Grau Soldado

Hugo van der Maarl's page

14 posts. Alias of NothingBoy.


Male Human Cleric/1

Hugo nods grimly at Alexa and steels himself to go into battle against the rising dead. Mace in hand, he withdraws his holy symbol from his robes as he steps forwards to the graves. His gaze shifts from grave to grave, tensely waiting for the first rotten, dirt covered claw to break the surface.

Channel Energy:
Hugo should be in a position to hit all three graves with a channel energy radius and readies an action to bust out some holy power as soon as the first appears. I'm assuming that for the purposes of enemies underground, Channel Energy is essentially a spherical emanation?

Channel Energy: 1d6 ⇒ 3

Male Human Cleric/1

Hugo slows to a halt beside Alexa as her arm lashes out in front of him. At here words of warning and at the sight and smell of the open graves, he wordlessly unhitches his untarnished mace from his belt and seizes tightly at the grip.

The wind whips lightly at his cloak as he at first surveys the seemingly empty graveyard before shifting his gaze to each of his companions, the uncertainty evident in his expression.

He then leans his head towards Creel and whispers:
"...I don't see anything, do you?"

Male Human Cleric/1

Taking stride with the purposeful Alexa and more than a little bewildered by the sudden influx of strangers associated with the late Professor's funeral, Hugo's eyes settle on the battered, brusied and in some instances mangled forms of the two strangers.

"By the Lady, you're in ribbons! I don't know what you have been tangling with but you are lucky to be alive. This is no safe land outside this village, especially for a stranger"

Hugo places a hand on each of Madeline's shoulders and ignoring her recoil from a stranger's grasp, channels positive energy into her beleagured form, still shocked at himself and his newly developing powers.

Channel Energy 1d6 ⇒ 5 to all within 30ft

Hugo opens his eyes and allows himseld a wan and humorless smile
"Consider this a greeting gift; welcome to my home"

Male Human Cleric/1

Hugo rolls a knowledge History check and realises Diablo 3 came out. He believes the absence of party members may be connected.

Male Human Cleric/1

Hugo thinks to himself for a second before responding.

Yes. From the sounds of it Kendra is in obvious distress following the burial. It would be prudent to check in on her

He gives a curt nod to the father before gathering his mantle around him and turning back to Kendra.

If you would allow me to lead the way m'lady. I know the way to the Lorrimor estate.

Male Human Cleric/1

TO GM - Will go directly to Father Grimburrow directly after first post. Just wanted some information around him first so I can engage appropriately (KN Local Roll). Also, Alexa was by the door, thought I'd seize the opportunity to kick off the convo while we wait.

Male Human Cleric/1

This place hasn't changed...

Hugo walked slowly along the rain drenched cobbles of Ravengro, silent as the grave and contemplating how like an unchanging tomb the grey stone walls of this town appeared to him now. It had been two years since he had left here a boy, only to return now what? a scholar? a priest? a cleric of the grey lady?

The weight of his new responsibilities bubbled up from his sunconcscious. How would Father Grimburrow react to his return? Would the people of the town even cede to his "official" appointment. Would they care at all? With a sigh, Hugo pushed on and allowed himself a brief smile at the sight of the chapel rising in front of him.

What's important is I am home...and with purpose at last.

He pressed his hand to the door and notices it is already ajar. He enters, calling out "Father Grimburrow? Father? Are you he, - oh!"
He is met with a rare sight in Ravengro; a stranger in the form of a short and unkempt Varisian woman few more years than himself.

"I am sorry to disturb your prayers, m'lady. Perchance have you seen the good Father?"

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15

Used to benchmark what I remember of Father Grimburrow, the Chapel and to see if i can recall seeing this woman (Alexa) before

Male Human Cleric/1

Hello GM! I am GMT and will usually post at around 7pm when I return from work. I may occasionally be able to post from within work...but unfortunately not today :(

Will post Hugo's entrance when I get back.

Male Human Cleric/1

All done and on the profile.

Alexa - Weirdly enough one of my characters has had to run around naked in a campaign before. My local DM loves using environmental matters to screw with you (falling buildings and the like) and apparently in his game fire resistance doesn't apply to your robes if you are stood in a burning building. Especially if you're the one who set it on fire.

Male Human Cleric/1

Just re-statting my character now because I cant find the damn page I saved. I have changed him so he is neutral in all of his physical stats. I want the whole idea of him to be that he really was just a normal guy in a pretty crappy situation just trying to make life better for people in his village...until the goddess of death took notice. His power comes from his strength of character, not his strength of arms.

