Aquatic Elf

Ghostly Spirit's page

11 posts. Alias of David Fryer.


The Funeral March begins playing in the background

No, this is a phantom post.



It may come back to haunt me.


lynora-Jill wrote:
The Assassin wrote:

Poetry frowns and considers her answer. Because my mistress commands it.
And who exactly is your mistress? LJ asks coldly.

A shimmering figure appears. That would be me. I am Sirone, Mistress of the Waves.

"Beware the Raven. It is a harbinger of dread. Doom follows in his wake, and death flies in his draft."

Very Tempermental PlantJack wrote:

Hmm. I must alert KC.

Plantjack departs.

Materializes in front of PlantJack "Kobold Cleaver and I have already spoken and he is aware of what is happening. There is no need to bother him further on this issue."

Kobold Cleaver wrote:

KC looks in fear.

"What is this? What are you?"

"A friend and ally. That is all you need know at this point. You, and my agents will be safer that way."

"No," answers a voice that appears to come from a strangely glowing figure. "He has consorted with the dark forces, even unwittingly, and we must know where he stands before we offer him the choice."