Hey everyone, This week I am starting my latest home campaign. This is by far the biggest campaign I have ever run; with a group of eight players in total. I will introduce you to the cast of characters next week once we get started, but I wanted to show off the shiny campaign resource that I have put together for my players to enable them to get familiar with the Scarred Lands. Campaign Wiki
Until next week, good luck and good gaming.
From the look at it, the Jedi at the facility were more concerned with cleaning up and putting things back together then with preserving forensic data. However, they do tell you that a few transport shuttles were captured and several of the attackers bodies are still in cryogenic storage at the morgue.
What in particular are you looking for?
Sorry, I have been very busy the past few days. As you approach the Jedi Academy at Bespin you can see that repair work had begun. The control tower guides you into the main hanger and sends a pair of padawan to meet you.
What is your plan, are you returning to Bespin or are you going to hunt for the base?
Doctor Falomar manages to come up with a workable antidote.
Your analysis of the posion points to it being chosen principly for the fact that it could be synthisized from commonly avalible chemicals.
Doc, give me a knowledge (Life Sciences) check on the poison. Everyone give me either Knowledge (Galactic Lore) or Gather Information checks.
With your ship loaded with your requested supplies, you slip free of Courascant's atmosphere and begin your hunt for the dark jedi's base.
Let me know whether you want to have some interaction or not. I still need to figure out exactly what rolls I need you to make to find the base.
DM Dave wrote: Cordal Mhoy wrote: I don't really have any wishes, but what does the ship have in the way of shields and weapons? I'll look it up and get back to you. SR 30. This particular vessel has a pair of quad laser cannons as weapons.
Cordal Mhoy wrote: I don't really have any wishes, but what does the ship have in the way of shields and weapons? I'll look it up and get back to you.
Dr Moma Falomar wrote: Moma is directing anyone he can to put the medical goods he managed to beg, borrow, or outright appropriate from either the Jedi or the Republic into the assigned ship.
Dave - if you want me to fill out a wish list I can. If you want to assign us some stuff, I am fine with that as well.
Why doesn't everyone give me a wishlist. The New Republic will not hold back anything unless it's completely outragous, like a tactical nuke.
Cordal Mhoy wrote: DM Dave wrote: Cordal Mhoy wrote: Mhoy bows to Luke and Leia, and then promptly leaves the room. Once out of the Council chambers, he turns to his comrades. "Let us gather supplies and leave in three standard hours. I will arrange for our transportation."
Mhoy heads to the hangar to arrange for a transport. Is there anything available? There are several avalible options. The three most likely options are a YZ-775, a YT-2400, and a Loronar E-9 Explorer. I'll have the YT-2400 prepped for launch. Does it have a name? It is named the Jumping Princess.
Cordal Mhoy wrote: Mhoy bows to Luke and Leia, and then promptly leaves the room. Once out of the Council chambers, he turns to his comrades. "Let us gather supplies and leave in three standard hours. I will arrange for our transportation."
Mhoy heads to the hangar to arrange for a transport. Is there anything available?
There are several avalible options. The three most likely options are a YZ-775, a YT-2400, and a Loronar E-9 Explorer.
Cordal Mhoy wrote: "Master, can we take the chance that they do not have your hand? Surely we must proceed as if they do. We know that there Imperial vessels sighted near Cloud City; perhaps one of them is the base for these dark jedi or can be tracked to their base. Let us follow them, Master and we will discover the truth!" "Very well," Luke says. "Go and discover the source of this threat. You have the Council's blessing."
"And the Republic's as well," Leia adds.
Dr Moma Falomar wrote: DM Dave wrote: A dark look crosses Master Skywalker's face. "The Prophecy of Vader? To my knowledge that could only mean one thing. When I faced off with Darth Vader shortly after I was trained by Master Yoda, he said that I would join him and together we would defeat the Emperor and rule the universe as father and son. But my father is dead, so I wonder what they could have meant?" Moma lets out a forlorn warble from his twin throats. He bows his head dejectedly and offers his opinion."If that is truly the prophecy, what if a dark jedi seeks to fulfill it by cloning Darth Vader and Master Luke Skywalker? The stipulation about defeating the Emperor has already been met." "They would have to have my DNA in order to clone," Master Skywalker says. "I don't know how they would have gotten that, unless..." His voice trails off as he looks to his mechanical hand.
