Mike Lindsey's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters.

Scarab Sages

Preparing to go into the mayor's villa in part 2, the adventure says that the PCs should be partway through 4th level.

All my PCs are averaging right around 4k gp spread across gold and items. The core rulebook says that halfway through 4th level, the PCs should have around 8k gp in wealth.

Was I supposed to be tossing bags of cr appropriate gold on the corpses of the several dozen humanoids that they've killed, that the module has listed with no gold? Was there something else that I've missed?

Scarab Sages

I've been running CoT for a couple months now, my players have made it through the six trials, and are already 5th level.

It seems like the story awards aren't supposed to be divided... If I divide by the number of players, they're 4-5k xp behind where they should be, but if I don't divide, they're 3-4k ahead of where the module thinks they should be.

Part of that is them managing to get every single story award so far. I've been good about not softballing anything; other than the diplomacy award for Thesing in the first bit. That one I softballed, since the diplomacy dc is based off of Thesing's stats, which weren't included. Cleric got rolled in the high 20s so I gave it to them.

What am I doing wrong?