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Rules Questions

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How does Empty Quiver Style interact with Flurry of Blows?

Question about Stone and Wood Colossus Alternate Form and their selective antimagic aura

Dragons+Sorcerer stack?

Natural Lycanthropy and the Full Moon.

Mind Barrier and Rider effects

Choosing a trait that benefits only later, possible to take?

magic item crafting

What craft check are you rolling against for the Useen Engineers spell?

Item Mastery Feats...and Rage

Time to grow a good berry bush.

Can two crafters make one magic item?

Cleric oracle combination question

Monk AC Bonus + Bracers of Armor

Ki Visions.

Killed Summoned Monsters 24 Hour Reform Question

Looking for a way to reduce the time to treat deadly wounds

Mythic Demon Lord Questions

Questions about psychometabolic corruption

Gilded whispers and Arcane Eye

Does a giant scorpion have a climb speed?

Gem of Seeing action

Fortnite building class?

Alchemist throwing Bone Burn at Undead?

Fungal Creature template and creature types...

Casting spells stealthily

Transformative Single to Double Weapon Enchantment Questions

Outflank + Paired Opportunist + Crit Chains?

Am I right that cipher script doesn't affect book rental?

Ioun Stones

Automatic Bonus Progression and Familiars or Animal Companions

Vigilante's Favored Maneuver

Can you cast a spell at a lower caster level?

Cursed Item Identify DCs?

Dual Class Spell Duration and Damage

Kill a ghost in an anti-magic shell

Do the border guards have an illegal potion?

Explosive Calligraphy stacking damage

Item crafting gold requirement npc vs player

Friendly Switch. Full movement switch or 5-foot-step switch?

Does Cackle / Chant extend one or all Hexes

Do flying creatures that get stunned fall?

Permanency and Magic Item Effects on a valid target that later becomes an invalid target

Magical Knack and Negative Level

Firearm oil

Mounted Combat Questions

Can't I create a Cleric with access to four domains?

Phantom Charisma Ability Bonus

Blood Hexes for Shamans / Witches

Feather Token (Tree) Rules question.

Polymorph any object and possession

Cassisian Human Form

Exemplar Trait + Magical Knack

Create Demiplane (non-lesser) and Genesis question

Runic Charge + Pounce

Dwarf druid with goliath archetype

Another Day and Grapple

Can an animal companion read?

Kineticist Supercharge total burn reduction

Natural Attacks and Multiattack

Goliath Druid wildshape into Two-Headed Troll, possible?

Bonus Stacking question

Emblem of Greed Questions

Oil of Tears to Wine?

FAQ States Bodyguard is not an AOO. So is Total Defense + Bodyguard fine then?

Downtime Activities

Is there any rule preventing a PC from taking two Prestige Classes simultaneously?

monk vs unchained monk

Pugnacious trait upgrade

Looking for a small amount of guidance on Strand of Prayer Beads

Provoking AoO

Can animals be cohorts?


Flash foward and mounts

Does the Disruption special weapon property activate on every hit?

How many times can Blightburn Paste be used?

Negative channelin question


Negative channelin question


Incorporeal Creatures & High Tech Weaponry

Brevoy Bandit

undead vs kineticist

Sanity check: HHH Pact Wizard capstone and initiative.

Learning Spells w / o Rest

Does casting spell-like ability count as casting spells?

Pack flanking with ranged attacks

Need help finding price and ego of an intelligent item

The witch learns magic tricks called "Hexes" are these considered spells then? for the purpose of spell curse effect

Does vampiric focus stack with all levels?

Would these two stack?

Crane Wing and confirming critical threats

Wolf Shaman Wild Shape Question

Summoner Question

Spiritualist Fused Consciousness

castle building

Unhallowed Creature

Shadowdancer Summon Shadow ability

Rage-Cycling with Good For What Ails You and a Scarlet and Green Cabochon

Stunning Fist question


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