
Convert of Emperor Sebastian's page

27 posts. Alias of David Fryer.


FREEDOM for Sebastian.

Sebastian wrote:
Pony Stalker wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
KaeYotik wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
IssacX wrote:

You need more moderators and Cut the number of pages down to 10 per thread, then start new thread plz! Most of the comments are 1 liners and the threads go all over the place I know these forums are young and under funded but 551 pages on one topic is insanity!


I agree!
Wow... Way to bring it back to the OP.

I felt like people were forgetting our true goal here. To get 551 pages!

Hey, here's a fun new rule - quote the prior post everytime you post.

Mha ha ha...

Uh......I did that for a while. Read the damn thread before you say something.

Okay, so maybe it's not a "new" rule.

Or, maybe you used your time machine to go into the future when I would have the idea of doing it and then did it before me, thus stealing my idea FROM THE FUTURE!!!

I think that's more likely.

Lookee a horsey!!
Damnit. Haven't you noticed that I'm into little girls, not whatever the f!%@ it is you are (inbred hillbilly jester? leering mentally challenged trick-or-treater? Heathy?)
Yeah, my pony.

That's more like it.

Also, this rule is stupid.

But it's your ruler oh magnificent stallion.

I grind them up and mix thm in with my coffee.

Time to make vacation plans.


Clearly you have never engaged in world domination.


Kobold Cleaver wrote:
You know, I only see two accounts in the cult: David and Slaad. Losers.

Really? They must not teach you to count past two in kobold school. I count six, including yours. Luser.

Secretlyreplacedwith wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
The One True Sebastian wrote:
Oh yeah, that's original.
Well, it is nice to reciprocate.

On your behalf, CJ, allow me to reiterate in a loud a provacative manner...


While I am extremely awesome and worthy of praise from even the most insignificant cockroach, you so-called cultists shame yourselves with your complete willingness to debase yourselves to another person. If your going to follow in my footsteps, at least try to act like your better than everyone else.

That's funny, I thought I heard Sebastian, but instead I see a flesh golem trying to convince himself that he could ever be as good as our lord.

CourtFool wrote:
Egos are like bums.

Poodles like to sniff them?

Glory all in the majesty that is Sebastian. All hail the pony lord!

Callous Jack wrote:
Jack Hammer wrote:
Daigle wrote:

Seriously. There could be.

Only in the cool threads.
Well that explains why Sebastian has no cultists then.

He has me!

We have officially past the Jacks.

And considering we are all just figments of Sebastin's imagination,


JollyRoger wrote:
Convert of Emperor Sebastian wrote:
If you want to attract the 12-24 year old male population you could always try the White Wolf model. fill your books with random and gratuitous shots of bare nipples and uncovered butts. I feel like a dirty old man every time I look through an Exalted book.
You're not a dirty, old man?

I refuse to accept that I'm old.

Tarren Dei wrote:
Convert of Emperor Sebastian wrote:
If you want to attract the 12-24 year old male population you could always try the White Wolf model. fill your books with random and gratuitous shots of bare nipples and uncovered butts. I feel like a dirty old man every time I look through an Exalted book.

That's what the demographics say.


Bow anyway.


No, Lord Sebastian is a magnificent stallion! Bow down before the Stallion Lord stupid dog-lizard.

It's easier to kick you and walk over you that way.

How dare you speak of the Lord Sebastion, King of the Ponies and Emperor of the plains like that!!!!!

Besides, Pinkie Pie will running my character for the next few weeks.

All hail Lord Sebastian

Sebastian wrote:
Sorry if I was being a bastard in my response, I was trying to be polite, but was a little frustrated when I responded.

I can't believe this is happening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you want to attract the 12-24 year old male population you could always try the White Wolf model. fill your books with random and gratuitous shots of bare nipples and uncovered butts. I feel like a dirty old man every time I look through an Exalted book.

Andrew Turner wrote:
NPC Dave wrote:
As I understand it, Somalia was stabilizing under a coalition government of moderate and fundamentalist Islamic groups...someone decides to invade and destroys what was built.
Do you really believe this, or are you baiting?

Why does it have to be one or the other?

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
The pic of the guy on the unicorn makes me want to take lye and a toothbrush to my eyeballs...

I have added it to my shrine.

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