Rules Questions

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Return to Identifying Magic Items - Clarifying the DCs for Spellcraft

Do all magic missles do the same damage? or do you roll for each?

Basilisk gaze attacks, tower shields and letting go

Suggestion in combat

Glorious Heat and Fire Bolt (fire domain)?

Passive / Continuous Special Weapon Enchantments On A Shield Being Used Defensively

Mage's disjunction and spells

Reckless infatuation as budget banishment?

Why does trollblood elixir cost more to craft than it does to buy

Sensei Monk: Insightful strike and melee touch attacks hit modifier

Favored Enemy Stacking

Haagenti and cognatogen


Figuring out a promethean alchemists homunculus AC

Haagenti and cognatogen

Marionette possession interactions with sleeping creatures and telepathic targeting

Custom Racial Favored Class Option

Please help; building a dragon.

Mythic Adventures Gallows Rope Item and Diehard Feat Interaction

Help clarification with unchained eidolon

Enervation / Energy Drain and Orc Bloodline / Blood Havoc

Crane Riposte and Further Attacks of Opportunity

Shatter Defenses Clarification

How do Perception and Traps exactly work?

How can I decide the HD and STATISTICS of a Troop Subtype creature?

Do you lose prone immediately upon becoming airborne?

Venom Siphoner Poisonous Familiar ranged touch attack...

Cleric Domain damaging powers

Bottled oozes: are other oozes prey?

Turning a standard action into a natural attack

Innocuous Shape - save or die at 4th lvl?

Okayo Panache, Unarmed Strike, and Dex to Damage

Fighting in the Dark

Fighting while hanging from the ceiling

Trip with magical weapon

Elemental Commixture with a wand

Would Bracers of the Merciful Knight improve the effectiveness of Mercy at the same time?

Undead "killed" by Channel Energy, are they turned to dust if corporeal?

Illusions again


what is "every day" when it comes to saving throws?

Dire bat glider

Telekineticist and the adjudication of their telekinetic blast simple blast wild talent

Low ability scores and higher spell slots

Does Lightning Stance apply to Spring Heeled Sprint?

Negative Levels: Save Every Day or Permanent?

Does "accomplished sneak attacker" feat stack with the "sense vitals" spell?

help me figure out the chart please


Do spells cast on me continue after death and resurrected?

When to make skill checks

Change a skill’s relevant ability

Doppelganger Simulacrum and modifying the body (either the original or the copy)

Thirsting Blade's Keen Ability

Does Stench work underwater, and if so, how and when?

What, exactly, doesn't stack when stacking rats?

Warrior Poet Jininsiel's Guidance Rogue level?

Spell Perfection and Metamagic Rods

Fearsome Duplicate movement restrictions?

Rogue and Disable traps

Klar Questions

balanced summons

Monk unarmed attacks vs undead

Frostfallen creature and SLA's

Grappled, Grappling, & Casting Spells with somatic or material components

Demoralize and stacking fear effects.

Craft (painting) what does this skill do?

Tripping with Deft Doublestrike

"Phase Step" and "Dimensional Agility / Assault / Dervish"?

Wish as dispel Vs spellbane immune to dispel

Music of the Spheres Spell and Undead

Can an Animate Objects have multiple Additional Movements

Improving Homunculi taking multiple spell like abilities

Max Sneak Attack Exception

Summoned creatures after effects in 1st edition

Can you extract poison from a Familiar with the Figment archetype?

Hefty Brute feat and Titanic armor ability; do they stack?

Oath bound paladin and allignment

Preserving Flask and Infusions

dwarf vs duergar

Steal Years stacking

When an Arcanist selects the Familiar exploit at 3rd level, should he need to perform the 200gp / level ritual to get his first familiar?

Rolling d100?

Stunning Fist as a Feat for Monks

Choose not to accept Personal & Dismissible spell:

Can I choose the dodge feat multiple times?

Brawler Question(S), Ascetic Style, and Double-Chained Kama

Slashing Grace feat

Skald Archetypes...

Does a Cloak of Displacement or Blur spell work underwater?

Polymorph Any Object


Coming back from the dead and negative conditions

Is this the correct way to run spot checks?

Superstitious barbarian and cure spells

Confirming Crits

A humoculous toughened hide and other natural armor

Cyclonic weapon vs Winds of Vengeance

Does the cord work with these?

Multiclass Monk Question

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