A dark look crosses Master Skywalker's face. "The Prophecy of Vader? To my knowledge that could only mean one thing. When I faced off with Darth Vader shortly after I was trained by Master Yoda, he said that I would join him and together we would defeat the Emperor and rule the universe as father and son. But my father is dead, so I wonder what they could have meant?"
Most of you have never heard anything about a "Prophecy of Vader" and Zip informs you that there is no record of such a thing. His suggestion is to speak to Master Skywalker or one of the other Masters about it.
Knowledge (Galactic Lore) checks to research the Prophecy of Vader.
The poison seems to have been administered from som kind of poison delivery system and was only present in the stormtrooper's systems.. Also, neither the stormtroopers or the dark jedi seem to have been clones, although a quick scan of the temple's medical database confirms your assessment that the most likely uses for the stolen materials is cloning.
Typically Sand Panther venom causes violent illness and suffocation.
What is everyone else doing?
Dr. Falomar determines that the poison is an artifically synthisized version of Corellian Sand Panther Toxin.

Dr Moma Falomar wrote: ::Moma bows to Master Skywalker::
"Master Skywalker. Esteemed Jedi council representatives."begins Moma as he swivels his head back and forth, acknowledging each member."What Mhoy speaks is true. We have indeed uncovered a diabolical plot by the Imperial remnant that could shake the very core of the Republic. I have evidence that they have begun a cloning process that includes replicating dark Jedi. In addition, there have been brazen attacks in the sector near Bespin, as well as the most recent attack directly against the Jedi at the academy in Tibannopolis, by these forces." Moma pulls out his holopad and punctuates his statements with supporting images of the dark Jedi, the clones and the scientific data related to it, as well as the aftermath of the attack, including which holocrons were taken.
"From what we have determined, the cloning process is real. However, the attackers that were not dark Jedi at Tibannopolis were poisoned. I am not 100% certain if this is a result of the cloning process, caused by proximity to the dark Jedi clones, or murder on the part of the dark Jedi and their masters." he concludes.
Can I determine what the poison was with a Life Science check?
"We await your instructions on how to proceed. What would you have us do?"
"This is most troubling," Luke says. "We must consult among ourselves before we decide on a course of action. Please enjoy some downtime in the temple while we confer."
You may indeed try a Life Science check to identify the poison.
4 days later
The trip back to Coruscant is uneventful and you now find yourself in front of a panel composed of members of the senate and the Jedi Council. Master Skywalker takes the lead. "Welcome home, although your trip was clearly brief. What do you have to report?"
Dr Moma Falomar wrote: I would like to interact with the Masters of the Academy if you are looking for more interaction. Otherwise, I am ready to travel back to Coruscant. Go for it.
"I'm sure there is time for that while I arrange transport back to Courascant," Master Kiturn says with a smile.
"I think Jedi Mhoy is correct doctor," Master Kiturn says. "The council and the senate must be notified of this turn of events. Will you travel back to Couracant and inform them of this matter? I will stay here and try to find out more about this "Prophecty of Vader" the attackers mentioned."
Doctor Falomar recalls a class that he took and Corine flashes back to a magazine article she briefly glanced over. Both of you realize that the supplies that were stolen could be used in cloning operations.
Corine Hallsley wrote: Cordal Mhoy wrote: "What would dark Jedi need with holocrons? Perhaps their masters are not as powerful as they wish us to believe, that they need OUR knowledge?" "Depends on what's on those holocrons", replies Corine, "Master Kitarn, do you know what's specifically on the ones taken?" "I won't without the archives," he says. "However, this doesn't seem to fit with the other pirate raids, unless....Dokal Renn can you pull upa list of the other things that were stolen?"
Can I get Knowledge checks everyone, Either galactic lore, life science, or technology?
Corine Hallsley wrote: DM Dave wrote: hoocrons "Can we confirm what was on the holocrons that were taken", asks Corine, concern clear in her tone. Master Kiturn looks at the readout. "Yes, that is the holocron vault," he says.
Dokal's digging indicates that the materials stolen were Jedi holocrons.
Dokal Ren wrote: Dokal joins the others as everyone regroups after the skirmish. Glancing at Cordal, the nautolan grins. "I'm not too sure about that; they certainly made our arrival more exciting."
Turning to Kiturn, he quickly changes subject. "Is there a computer terminal near here? I'll see if I can find any information on other groups that may still be in the city."
