Shoanti Tribeswoman

Cleo the Summoner's page

11 posts. Alias of David Fryer.


"We really should get moving, before more kobolds come," Cleo says.

"I will gladly accomany you," Cleo says. "I must get my stuff back and complete my mission."

Vissakiel wrote:

Knowledge (arcana): 1d20(16)+6 = 22, determine info about Cleo's abilities.

Vissakiel nods to himself as her companion arrives and gives her an approving nod.

"You are a summoner, are you not?"

"That is correct," Cleo says.

Noticing Diviha's concern, Cleo smiles. "It's okay, Shadow won't bite, unless I tell him to that is," she says.

Cleo runs to the wolf and throws her arms around it's neck. "Shadow," she shouts. "Who's a good puppy, who's a good boy? Did you miss me?" Th wolf actually nods it's agreemet to the question.

"I'm sure he's around here somewhere, it may take me a little bit to find him." With that she sits down and begins chanting.

"Like I said, I can't be sure, but about 12 is the biggest group I have ever seen. Usually they appear in groups of two or three at a time," Cleo says.

"There doesn't seem to be more than a dozen or so kobolds," Cleo says. "Of course all the little biters look the same to me so I could be wrong. I never met their boss though. Apparently my skin was too smooth for his tastes."

"My partner Shadow and I were investigating rumors that bandits were raiding travellers along this route. We decided to check it out," she says. "I guess the kobolds were too much for just the two of us."

Vissakiel wrote:

"I hope that these scaly pests haven't harmed you. Are you alright, Miss...?" Vissakiel leaves the question hanging, unspoken, as he extends his long-fingered hand in a gesture of greeting.

"My name is Cleosophisa, but everyone call me Cleo," she says. "And no they did not hurt me."

"I was too busy looking at your ass to notice the tail," Cleo says.