Rules Questions

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Unchained classes and existing Archetypes

Gauntlet Unarmed Strikes and AoO

Headband of Vast Intelligence skill + skillpoints?

Blink and Blind-Fight

Ships: Sailing & Combat

Can you apply Construct only templates to a Tsukumogami, and can you make an Undead Tsukumogami?

Spell Combat Thrown Starknife?

Bhole natural reach 60 feet?

Does this armor combo work?

Deadly aim and Magic Missile.

Can you Dispel an Anti-Magic field?

Sharding and Deflect

Larva of the Outer Gods Liberated Flesh ability

BAB and attack spells

umbral dragon shadow breath -- negative energy?

Slayer Study vs Crimson Templar Fiendish Study

Tiefling "invisible to undead"

Can a crossblooded sorcerer take the unique bloodline alternative capstone?

Hand of the Apprentice+Double weapon

Spell Combat (not Spellstrike!) with a Sharding Weapon

Wyrwood Traits

Wizard Archetype Spell Sage Spell Study - Scribing Spells and Other Crafting

Can I choose to have an action take longer?

Do elemental styles...

Does RAW - Rune of Durability double a monk\brawler's hp?

Crafting firearms

Quick draw and TWF.

Information Diverse obedience with other boons

Improved Possession feat and creatures with racial caster levels

Animal companion and deity

Critical Confirmation

Magic fang

Critical Confirmation

Does Scathing Tirade have a saving throw?

Rescuing PC swallowed by unconscious fish when you're a whale

Can you have a Tulpa of a templated creature?


Ice Body vs Medusa

Multiple Familiars?

Pinned / tied creature polymorphs into larger creature: how do you rule it?

Rules questions in regards to oozes, dying and fast healing

Weird Mistake in Bestiary 1?

rules question: spell duration: detect magic

Kineticist - Hurricane Queen question


ACG's Mongrel Mage archetype for the Sorcerer NEEDS ERRATA

Animal companion and deity

Possession and Bilocation, can they be used to obtain a permanent new body?

Paladin's Divine Bond Ability

Divine Countenance & Beyond Morality

Spell Blast (Su) from Apocalypse Mystery...Combat Maneuver using???

Entropic Shield and Invisibility

Do Awakened / Animated Objects possess souls? Do items that gain Intelligence on their own?

Umbral Umbral Scion Sorcerer?

Spell Cartridges vs Shield Spell

Clarification on Secret Signs feat and somatic only spells

Advanced Rogue Talent: Familiar and Boon Companion feat

Does Shield Slam make Shield Snag unusable?

Sub Class skills for Craft, Profession and Perform.

Slayer's Feint and Deceptive Weapon Quality

Magical Darkness & Friendly Touch Spells

Slayer's Feint and Deceptive Weapon Quality

There's no rule saying a spirit dog can't cast basketball

Kineticist (Aether) & Knife Master Rogue

【PF 1】Speak Local Language

Can the control weather spell change the temperature?

Another rule question (Evangelist)

Complicated rules interaction

Enchantment and Guns like Flamethrowers

Does Major Image end in a non-combat situation if people know its an illusion?

Enchantment and Guns like Flamethrowers

I've read some discussions, in conclusion, how much health does the doppelganger Simulacrum have?

Oathbound Paladins and Oath Spells

stunned and then healed

If you have a bloodline and take a class that lets you choose whether to have a bloodline do you need to?

Does taking a readied action count as ending your turn again?

Advanced versatile (martial) performance

Transport via Plants & Planes

What is considered similar abilities?

Arcanist Occultist summon question

Perm Enlarge / Alter Self Interaction

Poleiheira Adherent - Airship?

Theoretical Animal Ally + Bonded Mount Oracle levels?

Silence and Will Save Official Rule

Long-term Heal: Ability damage

Featherweight Dart

Does Armored Might work with Enduring Armor?

Bleeding Attack feat with multiple attacks

Protection From Alignment and having a separate entity fully inside the barrier.

Question about kineticist's talent Greater elemental whispers and wysps.

Globe of invulnerability vs magic weapons or magic items

What counts as "contact"?

Any way to remove a curse from a magic weapon?

Explosive Bomb + Scatter Weapon w / Gun Chemist Alchemist

a one level from Vivisectionist to solve the low sneak attack of nature fang druid

Is there a FAQ I'm missing that allows Green Knight Cavalier to have Order of the Green OR Order of the Blossom?

Possession Spell

Can I add the Furious weapon enchantment to an Amulet of mighty fists.

Ioun Kineticist breaking ioun stones

Zygomind and Entrap

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