"You will need my access code," Master Kiturn says. He leads Dokal to a nearby terminal and types in a code. According to the security reports all the attacking groups have retreated. However, a system wide alert also indicates that several items were stolen from a vault near the center of the city.
Dr Moma Falomar wrote: A worried thought just popped into the good doctor's head. "Everyone step back, away from the fallen."
Examining the contents of the vial more closely, Moma racks his brain trying to make an educated guess if this stuff is contagious.
Life Science check, using Medical Kit if necessary
"If this is a disease or virus, it would explain the attacks on the medical supplies." offers Moma.
The stuff in the vial does not appear to be viral or bacteria. In fact it looks more like the stormtroopers were poisoned.
The one thing that Doc notices is that except the two Dark Jedi, all of the Imperial forces have a foamy blue liquid leaking from their mouthes and their eyes are red from ruptured blood vessels.
Dokal's shot drops the last Dark Jedi. As he lays dying he struggles to rise to a sitting position. "The prophecy of Vader will be fulfilled," he says as he collapses back to the round. In the distance you can see the Imperial shuttles taking off and heading back into space.
Corine is up
Dark Jedi.
Doc manages to slam the crate into the dark jedi, who falls to the ground with his head at an odd angle.
The One in Black laughs at Khisima's efforts as both swings miss wildly. "Surrender," he say in abooming voice, and we will lt you live. Otherwise your souls belong to the Maimed One."
Diviha is up
The One in Black
Diviha wrote: Diviha curses in infernal,"Nvah shthool D'KASTILL!!, as she retaliates against the armored foe.
Greatsword:1d20(18)+2(flanking bonus)=20
At this point she will take a 5ft step back
You can't take a 5 ft step when you are prone. Basically you are swinging as you fall. The One in Black winces again as Diviha's sword slams into his left arm.
Diviha wrote: DM Dave wrote: Vissakiel's spell strikes true. The One in Black lashes out with his chain and finds Diviha's ankle. Pulling hard he pulls her to the ground as the chain releaes. 3 damage
AOOs for Khismia and Diviha.
Camris is up
Khismia Were you saying I get a AOO for his trip attack? My CMD roll for that BTW is: 1d20(12)+3=15. Yes, you get an AOO for his trip attack.
Camris' swing just doesn't have enough omph and bounces harmlessly off the enemy's armor. Seeing the savage attacks on their leader, the other dwarves leap to his defense. One of them swings at Camris and strike just above the halfling's head, sending sparks from the stone. Hoever, another is more skilled and lands a powerful blow in Camris' chest. 14 damage Two more swing at Visakiel, one of whom hits him squarly in the arm. 7 damage
Khismia is up
Dokal drops the last Stormtrooper, while the standing Dark Jedi rushes the Doc and slashes at him with his lightsaber. 16 damage Doc The other Drk Jedi pulls himself together and rushes Cordal, but being smaked in the head with a shipping crate seems to have effected him more than he let on because he swings wide and misses.
Toblar is up
Vissakiel's spell strikes true. The One in Black lashes out with his chain and finds Diviha's ankle. Pulling hard he pulls her to the ground as the chain releaes. 3 damage
AOOs for Khismia and Diviha.
Camris is up
This time Diviha's swing hits and the One in Black lets out a satisfing grunt.
Visakiel is up
The One in Black
Diviha wrote: Shocked that her well timed surprise attack missed, Diviha curses,"Is this frikking cavern the central hub for all bad guys!?". Frustrated she swings again at the armored one.
Greatsword: 1d20+0=16+2(flanking bonus)=18.
Well we've already established an 18 isn't good enough to hit him.
Actually 16 wasn't good enough to hit him. 18 hits just fine.
The two dark jedi look slightly confused by Cordal's greeting. Narmin'Tier's shot hits a storage barrel and bounces away from the stormtroopers, but Corine manages anothr stunning shot and another stormtrooper goes down. The remaining stormtrooper opens fire at Cordal 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20 and slams a bolt into his shoulder. 3d8 ⇒ (6, 3, 6) = 15 damage.
Dokal is up.
Dark Jedi
Khisima's Earthbreaker continues to live up to it's name as it threatens every rock in the tunnel.
Diviha is up
The One in Black
Tobler's blaster fire drops another stormtrooper while the Doc lifts the two shipping crates and slams them into one of the Dark Jedi, knocking him senseless.
Cordal is up