...So he'll be glad that one of his new friends can turn into a clawed monstrosity :)

Male Human Cleric/1

Thanks Creel, glad to be involved :) Just tunneling through the gameplay thread to catch up on the plot so far.


Grammatica (Deity) - Goddess of literacy, spelling and the written word (LN)

*Player invokes Grammatica*
*the barbarian is destroyed*

Male Human Cleric/1

Checking In. Apologies for the delay. Thank you for selecting me and hello to all.

Creel wrote:
Question B: I am assuming you mean the village of Ravengro rather that the ruined prision Harrowstone.

Ah, that would be the Ravengro adjustment to my character backstory too. Incidentally, Ravengro sounds like a potion a wizard would make to bulk up his familiar.

I would like to put young Hugo of Harrowstone in for consideration (brief character description in profile, will be bulking up later):

1: What will you add to the party?
I will serve mechanically and thematically as a balance between the disparate motivations and desires of the other party members, as well as a backbone of support to keep us going through the long dark. Adventurers are very powerful personalities, but someone like Hugo is a reminder that not all adventurers journey out of a lust for glory, riches or power, but out of a necessity to help the people who live beset on all sides by terrors that on the other side of the world would only play out in children's nightmares.

2: How do you see your character developing both in terms of mechanics and in role play?
Mechanically, my character is leaving Damage at the door. By focusing Hugo's ever growing wisdom onto strategic advantage via buffs and debuffs, I want the party's enemies to feel like they are staring down the barrel of a gun in every encounter...a gun with a Pharasma-powered-Paladin in it.

In terms of role play I see Hugo starting as an uncertain young man balancing his fear and inexperience against his will to see the world bettered by his good work. As the (I assume inevitable) horrors of the campaign unfold and he becomes more knowledgeable of the threats the party face, I expect him to become a grimmer and more resolute character motivated more by the destruction of the unholy blight than the people who suffer under them. After all, there are only so many zombified peasants you can weep over before you start wondering where the Necromancer is hiding so you can kick his door in.

3: Do you feel able to commit to attempting the entire AP?
Absolutely. No qualms at all with the posting guidelines you have posed.

4: Is there anything you want to ask us?
Which deities have the party members selected and what skill sets have they already started to groove out so I can avoid skill redundancy.


A: What is your connection to the Lorrimer family?

My family had little or no dealings with the Lorrimer family while my parents were alive, but we were always aware of their presence and station within the area. It does not serve to pry behind closed doors in Ustalav, and most families keep to themselves. It was only when I started manifesting signs of Pharasma's gift two years ago that I came into contact with them, and even then not face to face, but via a messenger.
They knew of my new found talents and had apparently observed me aiding the few townsfolk willing to let me help. I know not how, for I did not make it widely known. Within a week I received word I was to receive their "patronage" and be given travel and funds to study at the clergy stronghold on the region's border. It was only when I arrived that I realised how...well, hurried the whole thing had been. Hurried and desperate. Still, upon my return to Harrowstone I shall express my gratitude at this new life, but my mind aches over what drove them to notice me in the first place.

B: Why did you miss the funeral?
I was waylaid by many more. On my travels back the caravan I journeyed with encountered a roadside village I had passed on the first leg of my journey two years ago. The stench of Urgathoa filled the place like a dense fog *spits*. A sudden illness had whipped through the town and taken half of the population with it. I did what little I could with my new training, anxious though I was to use it, and with Pharasma's blessing slowed a few journey's to the Boneyard. I missed the burial of one man to oversee twenty others. Such is the lady's way. Ironically as the new cleric at that very church, I may very well have led the ceremony had I been matter.

C: Why are you currently in or very near the local church to Pharasma?
This old church will be my new place of work and worship now that I have returned a fully anointed member of the faith. There are scant others in the town with the gift or the wish to work both birth and grave, but we must all serve and stand together. That has never been more true at the edge of the famous Worldwound than it has been in Ustalav.

D: Why do you care what happens to a tiny hamlet in the middle of nowhere?
It is my birthplace, my home and now, my parish for as long as Pharasma sees fit to let me keep my bones from her. In my new role I can truly help, heed and give hope to the town.

E: What are you afraid of?
In truth, there is little that walks the night in this place that doesn't give a sane man cause for fear. But more than all its the insidious work of Urgathoa, the Plagueweaver, that gives me cause for fear. Silver for werewolves, stakes for vampires, holy power for the walking dead. Each have their cure. But the faceless and countless plagues, diseases and ills that stalk up from tomb, marsh and black magic? There is scant medecine but hope, hope that a man may wake with as much flesh in the morning that he went to sleep with.

I hope that was ok and worth your consideration! Do let me know if you need anything more from me.

Happy choosing! Hugo