently than they do.

I am the guide for mortal minds and souls. I shall offer kindness and aid to the lost, the frightened, the confused, and the dead. I shall calm restless spirits, and I shall banish violent ones with what compassion I can provide without endangering others.

A different perspective can bring both fulfillment and pain. I do not judge those who wish to remain as they are, no matter what disadvantages it may bring them, nor do I judge those who suffer and wish to be changed.

There is no shame in madness, and so I do not make madness shameful by imposing it on my enemies as a punishment. Though darkness and attacks on the mind are tools I may use to vanquish the unjust, my actions will never force lasting insanity upon my foes.