
Autobot Jazz's page

12 posts. Alias of David Fryer.


Neither of them are a ninja.

Sorry, I was on my way to a summer blockbuster and got stuck on this island instead.

We were made to suffer.


Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Hah. Apparently Autobot Jazz's programing is more sophisticated.

Of course it is. I'm a highly evolve autonomous robot organism. Your are just a meat sack.

Scatbot wrote:
Appears suddenly, monitors Mairkurion's speech, then moves on to scat elsewhere.

Learn some real muzik punk b~!%+

Yo punk @$$ got me the top of the page leaf boy.

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
flash_cxxi wrote:

Find your calm centre... it's hard I know (Oh Lord how I know) but just stay away!

Try buying yourself some of those new 'Other OTD Thread' Patches. I hear they're good for taking the edge off quitting. ;)
Oh this beef this morning isn't even in the OTD. I was 'corrected' for pointing out that Pathfinder isn't D&D. link
Silly monkey. Never risk anything on an essentially contested identity question.
I had to agree and to disagree with the monkey, for reasons I explain here.
Exactly. Different audiences would be covered by different purposes. Of course, you're still WRONG, but that's okay. ;)

Shut up punk.

I even had to change my name because of copyright issues.

Shut up you b%#!%es!

Callous Jack wrote:
Autobot Jazz wrote:
whaz up little b....'s
Bah Weep Granah Weep Ninny Bon!

Where's my energon chip punk.

whaz up little b....'s